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2024-2025 University Catalog
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VA Certification of Enrollment

The Veterans Affairs Certifying Official will certify school attendance for students utilizing VA benefits to the appropriate Veterans Administration Regional Processing Office.

Undergraduate/Graduate Training Time Definitions - For a Standard Term
Time Type Undergraduate Graduate
Full Time 12 or more hours 9 or more hours
Three-Quarter Time 9-11 7-8
Half Time 6-8 4 -6
Less than Half Time/More than One-Quarter Time 4-5
One-Quarter Time 1-3 1-3

To expedite processing of enrollment certification, students should request certification of their VA education benefits via the online form located within myWings. More information regarding student responsibilities is available online via the MVRC website.

To be eligible for benefits, military connected students must maintain the same academic and conduct standards expected of all 成人AV视频 students. Students will be placed on unsatisfactory progress status and benefits will be suspended when both the cumulative and term grade point average fall below a satisfactory level during the term following probation status. Students should consult the Military and Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) for specific information about requirements for benefits. Contact the MVRC at (904) 620-5131 or by emailing mvrc@unf.edu.

The 成人AV视频 catalog outlines all majors available at 成人AV视频 and the required courses for graduation in each. All courses must be selected directly from the degree evaluation/program of study as it appears in the catalog in effect at the time of your enrollment into the university. You will be certified only for those courses required for your degree. You are required to meet with an Academic Advisor in your college to establish a Degree Evaluation specific to your program and transferred credits.

VA Education Benefits and Course Delivery Methods

成人AV视频 courses may be delivered in a variety of modalities, from a traditional classroom setting (also referred to as face-to-face) to a fully online format, with many combinations in-between. The choice of delivery method is the purview of the college and department administration in collaboration with the faculty. Students using Post 9/11 G.I. Bill®, the Fry Scholarship or Vocational Readiness and Employment benefits must maintain at least one credit hour "in-residence" to avoid the reduced, online only rate for Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA). The delivery method (course modalities) can be found in the registration window by clicking into the course for further information. A course listed with the DL campus code may have a course modality of PO (primarily online) and thus be eligible for in-residence training. For more information, please contact the Military and Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) at (904) 620-5131 or by emailing mvrc@unf.edu.

Changes to your Record or Enrollment

All changes to your record or enrollment, after your initial application or certification, should be reported to the 成人AV视频 Military and Veterans Resource and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Common changes include a change of address, change in major, change in credit hours, change in status of dependents, withdrawal from school, or anticipated change in place of training. All changes must be documented simultaneously with the VA and 成人AV视频. Contact the Military and Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) at (904) 620-5131 or by emailing mvrc@unf.edu.

Withdrawal for Military Service

Students who are called to active duty and unable to complete a semester may request a withdrawal from registered courses due to military service. The grade on the transcript will be "WS" and a tuition refund is generated. A copy of the orders is required to receive a withdrawal for military service. Questions should be directed to the Registrar's Office.

VA Work-Study

Military connected students receiving VA education benefits, who are enrolled at least three-quarter training time can be eligible for VA Work-Study programs. If you are interested in these programs, contact the Military and Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) at (904) 620-5131 or by emailing mvrc@unf.edu.