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2024-2025 University Catalog
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Honors in the Major

Brooks College of Health

  • Honors in the Major Exercise Science

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Requirement for admission to Honors in the Major in Exercise Science are:

    • completion of at least 60 credit hours of college credit including at least 12 graded upper-division hours at the 成人AV视频;
    • at least 3.5 GPA within the major and at least 3.2 GPA in all upper-division courses regardless of Institution.

    Honors in the Major in Exercise Science is awarded upon completion of an advanced Honors Thesis, and the completion of at least three but not more than six hours of Direct Independent Studies course work as determined by the student's honors thesis advisor and at least three but no more than 12 hours of Honors Thesis or Project works taken in Exercise Science.

    In addition, the Department may (but is not required to) ask students to also complete IDH3922 - Thesis Research Prospectus Colloquium: 1 hour and/or IDH 3920 Thesis Symposium Colloquium: 1 hour.

    Two courses were created to facilitate this request: APK 4912 Directed Independent Study-Honors in Exercise Science Research (3-6 Credits) and APK 4971 Directed Independent Study-Honors in Exercise Science Thesis (3-12 Credits).

  • Honors in the Major Nursing

    Outstanding undergraduate nursing majors are eligible to apply for Nursing Honors program. To be eligible, candidates must: 1. Have a nursing prerequisite GPA of 3.5 on admission to the School of Nursing; 2. Have completed the first semester nursing courses with a 3.5 GPA; 3. Maintain a 3.5 GPA in the nursing program; and 4. Apply for admission to the Honors in the Major: Nursing at least two semesters prior to graduation. Candidates are awarded the designation of 鈥淗onors in Nursing鈥 at graduation provided they have met their proposed Honors in Nursing plan successfully. In order to apply, candidates must write a letter to the Director of the School of Nursing that describes their interest; identifies a willing faculty member with whom they would like to work; and explains the professional and or personal goals the plan will meet and which activities they will use to obtain Honors.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Eligibility Criteria
    • For acceptance into Nursing Honors
      • 3.5 pre-requisite GPA on admission to the School of Nursing
      • RPL, APL and RN-BSN successful completion of the first semester of nursing with a 3.5 GPA
      • FAN: successful completion of first clinical semester with a 3.5 GPA
    • For continuation in Nursing Honors
      • Maintenance of a 3.5 GPA throughout the nursing program
    • Honors work proposal- identification of anticipated activities and timeline
    • Letter of support from faculty mentor

    Must meet all 3; each item may only be counted once

    1. Enroll in 1-3 credits of NUR 4915 Honors Research in Nursing.
      1. Suggested sequence is 1 credit per semester for 3 semesters of the nursing program starting in Semester 2 or 3.
        • Under the direction of the faculty mentor:
          • Semester 2 or 3: develop a research, evidence-based practice or quality improvement proposal
          • Semester 3 or 4: implement the research, evidence-based practice or quality improvement proposal
          • Semester 4 or 5: evaluate and present results (present in an appropriate venue as determined by the mentor, i.e., SOARS, STARS, etc.)
      2. OR a sequence as determined by the faculty mentor

    2. Complete any 2 of the following (#s A-H): [be able to tie to your research in some way]
      1. Study abroad in nursing or health [either for credit or not]
      2. Nursing specialty course [3-credit elective]
      3. Externship [paid or unpaid]
      4. Complete a 3-credit course from Hicks Honors College with a B+ or better
      5. Complete a minor with a 3.5 GPA
      6. Author or co-author a published article
      7. Make a paper or poster presentation at a state or national meeting
      8. Participate in 2 of the following [this counts as 1 of the 2 for requirement #2]
        • Case Competition Teams in the Brooks College of Health
        • Other inter-professional health-related activity as approved by faculty mentor
        • Make a paper or poster presentation at a regional meeting
        • Draft and present a resolution to NSNA, FNSA
    3. Submit an e-portfolio documenting completion of requirements through the university
  • Honors in the Major Public Health

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Honors in Public Health Prerequisite: Candidates must have junior or senior standing. Must have an upper level GPA at 成人AV视频 of 3.5 or higher. Must have an overall GPA at 成人AV视频 of 3.0 or higher.

    1. Submit application on BSH website describing Honors in Public Health plan (choice of two options)
    2. Must complete two options of advanced study in Public Health:
      1. Take one graduate elective course in the place of an undergraduate program elective. A grade of B+ or higher must be earned. Examples of graduate electives typically available annually: PHC6010 Introduction to Clinical Trials, HSC6601 Animal Assisted Interventions and Therapies in Healthcare, HSC6625 Global Health, HSC6138 Sexuality Education, HSC6165 Global Sexuality, HSC6675 Global Health: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and more.
      2. A directed independent study in Public Health with a faculty member in the Department of Public Health that has an opportunity or project available. (Requires approval from the faculty member.)
      3. A study abroad in the Department of Public Health or with a focus in public health.
      4. Active member of 成人AV视频 Chapter of the National Health Education Honorary, Eta Sigma Gamma. (Active membership status involves specific participation requirements.)
      5. Or another option with approval of Honors in Public Health Coordinator

    Honors in Public Health Outcome: Upon successful completion of Honors in the Major in Public Health, candidates are awarded the designation 鈥淗onors in Public Health.鈥 Upon submitting the application for Honors in Public Health, candidates are also eligible to apply to the 成人AV视频 Hicks Honors College Student, which has many benefits to students. Current Hicks Honors College students majoring in public health are able to use their public health Honors in Major experience to satisfy some of their Hicks Honors College upper-level requirements.

    If you have questions, please contact the Honors in Public Health Coordinator, Dr. Erin Largo-Wight (largo.wight@unf.edu), or BCH Advising atcohadvis@unf.edu.

Coggin College of Business

  • Honors in the Major Accounting

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    • Must have an Accounting GPA at 成人AV视频 of 3.5.
    • Must be a member of any Accounting Honor Societies that the Department of Accounting and Finance recognizes.
    • Must complete at least 2 of the following five activities:
      • ACG4956: Study Abroad in Accounting or spend a Semester Abroad through the Coggin College of Business.
      • ACG4941: Accounting Internship.
      • ACG4901: Directed Independent Study in Accounting.
      • Serving as an Accounting Supplemental Instructor for at least 1 semester.
      • An Honors thesis in Accounting (this may count for two activities if it is 6 credit hours).
  • Honors in the Major Business Management

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    • Be a CCB Business Management Major.
    • Must have an upper level courses GPA of 3.5 or higher
    • Must complete two of the following seven activities:
      1. Internship in Management (MAN 4940 HR Mgt, MAN 4942 General Mgt)
      2. SI for Leaders - Supplemental Instructor for Management
      3. Study abroad in management 鈥 MAN 4956, or any MAN Study Abroad
      4. Management Club Officer (SHRM or Entrepreneurship or other clubs if added)
      5. Peer to Career Mentor
      6. Executive Mentor Program
      7. SOARS 鈥 Research Project and Presentation (could be from DIS also)
  • Honors in the Major Economics

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    • Completion of at least 60 credit hours of college credit, including at least 12 graded upper-division hours at the 成人AV视频
    • A minimum of 3.5 GPA within the major
    • A minimum of 3.2 GPA in all upper-division courses regardless of Institution

    Must complete the following requirements:
    Upon admission to Honors in the Major, the student may be asked to complete IDH3922: Thesis Research Prospectus Colloquium (Optional): 1 hour

    • ECO4903 Direct Independent Study Honors in Economics Research: 3 credit hours
    • ECO4970 Direct Independent Study Honors in Economics Thesis: 3 credit hours
      • Prerequisite: ECO4903
  • Honors in the Major International Business

    Students enrolled in this program will have to perform at a high academic level, complete a series of extracurricular activities, experience abroad and write a report to reflect on these many experiences. The Honors in the Major will provide an avenue for those students that go beyond what is expected for majors in International Business.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Students majoring in International Business will be eligible to graduate with Honors in the Major upon completion of the following requirements:

    • Must have an overall GPA or 成人AV视频 GPA (whichever is higher) of 3.4 or higher
    • Students must either:
      • Spend at least one semester abroad at a partner University, or
      • Complete an IB internship abroad
    • Coggin Delegation: students will complete at least two semesters of active participation in Coggin Delegation
    • Self-reflecting document: students will produce a document where they will reflect on their intercultural experience both abroad and on campus. Students should provide evidence of these activities during their experience abroad and on campus.
  • Honors in the Major Marketing

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    • Must have an overall GPA or 成人AV视频 GPA (whichever is higher) of 3.5 or higher.
    • Be a CCB Marketing Major
    • Earned a "B" or better in MAR3023: Principles of Marketing

    Must complete the following requirement:

    • Must have an overall GPA or 成人AV视频 GPA of 3.5 or higher
    • Earned a "B" or better in MAR3930: Selected Topics in Honors in Marketing (3 credits) OR MAR 4939: Professional Development Seminar (3 credits)
    • Service requirements in an approved government or not-for-profit organization
    • Approved Marketing Internship
    • Must be an active member for at least two semesters of an active approved business club or society

College of Arts and Sciences

  • Honors in the Major Art History

    The Honors in the Major in Art History is available by application or by invitation to advanced students in the major who seek to pursue the challenge of original research in the discipline. This program is recommended to those students who plan to pursue a graduate degree in Art History.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn Honor in the Major in Art History, students whose applications are approved (or accept the program invitation) must:

    1. fulfill the requirement of the major with a 3.2 GPA in their major courses
    2. successfully complete 14 credit hours (the beginning and intermediate sequences) of a foreign language (prefixes include: CHI, FRE, GER, and SPN)
    3. successfully complete Art History Practicum and Honors Thesis project in ARH Senior Research Seminar and present their research at a conference, such as SOARS, SECAC (Southeastern College Art Conference), or other avenues for presentation.

    Students who complete these requirements will have Honors in the Major noted on their transcript and diploma. For further information, please contact Art History Honors in the Major faculty mentors.

  • Honors in the Major Biology

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Biology majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Once in the program to successfully complete this upper level Honors track, students must complete 8 hours of research course work.

  • Honors in the Major Chemistry

    The Honors in the Major in Chemistry is available by application (or invitation from faculty) to advanced students who have demonstrated a commitment to chemical research (at least four hours) and seek the challenge of continued chemical research by completion of an additional three to four hours of research involving an honors thesis. These additional hours may be demonstrated by completion of CHM4911 or equivalent work (e.g. summer research via award or grant funding) as judged by the research mentor. This program is especially recommended to students who are considering furthering their studies with graduate work or fields of employment where experience on a sustained academic project would be beneficial.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn Honors in the Major in Chemistry, students whose applications are approved must fulfill the requirements of the major with a 3.3 GPA in their major courses as well as a cumulative 3.0 GPA. Students must also satisfactorily complete an honors thesis (written report with complete set of data) under the direction of a faculty advisor that is independently reviewed by another faculty. Students must present the project at a conference such as SOARS, FAME, or ACS national conference. The student must demonstrate mastery of laboratory practices (e.g. notebook, safety, ethics) as well. Students who complete these requirements will have Honors in the Major noted on the transcript and diploma. For further information and/or an application form, please contact the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Chairperson.

  • Honors in the Major Criminal Justice

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Outstanding criminal justice majors who are interested in graduating with the designation of 鈥淗onors in Criminal Justice鈥 may apply for admission to the Criminal Justice Honors Program. Application should be made two semesters prior to graduation

    Admission requirements:

    • Criminal Justice majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.67 or higher.
    • Junior or senior standing
    • Completion of CCJ3603 and SYA3300
    • A letter of application to the Criminal Justice faculty, including a discussion of career plans and proposed research to be conducted for the Honors research project and securing sponsorship of a member of the Criminal Justice faculty to serve as the supervisor of the Honors research project.

    Once in the program to successfully complete this upper level Honors track, students must complete 8 hours of research course work.

  • Honors in the Major History

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Requires GPA of 3.33 in the major or A- or higher in HIS3051 or A- or higher in one 4000-level seminar for admission. Once admitted, students must complete a 5000-level history course and present a history project in a public academic forum.

  • Honors in the Major English

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    English majors must have an overall 成人AV视频 GPA of 3.4 (or higher) or be admitted at the chair’s discretion. Once in the program, they must complete two experiences that fall within the following six categories.

    • complete a research project, or a creative project, in a 3000- or 4000-level course with the prefix AML, CRW, DIG, ENC, ENG, ENL, FIL, LIT, THE, TPP, and present it in a public venue as part of a presentation that is not already a requirement of that course;*
    • participate in a study-abroad trip led by a member of the 成人AV视频 English or Foreign Languages and Cultures faculty or a semester-long experience involving upper-level coursework in English, either through a 成人AV视频 exchange, a third-party provider, or direct enrollment at a foreign university;
    • complete an internship for academic credit through the course DIG 4944 (Digital Humanities Internship), ENC 4940 (Writing Internship), FIL 4945 (Film Production Internship), or complete an independent research project supervised by a faculty member in the context of ENG 4930 (Directed Independent Study in English);
    • complement the major in English with a minor in one of the following areas: African-American Diaspora, Creative Writing, Digital Humanities, Film, Literature, Writing Studies, Spanish, French, or Chinese;
    • complete at least 40 hours of participation in leadership or service activities through involvement with the 成人AV视频 chapter of Sigma Tau Delta (the International English Honor Society), Talon Review, Flock, EAT Poems, Swoop Troupe, or other on-campus clubs or community organizations and institutions;**
    Additional options may be available, in consultation with the Undergraduate Studies Coordinator of the Department of English.
  • Honors in Interdisciplinary Studies

    The Honors in the Major in the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies is available by application to students who seek to enhance their undergraduate experience and document a high level of achievement in this interdisciplinary degree program.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn honors in Interdisciplinary Studies, students whose applications are approved must fulfill the requirements of the major with a 3.4 GPA in their major courses, must earn a minimum grade of B in IDS 3503 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Inquiry, and must complete at least three experiences that fall within the following categories:

    • internships undertaken for academic credit through the Interdisciplinary Studies Program (or through other programs, pending approval by the director of Interdisciplinary Studies);
    • study abroad experiences that entail at least 6 hours of academic credit (generally 成人AV视频 semester-long exchanges or faculty-led summer semester programs);
    • the IDS 4890 (1 credit capstone course, designed by the student)
    • completion of a second major in any field; or
    • research supervised by a faculty member in the context of a directed independent study (subject to the Interdisciplinary Studies Program's policy on directed independent studies).

    A student may count multiple activities within any of the first three categories--in other words, a student could do multiple internships, qualifying study abroad experiences or graduate-level courses where appropriate, as when a student is enrolled in an accelerated graduate degree program for a second major. Only one directed independent study will be counted, however. 

    Additional options may be available, in consultation with the director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program.

    As most of the categories stated above involves an activity that bears at least three hours of credit, the minimum number of hours associated with Honors in the Major for Interdisciplinary Studies will generally be between seven and nine. In most cases, however, these will not represent additional hours, as internships, study abroad coursework, a capstone, or a directed independent study if planned properly, can all count as elective coursework for the major.

    A student who completes these requirements will have Honors in the Major noted on their transcript. Students cannot apply in their senior year; students must have approved programs of studies and be juniors by the time of their application. Since IDS 3503 is a requirement, students should try to complete this course before applying if possible.

    For further information and/or to apply, please contact the director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program.

  • Honors in the Major International Studies

    The Honors in the Major in the Bachelor of Arts in International Studies is available by application to students who seek to enhance their undergraduate experience and document a high level of achievement in this interdisciplinary degree program.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn honors in International Studies, students whose applications are approved must fulfill the requirements of the major with a 3.4 GPA in their major courses, must earn a minimum grade of B in INS4930 International Studies Senior Research Seminar, and must complete at least three experiences that fall within the following categories: 1) internships undertaken for academic credit through the International Studies Program (or through other programs, pending approval by the director of International Studies); 2) study abroad experiences that entail at least 6 hours of academic credit (generally 成人AV视频 semester-long exchanges or faculty-led summer semester programs); 3) graduate-level courses, and 4) research supervised by a faculty member in the context of a directed independent study (subject to the International Studies Program's policy on directed independent studies).

    A student may count multiple activities within any of the first three categories--in other words, a student could do multiple internships, qualifying study abroad experiences or graduate-level courses. Only one directed independent study will be counted, however. Additional options may be available, in consultation with the director of the International Studies Program.

    As each of the categories stated above involves an activity that bears at least three hours of credit, the minimum number of hours associated with Honors in the Major for International Studies will generally be nine. In most cases, however, these will not represent additional hours, as internships, study abroad coursework, directed independent studies and relevant graduate-level coursework, if planned properly, can all count as elective coursework for the major. A student enrolled in an accelerated path from the Bachelor of Arts in International Studies into a 成人AV视频 graduate program can count any graduate courses taken as part of that path toward this requirement, and in some cases, may fulfill the requirements stated herein by default through their participation in that accelerated path.

    A student who completes these requirements will have Honors in the Major noted on their transcript and diploma. For further information and/or to apply, please contact the director of the International Studies Program. At the time of application, a student must have completed, or be currently enrolled in, INS3003 Introduction to International Studies.

  • Honors in the Major Mass Communication

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Mass Communication majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Once in the program to successfully complete this upper level Honors track, students must complete 8 hours of research course work.

  • Honors in the Major Mathematics

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Math majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher. Once in the program to successfully complete this upper level Honors track, students must complete 8 hours of research course work.

  • Honors in the Major Philosophy

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Philosophy majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Once in the program to successfully complete this upper level Honors track, students must complete 8 hours of research course work.

  • Honors in the Major Physics

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Honors in the Major for Physics is awarded upon completion of an advanced Honors Thesis, and completion of at least three but no more than six hours of Directed Independent Study 鈥 Honors in Physics Research course work (PHY4969) as determined by the student鈥檚 honors thesis advisor and at least three but no more than 12 hours of directed Independent Study 鈥 Honors in Physics Thesis (PHY4970) Taken in the Department of Physics.

    • Students must have at least a 3.5 GPA within the major and at least a 3.2 GPA in all upper-division courses regardless of institution.
  • Honors in the Major Psychology

    Outstanding undergraduate psychology majors can graduate with the designation "Honors in Psychology." This designation is focused on independent research in the discipline and is recommended to those students who plan to pursue a graduate degree in psychology. To apply for admission to the Psychology Honors Program, students should contact the Undergraduate Program Director for the Department of Psychology. Candidates should apply at least three semesters prior to graduation. Students are encouraged to consider faculty advisors sooner than that.

    Admission to the program requires:

    • Junior or senior standing and completion of at least 9 credit hours of upper-level psychology classes with a psychology GPA of at least 3.6 and no grade less than B
    • No record of student or academic misconduct
    • A Department of Psychology faculty member as mentor agreeing to supervise the Honors Project
    • The mentor approves the honors thesis and then directs advising to add it to the student’s curriculum

    Successful completion of the program also requires:                        

    • Completion of 6 credit hours of PSY4904 Honors Research with a grade of B or better. For students accepted into the Accelerated BS-MS in Psychological Science program, students may use up to 3 credit hours of PSY6910 Supervised Research toward this credit hour requirement.
    • Deposit of an approved thesis in Digital Commons in the Thomas G. Carpenter Library
    • Receiving a final overall GPA of 3.3 or higher, after fulfilling all the degree requirements

    As they plan for the "Honors in Psychology" designation, students should consult the Undergraduate Program Director for the Department of Psychology as soon as possible. The Undergraduate Program Director will verify the completion of the program and Honors in the Major will then be noted on the transcript and diploma.

  • Honors in the Major Spanish

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn honors in Spanish, students whose applications are approved must fulfill the requirements of the major with a 3.2 GPA in their major courses, and must complete three experiences that fall within the following categories:

    1. complete a research project, or a creative project, in a 3000- or 4000-level course with the prefix SPN or SPW, and present it in a public venue as part of a presentation that is not already a requirement of that course;*
    2. participate in a study-abroad trip led by a member of the 成人AV视频 Spanish faculty or a semester-long experience involving upper-level coursework in Spanish, either through a 成人AV视频 exchange, a third-party provider or direct enrollment at a foreign university;
    3. complete an internship for academic credit through the course SPN4940 Internship for Service/Employment in Spanish, or complete an independent research project supervised by a faculty member in the context of SPN4905 Directed Independent Study in Spanish;
    4. complement the major in Spanish with a second major in French Studies, or a minor in Chinese or French; and
    5. complete at least 60 hours of participation in leadership or service activities related to the Spanish language, Spanish-speaking cultures and local or international Spanish-speaking communities through involvement with the 成人AV视频 Spanish Club, the 成人AV视频 chapter of Sigma Delta Pi (the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society) or other on-campus clubs or community organizations and institutions.**

    Additional options may be available, in consultation with the chairperson of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

    As each of the categories (a)-(c) above involves an activity that bears at least three hours of credit, the minimum number of hours associated with Honors in the Major for the Spanish B.A. will generally be nine. As categories (d) and (e) do not involve coursework, however, a student selecting these options could potentially complete Honors in the Major with fewer than nine hours of credit. With proper planning, any credit hours related to the Honors in the Major for the Spanish B.A. will count among the required or elective coursework for the major.

    *Examples of public venues include a 成人AV视频-affiliated undergraduate research showcase (e.g., SOARS, International Research Symposium), an outside conference or publication, or a special event on campus or in the community.

    **Students should consult with the chairperson of Languages, Literatures and Cultures for approval of activities, for information on tracking hours, and to sign a waiver prior to participating in off-campus activities that will count toward completion of this requirement.

  • Honors in the Major Statistics

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Statistics majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher. Once in the program to successfully complete this upper level Honors track, students must complete 8 hours of research course work.

College of Computing, Engineering and Construction

  • Honors in the Major Computing

    The Honors in Computing program gives high achieving students of the School of Computing the opportunity to participate in distinguished research and leadership experiences while working closely with the School faculty. Both experiences are highly valued by graduate programs and employers. Student transcripts will reflect their Honors in Computing conferral.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Enrollment Eligibility
    • Enrollment in a major offered by the School of Computing
    • Overall passed credits between 30 and 90 (inclusive)
    • Overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
    • No record of student or academic misconduct
    Enrollment Process
    • Eligible students will be invited to join the Honors in Computing program.
    • Invitees need to submit an enrollment application by the deadline noted in the invitation.
    • Applicants need to attend the Honors in Computing mandatory orientation.
    • Program students need to enroll in Pass/Fail zero credits CIS4255 Computing Honors course every fall and spring semester (no tuition).
    • Program students need to submit an end of semester report documenting how they fulfilled the program’s requirements for the semester. The report is due before the finals week of the semester. Submitting the report by the deadline and fulfilling the semester requirements are necessary for receiving a Pass grade in CIS4255 Computing Honors.
    • Leadership hours have to be approved by the Computing faculty sponsor using pre-post activity reporting. Highest quality contributions are always expected.
    • Continuous enrollment in the Honors in Computing program, excluding summers
    • Receiving a Pass grade in CIS4255 Computing Honors each semester
    • Receiving a final overall GPA of 3.2 or higher, after fulfilling all the degree requirements
    • Fulfilling the requirements of the Research track or the Leadership track
    Research Track Requirements
    • A total of at least 60 leadership hours
    • No fewer than 15 leadership hours per semester, excluding summers
    • A total of 6 credits of CIS4910 Computing Honors Research under the supervision of one of the School of Computing faculty. Summer enrollments may be allowed with supervisor’s permission. Note: CIS4910 Computing Honors Research credits may count toward major credits.
    • Submission of a scholarly publication to a high quality, research oriented, technical conference or journal
    Leadership Track Requirements
    • A total of at least 90 leadership hours.
    • No fewer than 15 leadership hours per semester, excluding summers. 

    Qualifying Leadership Activity Categories

    The following leadership activity categories are approved by the School of Computing. Additional categories may be added after the School’s faculty review and approval.
    • Computing student clubs
    • Outreach
    • School of Computing Events

Silverfield College of Education and Human Service

  • Honors in the Major Early Childhood

    The Honors in the Major in Early Childhood is available by application to advanced students in the major who seek the challenge of completing a service learning/inquiry/research project during their student teaching internship or practicum or a research course with a faculty member during their junior or senior year. This program is especially recommended for students who are interested in pursuing graduate work or advanced study.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn Honors in the Major, students with a minimum 3.2 GPA may apply at the end of the first semester of their junior year. If accepted into the program, students will need to complete the following requirements:

    Choose 1 in consultation with the Early Childhood Program Area Leader:

    • Attend a Hicks Honors College seminar
    • Attend an academic speaker event hosted by a unit in the SCOEHS
    • Attend an academic speaker hosted by another unit in or outside of the university

    In addition, students must also do one of the following:

    • Successfully complete a service-learning/inquiry project during their student teaching internship or practicum; or
    • Complete an undergraduate inquiry or research course with an Early Childhood faculty member in Early Childhood or a related field who has an opportunity or project available. (Requires approval from the faculty member); or
    • Participate in a study abroad with a focus in service learning or education, approved by the Early Childhood Program Area Leader.

    Students who complete these requirements will have Honors in the Major noted on the transcript and diploma and a designated Honors in the Major graduation cord. For further information please contact the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Department Chair,  or the Early Childhood Program Area Leader.

  • Honors in the Major Elementary Education (K-6)

    The Honors in the Major in Elementary Education (K-6) is available by application to advanced students in the major who seek the challenge of completing an action research project during their student teaching internship. This program is especially recommended for students who are interested in pursuing graduate work or who aspire to one day being teacher leaders in their schools.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn Honors in the Major, students with a minimum 3.2 GPA may apply at the end of the first semester of their junior year. If accepted into the program, students will need to complete the following requirements:

    1. attend two of the following during the second semester of their junior year: a Hicks Honors College seminar, an academic speaker hosted by a unit in the COEHS, or an academic speaker hosted by another unit in or outside of the university with prior approval from the Elementary Education Curriculum Area Director,
    2. enroll in the honors section of EDG 4442 Elementary Field Experience III in the first semester of their senior year. A grade of a "B" or better must be earned in all courses after being admitted to the Honors in a Major, and
    3. successfully complete an action research and/or service-learning project during their student teaching internship.

    Students who complete these requirements will have Honors in the Major noted on the transcript and diploma. For further information please contact the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Department Chair or the Elementary Education Curriculum Area Director or visit the SCOEHS Elementary Education Honors in the Major website.

  • Honors in the Major Secondary Education

    The Honors in the Majors (HIM) in Secondary Education (English, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, MG Math/Science, Physics and Social Studies) is available by application to advanced candidates in these majors who seek the challenge of completing a school-sponsored community service project while completing their internship in one of the SCOEHS Professional Development or Partnership schools. This program is especially recommended for candidates who are interested in serving the communities of the students they instruct in ways that extend beyond traditional academic services offered by teachers.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    To earn HIM, students with a minimum 3.0 GPA apply at the end of the fall semester of their junior year. As part of the application, students will submit a letter of intent and two recommendations from faculty who have instructed and assigned the final grade in an enrolled course of the applicant. Acceptable applicants will be interviewed by a screening committee consisting of program faculty. It is estimated that six students will be admitted to the HIM in Secondary Education annually.

    If accepted into the program, candidates will need to complete the following requirements:

    1. Attend two of the following during the spring semester of their junior year: a Hicks Honors College seminar, an academic speaker hosted by a unit in the SCOEHS, or an academic speaker hosted by another unit in or outside of the university with prior approval from the Secondary Education Curriculum Area Director (SECAD);
    2. Meet with School Administrators (in conjunction with the SECAD) in their fall semester of their senior year to a) define the description and scope of the community service project and to b) plan for the implementation of the project during internship, which will occur in the spring semester of their senior year;
    3. Enroll in the honors section of ESE 4943 (Secondary Internship) during their spring semester of their senior year;
    4. Earn a grade of B or above in all courses after being admitted to the HIM (except internship, which requires a pass grade); and
    5. Successfully participate in and complete the community service project during internship.

    Students who complete these requirements will have Honors in the Major noted on the transcript and diploma. For further information please contact the Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Department Chair or the Secondary Education Curriculum Area Director or visit the SCOEHS Secondary Education website.

  • Honors in the Major Sport Management

    This is an accelerated bachelor (B.S. in Sport Management) to master's degree program.

    • Students will complete the B.S. degree and matriculate into the master's degree program with 6 credit hours completed.
    • Graduates earn a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Athletic Administration.
    • This accelerated program also serves as the Honors in the Major for Sport Management.

    Admissions and Requirements Criteria

    Once an undergraduate has attained junior status, they are eligible to apply for an accelerated track. The following is required:

    • Completion of at least 15 undergraduate hours in their major.
    • Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.40 in their major, 3.0 overall GPA
    • Letter of recommendation from a faculty member in their major.

    Students who are admitted into the accelerated program would be able to take 2 courses (6 hours at the graduate level) and would be able to select 2 of the 5 graduate courses listed below:

    • SPM5206 Ethics and Issues in Sport (3 credits)
    • SPM5308 Marketing and Promotion in Sport (3 credits)
    • SPM5506 Sport Finance (3 credits)
    • SPM5606 Sport Governance and Compliance (3 credits)
    • SPM6106 Sport Facility and Risk Management (3 credits)

    Contact Dr. Liz Gregg for additional information or visit the SCOEHS Sport Management Honors in the Major website.