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Dean of Students Office

Informed Osprey Program

The Informed Ospreys Program (IOP) provides foundational knowledge about important campus topics to our new Ospreys and offers ongoing educational opportunities to students interested in expanding their holistic development. The IOP allows students to earn their wings before they leave the nest.  

The Informed Ospreys Program offers a series of online modules to complete that can assist students to navigate certain challenges that come with being a first time in college student all the way through graduation and beyond. The transition into 成人AV视频, engaging with the campus community, and the transition from college life to the “real world” all come with their host of challenges. This program offers online trainings and on-campus events to help broaden the horizon of our students and allow them to think outside of the box.  

Each semester, 成人AV视频 offers several events that fall under our Informed Ospreys Program. We do our best to partner with departments, groups, and organizations campus-wide to ensure that students have access to all the appropriate resources and that they are aware of all campus events. 

By completing the online modules and attending various events throughout each academic year, you will have the opportunity to EARN YOUR WINGS. 

Informed Osprey logo, outline of a flying bird above a bird nest in a circle

New to the Nest

For our incoming first-year and transfer students, WELCOME TO 成人AV视频! All Ospreys are required to complete online learning modules that provide foundational knowledge on important topics. Completion of all 3 modules takes approximately 2 hours, thus we strongly encourage you to not delay in fulfilling this requirement. We believe that you will find the information presented though this online educational program to be helpful in your transition to 成人AV视频 and your success as a student.

Getting Started

  1. Get a computer/laptop with reliable internet connection
  2. Access your MyWings account. You should have received this when you were given your N#
  3. Locate the Training & Development tile on your homepage
  4. Clicking on the Osprey Ascend link
  5. All your required educational modules will show in the "Required Training" box at the bottom of your screen or on your “Osprey Ascend Transcript” which you can access by clicking "View my Transcript."

Then, just begin the modules. If you must step away for any reason, you will be able to pick up the module where you left off later.

Pre-Flight Checklist

Sexual Violence Prevention 

(Safe Colleges. Approx: 60 minutes)
The Not Anymore series unpacks and sheds light on the realities and misconceptions of issues such as sexual assault, relationship violence and rape. This course fulfills Title IX training requirements.

Alcohol and Other Drugs 

(Safe Colleges. Approx: 30 minutes)
Alcohol and Other Drugs is a reality-driven online course designed to educate students on the risks of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and to teach successful strategies for handling dangerous situations related to these substances.

Hazing Prevention 

( Approx: 60 minutes)
Created by AliveTek in partnership with HazingPrevention.Org, this course was designed to provide evidence-based, best practices that teach college and university students how to recognize, prevent and report hazing. 

Online Modules via Osprey Ascend - Always Available

  • Mental Health Awareness (~21 minutes) Recommended
  • Sensitivity Awareness (~20 mins)
  • Communication Styles & Skills (~20 mins)
  • Rethinking Relationships (~20 mins)
  • Study Skills (~20 mins)
  • Time Management (~15 mins)
  • Health & Safety Awareness on Campus (~30 mins)
  • Cybersecurity Overview for Students (~15 mins)
  • Bystander Intervention - Every Choice (~45 mins)
  • Clarifying Consent (~25 mins)

 Policies & Regulations

The 成人AV视频 is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all students, faculty and staff. To ensure your success as an Osprey, please review the following Policies and Regulations.

Additional 成人AV视频 Policies and Regulations can be located on the President's Policy and Regulation webpage.

Disability Considerations

Students with disabilities who seek reasonable accommodations to complete this training should consider registering with the 成人AV视频 Student Accessibility Center (SAC) located in Building 57, Room 1500. DRC staff members work with students to obtain required documentation of disability and to identify appropriate accommodations as required by applicable disability laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). After receiving all necessary documentation, the SAC staff determines whether a student qualifies for services with the SAC and, if so, the accommodations will be provided to the student. For further information, contact the SAC by phone at 904.620.2969, by email at SAC@unf.edu or visit SAC website at /sac/.

  • When I try to access the program modules, I receive an "Error/Site Disabled" message; how is this resolved?

    Possible Issue Resolution if receiving Error

    • Make sure to clear cookies and enable Flash player if needed.

    Possible Issue Resolution if using PC/Google Chrome:

    • Make sure you are using the most updated version of Google Chrome as your browser. Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge use for accessing the website often causes problems.

    Possible Issues Resolutions if using Mac/Safari Browser:

    • If this message is received using Mac/Safari Browser, Malware may be present on your computer that was hijacking the browsers installed. Visit the Apple store, who are able to remove the malware.
    • Privacy settings may be enabled in Safari on Mac. Below describes how the issue was resolved
      • Go to Privacy Settings and "disable cross-site tracking" in Safari on the Mac.


        MacSafair setting page


    If Safari users receive the following message while accessing the course:

    "Due to your current browser settings, we are unable to save your progress. Please use the link below to update your browser's cookie settings. If you continue to experience difficulty, please contact Customer Support.  -Vector Solutions"

    Error Message stating that " Due to your current browser settings, we are unable to save your progress. Please use the link below to update your browser's cookie settings. If you continue to experience difficulty, please contact Customer Support. -Vector Solutions"

    Safari users can work around the issue completing the following steps:

    • In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences,
    • Then click Privacy
    • Uncheck "Prevent cross-site tracking."

    This option can be re-enabled after completing the course.

  • Why am I unable to select any module to complete from the program?
    The Informed Ospreys Program is structured in a particular order for completion. Therefore, the courses within the modules must be completed in the sequence they are organized in order to move onto the next module.
  • Who do I reach out to if I am having trouble logging into MyWings to access the modules?

    If you have trouble logging in to myWings, you may use or to have reset your password. If you have additional login issues, please email helpdesk@unf.edu

  • How do I lift my policy and regulation informational hold?

    As a 成人AV视频 student, it is important that you are familiar with University regulations/policies that impact your enrollment and interactions with others. 成人AV视频 believes it is particularly important that you understand your rights and responsibilities, know where to go for resources and reporting concerns, and are educated on topics associated with your health and safety.   

    To lift your hold, open MyWings, select the Student Resources Tab, click on Academic Records, select Holds, click '"Release Regulations Hold" and then review the following regulations/policies (click on each regulation/policy to review): 

    1. Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Inclusion Regulation
    2. Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Sexual Harassment Regulation
    3. Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
    4. Prohibition Against Hazing  Regulation
    5. Student Handbook 
    • Review the location of the Report an Incident webpageThis webpage can be used to report incidents and locate campus resources. 
    • Complete the Informed Ospreys Program and other required university training, which can be found by logging into your MyWings, clicking on the Training and Development menu item from the left side menu, then selecting Student Training. From Student Training select Osprey Ascend and Hazing Prevention to complete required training.

    Then check the acknowledgement box and the submit button. This will remove your hold.

Contact Us!

If you have any questions associated with the Informed Ospreys Program please contact us by clicking on the email image below. The Dean of Students team will work with the Informed Ospreys Program committee to triage your questions and respond to you shortly. Please include as much detail as possible regarding your question so we can provide you with an appropriate response or resolve your issue.

Computer Trouble ImageITS for Students

Click here for your Information Support Services needs.
Email Image

Email Us

Contact the Informed Osprey Program committee for specific questions about the Informed Osprey program.

Questions may include:  

Access to Osprey Ascend
Content Exemptions
Access to courses

Location ImageContact Information


Dean of Students Office

Building 57, Suite 2701

1 成人AV视频 Drive

Jacksonville Florida 32224

Email: Informed-Ospreys@unf.edu