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Dean of Students Office

Exceptional Withdrawal FAQs

Unfortunately, there may be times in a student’s academic career when illness becomes so overwhelming that a student is unable to perform academically. In situations where a medical condition severely impedes in a student’s ability to continue in their courses, they may wish to consider petitioning for an exceptional withdrawal.

Before pursuing an exceptional withdrawal, the Dean of Students Office highly encourages students to meet with:

  • Health Care Provider
  • Academic Advisor
  • Professors
  • Financial Aid
  • Dean of Students Office team member
  • Should I consider an exceptional withdrawal?
    • Are any of my professors willing to work with me/accommodate me to accept late work?
    • Are my professors willing to give me an incomplete grade to allow me more time to finish this course?
    • Do I have medical documentation associated with my illness/condition?
  • What types of exceptional withdrawals are there?
    • Physical or Mental Health Exceptional Withdrawals
      • Exceptional withdrawal applications may be submitted for either physical health or mental health conditions. Students will be asked to elaborate on their medical condition, any diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, etc. and how this has impacted their ability perform academically.
    • Full Exceptional Withdrawal
      • A petition to withdraw from all courses within a semester. If the medical condition is affecting a current semester, students should withdraw from all courses by the withdrawal deadline as articulated in the before petitioning for an exceptional withdrawal.
    • Partial Exceptional Withdrawal
      • A petition to withdraw from less than all courses within a semester. If the medical condition is affecting a current semester, students should withdraw from all courses by the withdrawal deadline as articulated in the before petitioning for an exceptional withdrawal.
  • What documents are required for a exceptional withdrawal petition?
    Students must submit all required documentation with their exceptional withdrawal application (the application, a letter from their medical provider, supporting documentation from professors/advisor) prior to the 150-day deadline.
  • What should be included in my medical documentation?
    • Medical documentation should be prepared on letterhead, typed, dated, and bear the signature of the evaluator. Please make sure the documentation includes the name, title, contact information, and professional credentials of the evaluator.
    • A medical provider should follow these guidelines when writing their letter for a student’s exceptional withdrawal petition: Guidance for Provider Letter
  • I want to pursue a partial exceptional withdrawal only, what do I need to do?

    If students are pursuing a partial exceptional withdrawal, the application must include an "" for each requested course. Request your professor to complete the form by emailing them the following message and copy deanofstudents@unf.edu:

     Dear Professor, 

    You are receiving this email because I am seeking a partial exceptional withdrawal from (INSERT COURSE NAME) for the (INSERT SEMESTER EX. SPRING 2020) semester. In order to have my exceptional withdrawal fully considered, I need your assistance by filling out the form linked below. The Exceptional Withdrawal Committee reviews my exceptional withdrawal petition, my medical documentation, and the linked instructor feedback form before rendering a decision. When you fill out the form it will go directly to the Dean of Students Office to be attached to my exceptional withdrawal petition. If you have any questions, I’ve been advised to ask you to email deanofstudents@unf.edu. Link to form:   Thank you for your feedback.



  • Is there a deadline to submit an exceptional withdrawal application?
    • Current semester requests must be submitted by the withdrawal deadline of the affected term as posted on the .
    • Late requests must be submitted within 150 days from the last day of the affected term.
    • Exceptional withdrawal petitions submitted after 150 days from the last day of the affected term will not be considered.
    • Exceptional withdrawal petitions that are incomplete (lacking all required documents) upon the close of the 150-day deadline will be closed without committee consideration.
  • What is a late exceptional withdrawal?

    An exceptional withdrawal petition for a current semester where the student missed the withdrawal deadline or exceptional withdrawal petition for a previous semester.

    In cases where a student misses the withdrawal deadline because of extraordinary, documented medical circumstances that are clearly beyond the student’s control may petition for a late exceptional withdrawal. Students in this situation must submit the medical withdrawal application with an explanation and documentation of the extraordinary circumstances, including all required documentation, within 150 days from the last day of the semester. Exceptional withdrawal applications submitted after the 150-day deadline may not be considered.

  • How long does it take to have my exceptional withdrawal reviewed?
    The exceptional withdrawal application must be reviewed by an 成人AV视频 Medical representative and an Academic & Student Affairs representative. Anticipate the review process to take eight to ten weeks, however during high peak times, this process can take longer.
  • What happens if my application is approved?
    If your application is approved, you will be notified via email. Also, the information is automatically forwarded to the Office of the University Registrar, who will update your academic record accordingly, the University Controller’s Office, who will process any applicable tuition reimbursement, and Financial Aid to adjust awards accordingly.
  • Will I be reimbursed for the course(s) for which I am requesting an Exceptional Withdrawal?

    You are encouraged to speak with a representative from Student Financial Services and One-Stop for more detailed information about a reimbursement specific to your financial status.

    If you receive financial aid, please review the Withdrawals and Financial Aid. Exceptional withdrawals are not exempt from the University's responsibility to Return Title IV Funds if a student does not complete more than 60 percent of the semester.

  • What happens if my application is denied?
    A application may be denied for few reasons:
    • You received an incomplete in your course and you still have time to complete the course.
    • The committee feels that you were unable to provide sufficient medical documentation to support an exceptional withdrawal from the semester(s) you are application.
    • The committee feels that the application should be reviewed by the University Student applications of Academic Policy Committee as a hardship rather than as an exceptional withdrawal. If you wish for your application to be reviewed by the University Student application of Academic Policy Committee as a hardship, you will need to complete and submit a Student application of Academic Policy through your myWings account.
    Is there an appeal process for denied applications?
    • Students denied an exceptional withdrawal have one appeal. To appeal, a student must provide additional relevant, written information about their exceptional withdrawal situation/disorder(s). The information should not simply repeat what was already submitted previously during the initial exceptional withdrawal application process. New medical information must be written by a licensed mental health/medical professional, or other professional/person of authority.