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Dean of Students Office

Student Conduct Board Training

Initial Training

The initial training for all individuals who have applied to be a member of the Student Conduct Board (SCB) consists of three interactive training sessions, held both virtually and in person, and online modules. In total, initial training is about 8 hours, spread over the course of 3-4 weeks, mostly at your own pace.  

The interactive training sessions include our Conduct Board 101, our Listening and Questioning Activity, and our Mock Hearing. Each applicant MUST participate in all three interactive training sessions to become an active member of the Student Conduct Board.

Initial Student Conduct Board training is generally held at the beginning of each semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer). 

Summer 2025 Training Dates

Student Conduct Board 101

  • Wed, Jun. 11: 1pm-2:30pm (Virtual)
  • Fri, Jun. 13: 10am-11:30am (Virtual)

Listening & Questioning Activity

  • Wed, Jun. 18: 1pm-3pm (Virtual)
  • Fri, Jun. 20: 10am-12pm (Virtual)

Mock Hearing

  • Wed, Jun. 25: 1pm-3pm (Virtual)
  • Fri, Jun. 27: 10am-12pm (Virtual)

Online Modules

Additionally, there are two different Series of self-guided modules (the 100 Series and the 200 Series) on Canvas that you must go through with correlating quizzes that you must pass. These modules are at your own pace. 

100 Series

Topics Include:
  • Conduct Process
  • The Code of Conduct and Incident Reporting
  • Panel Hearings
  • Academic Misconduct
  • Deliberations, Rationale, and Sanctions

200 Series

Topics Include:

  • Bias and Perception Awareness
  • High Profile Cases
  • Trauma-Informed Approach
  • Immediate Suspension Appeal Hearings

Optional Add-On Roles

After completing the 100 and 200 series modules, along with attending the Conduct Board 101, the Listening and Questioning Activity, and the Mock Hearing, there are 3 optional modules for if you wish to serve in a role other than Panel Hearing Member.

Forgiveness Review Module

If you are interested in serving as a Forgiveness Review Member, you must complete the 300 Series and pass the correlating quizzes. This self-guided module will educate the participant on the Forgiveness Request process and the best practices when reviewing a student's Forgiveness Request. This module focuses on the Principles of Restorative Justice and Student Development Best Practice Theory.

Conduct Advisor Module

If you are interested in serving as a Conduct Advisor, you must complete the 300 Series and pass the correlating quizzes. This self-guided Canvas module will educate the participant on the role, the duties, and the responsibilities of a Conduct Advisor. This module will focus on reflection and self-advocacy in order for the participant to help guide their advisee through the conduct process. This role designation option is only available to Graduate students OR Faculty/Staff.

TIX Advisor Training Module

This 30-minute training module is hosted by Senior Associate General Counsel, as he talks through sexual misconduct, what happens during an investigation and a hearing, the role of an advisor, rules of decorum, and more. To serve as a TIX Advisor, you must also complete the Conduct Advisor Module. This role designation option is only available to Graduate students OR Faculty/Staff.

Refresh Training

Every following year after your initial training, Board members are required to complete Refresh Training. This consists of one interactive session and some online modules. Refresh Training is REQUIRED in order to stay an active member of the Board.