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Dean of Students Office

Exceptional Withdrawal Process

All Exceptional Withdrawal petitions, including late exceptional withdrawals, must be submitted through the following Exceptional Withdrawal procedure.

If approved, W grades will be converted to grades of WM. A student who needs to exceed the withdrawal limit can and must petition for an Exceptional Withdrawal by the withdrawal deadline. A student who misses the withdrawal deadline as a result of extraordinary, documented medical circumstances that are clearly beyond the student’s control may petition for a late Exceptional Withdrawal. Students in this situation must submit the Exceptional Withdrawal petition with an explanation and documentation of the extraordinary circumstances, including all required documentation, within 150 days from the last day of the semester. Final Exceptional Withdrawal decisions must be processed by the University by six (6) months after the last day of the semester.

For additional information, please view the University's official Withdrawal Policy, 2.0190P.

Getting Started

  • Before students pursue an exceptional withdrawal they are HIGHLY encouraged to consult their professors to discuss any alternative options to withdrawing from the course. If there are no options to recover the course, and it's deemed necessary to withdraw, then the student may consider withdrawing using the established withdrawal process. 
  • Some other offices that should also be consulted prior to starting the Exceptional Withdrawal process are Academic Advising, Financial Aid, and Student Financial Services.
  • It is also highly recommended for students to consult the Dean of Students Office staff to discuss their options. Often in these situations we can help students identify alternative options to resolve how their health situation is impacting them academically.

Submitting your Application

What is required for the Exceptional Withdrawal Application?

  1. To be considered for an eexceptional withdrawal a student must be able to provide a letter from a licensed mental health provider for Psychological related withdrawals, or a licensed physician for physical illness withdrawals, that addresses the content outlined in the Ready to Submit webpage.  
  2. If students are pursuing a partial eexceptional withdrawal, the application must include an "" for each requested course.  
  3. It is highly recommended for students to discuss their situation with their doctor, their professors, and the the Dean of Students Office prior to submitting a medical withdrawal application. 
  4. Once all of the steps above have been completed, you can submit the Exceptional Withdrawal Application, making sure to include any of the documentation gathered in the steps above.

Application Review

Only completed medical withdrawals will be sent onto the Exceptional Withdrawal Committee (consisting of a Mental Health or Physical Health representative and an Academic/Student Affairs representative).

The Exceptional Withdrawal process may take approximately eight-to-ten weeks to complete a full review.  This process is initiated once applications that contain sufficient and appropriate information and documentation are received.

You will be notified via your 成人AV视频 email for any updates regarding your application.



  • If a Exceptional Withdrawal application is approved, you will be contacted via your 成人AV视频 email.
  • Appropriate parties in Financial Aid and Student Financial Services will be notified to determine any refund to be disbursed or balance to be paid.
  • Appropriate parties in the Registrar’s Office will be notified to adjust grades as necessary (courses approved for Exceptional Withdrawal will appear as “WM” on 成人AV视频 transcript).


  • If the Exceptional Withdrawal Committee determines that additional information is needed, you will be contacted via your 成人AV视频 email to request this new documentation.


  • If an ExceptionalWithdrawal application is denied, you will be contacted via your 成人AV视频 email.
  • You will be given an appeal timeline and instructions in your denial letter, should you choose to appeal this decision.


If approved for an Exceptional Withdrawal, a hold may be placed on your account until you meet with our office and/or we receive documentation from your provider that you are medically cleared to return to take courses. Please refer to your Exceptional Withdrawal approval email for details.

Remember that you are responsible for all courses that you add to your schedule, regardless of when you add those courses.

  1. Complete your

  2. Schedule a Re-Enrollment Success Plan Meeting with the Dean of Students Office

  3. Submit the Mental Health Re-Enrollment Provider Form or the Physical Health Re-Enrollment Provider Form 

NOTE: The re-enrollment form process must be submitted 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester in which you are seeking re-enrollment.

For Additional Information Regarding Exceptional Withdrawals: