School of Communication
Location: Building 14D, Room 2002
Phone: (904) 620-2651
Web Address:
Dr. John H. Parmelee, Director
Director's e-mail:
The School of Communication's mission is to create and disseminate knowledge about human and mass-mediated communication processes through high-quality teaching, research, and service to the community.
Bachelor of Science in Communication
The undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Communication major is primarily concerned with professional applications of communication in traditional and emerging media, strategic communication (advertising and public relations), and organizations. Within this context the mission of the School of Communication is to discover, integrate, and disseminate applied and theoretical knowledge about human and mediated communication processes and effects as they relate to individuals, groups, and society.
We are committed to high quality teaching that prepares students for lifelong learning and professional careers in communication; scholarship that advances knowledge of communication and enhances the reputation of the university, and service to the university, academic and professional communities, and to northeast Florida. To achieve our mission, students engage in learning activities inside and outside the classroom, such as participating in media internships and community-based learning, producing news programs, and creating advertising and public relations campaigns for clients.
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies
The Bachelor of Arts program in Communication Studies is dedicated to providing students with learning experiences to enable them to understand communication and its practice in a variety of relationships. Our mission is to deliver learning opportunities of the highest quality that investigate the processes of human communication so our students become skilled researchers, writers, speakers, listeners, critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and leaders in the field of Communication Studies.
We are committed to providing a faculty engaged in the research and teaching of communication theory and practice that examine the creation, transmission, and analysis of verbal, nonverbal and interpersonal messages as they occur within and among individuals, groups, organizations, and cultures.
To achieve our mission learners will engage in experiences within and beyond the classroom that promote theoretical understanding and professional/personal practice of ethical human communication in the areas including but not limited to rhetoric, persuasion, political, health, interpersonal, organizational, and intercultural communication.
Undergraduate Major Degree Programs
The School of Communication offers the Bachelor of Science degree in Communication. The B.S. in Communication is accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Our majors select one of four professionally oriented concentrations:
- Advertising
- Digital Video Production
- Multimedia Journalism
- Public Relations
The B.S. in Communication prepares students for mass media jobs in journalism, advertising, public relations, and production.
The school also offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies. The B.A. in Communication Studies focuses on interpersonal, mediated, and organizational communication. The B.A. in Communication Studies prepares students for positions in the public, private, nonprofit, and governmental sectors in which critical thinking, research methods and effective communication skills are required.
Additional information can be found on the School of Communication's Undergraduate Programs website.
Undergraduate Minor Degree Programs
The school offers four minor programs:
- Communication Studies
- Mass Communication
- Political Campaigning and Advocacy
- Social Media
Graduate Program
The School of Communication also offers a Master of Science degree in Communication Management.
Students learn about ethical and legal issues in business and communication, metrics, media management and strategy. Graduates can apply the degree to jobs within public relations firms, advertising agencies, news outlets, production companies, healthcare companies, government agencies and corporate communication departments. The 36-credit degree is an innovative collaboration in which the School of Communication provides the core courses, while students customize their degree by choosing from one of five outside concentrations: Business, Leadership, Nonprofit Management, Public Management, and Public Health. Additional information about this program can be found on the School of Communication's Graduate Program website.
Transformational Learning
成人AV视频 Communication students engage in community-based learning in all of our concentrations. Multimedia Journalism students research and write stories in the Florida Times-Union and contribute several types of content to the newspaper's web site. Also, Multimedia Journalism students produce "Inside Jacksonville," a news show, and other TV programming. Digital Video Production students make documentaries that are screened locally and internationally. Every semester Advertising and Public Relations students create fully planned campaigns for First Coast area non-profit organizations. In addition, during every term nearly 100 Communication majors complete professional internships.
School of Communication Faculty
John H. Parmelee, Professor & Director
Christa L. Arnold, Associate Professor
Berrin A. Beasley, Professor
Tricia Booker, Instructor
Sydney Brammer, Assistant Professor
Roy Christopher, Instructor
Dee A. Colvin-Ott, Associate Instructor
David J. Deeley, Associate Instructor
Roberta R. Doggett, Associate Instructor
Frank Goodin, Associate Instructor
Junga Kim, Associate Professor
Chunsik Lee, Associate Professor
Samuel C. Mathies, Associate Instructor
Traci M. Mathies, Associate Instructor
Diane L. Matuschka, Instructor
Carolynn A. McMahan, Associate Professor
Siho Nam, Associate Professor
Jae H. Park, Associate Professor
Stephynie C. Perkins, Associate Professor
Rachel Riggs, Assistant Professor
Natalia Roman, Associate Professor
Margaret Stewart, Associate Professor
Brian Thornton, Professor