Coggin College of Business Graduate Degrees
Master of Accountancy Degree
Global MBA Degree
Master of Business Administration Degree
- Accounting, MBA
- Construction Management, MBA
- e-Business, MBA
- Economics and Geography, MBA
- Finance Concentration, MBA
- International Business, MBA
- Logistics, MBA
- Management Applications, MBA
- Marketing, MBA
- Marketing Analytics, MBA
- Sports Management, MBA
(Note: All concentration courses must be completed with a grade of "B" or better.)
Master of Science in Management Degree
Master of Science in Business Analytics Degree
Master of Science in FinTech Degree
- Econometrics, MS
- FinTech, MS
- Geographic Information Systems, MS
- Marketing Analytics, MS
- Sports Analytics, MS
- Supply Chain Management, MS
Master of Science in Logistics & Supply Chain Management Degree
Study Abroad Opportunities
The Coggin College of Business provides graduate students with opportunities to experience first-hand the international aspects of business. The College has established student and faculty exchange agreements with institutions of higher learning throughout the world.
The Coggin College of Business offers semester, short-term (faculty- led) and summer (2-6 weeks) abroad opportunities for graduate credit. These courses allow students to experience the culture and business practices of another nation directly, through lectures from university faculty, business visits, and discussions with social and political leaders.
See Coggin Study Abroad for detailed information about exchange and study abroad opportunities.
Coggin College Policy on Use of International Academic Experiences in Graduate Programs of Study
The Coggin College of Business allows its students to use in their programs of study the following three types of international academic experiences:
- Coggin-sponsored Faculty-led Study Abroad Courses, which include international travel and business visits as an integral part of a larger course that focuses on business issues.
- Non-Coggin Faculty-led Study Abroad Courses (i.e., those sponsored by other 成人AV视频 colleges) which include international travel as an integral part of a larger course that focuses on non-business issues.
- Student Exchange Programs, which provide students with the opportunity to take courses at foreign institutions. MBA student exchanges are limited to one semester, unless participating in the GlobalMBA or the Global EntrepreneurshipMBA.
Use of International Experience Credits in Program of Study by Graduate Students: In all cases, the student and his/her advisor must agree in writing regarding how study abroad credits will be used before the student goes abroad.