Undergraduate Programs of Study
The School of Communication offers two undergraduate degrees: A B.S. in Communication and a B.A. in Communication Studies. The B.A. in Communication Studies differs from the School of Communication's B.S. in that the B.S. focuses on preparing students for mass media jobs in journalism, advertising, public relations, and digital video production, while the B.A. focuses on interpersonal and organizational communication within a wide variety of businesses.
Our "Careers in Communication" webpage has details on the types of jobs that the B.S. in Communication and B.A. in Communication Studies prepare you for.
To help students stay on track to graduate on time, the School of Communication has created an "Osprey Map," which should be used in consultation with your academic advisor.
Also offered are four minors: Communication Studies, Mass Communication, Political Campaigns, and Social Media.
Our "Best Minors by Career" webpage lists which minors will best prepare you for more than 60 communication careers.
We are committed to making courses as accessible as possible. As a result, we offer courses in a variety of formats: traditional face-to-face lecture, online distance learning, and hybrid. However, please note that some courses do not have a distance-learning option and must be done in a traditional face-to-face format.
- Bachelor of Science in Communication
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies
- Minors in Communication
- Rules and Policies
- Course Offerings by Semester
Bachelor of Science in Communication
All B.S. in Communication majors are required to specify an area of study within the degree. Currently there are four areas from which students may choose: Advertising, Multimedia Journalism, Digital Video Production, and Public Relations. Also, B.S. in Communication majors must complete a minimum of 61 hours outside of journalism and mass communication courses, and B.S. in Communication majors can take no more than 6 credit hours for internships. The B.S. in Communication is accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Here is a that describes what our students do in the B.S. in Communication.
The Advertising concentration provides students with the theoretical concepts and practices of the advertising profession, including the research and development of creative strategies underlying ad development and execution in integrated advertising campaigns using a variety of media.
Program of Study - Advertising
Multimedia Journalism
The Multimedia Journalism major concentration stresses reporting and storytelling skills in the fast-changing professional practices of journalism. The concentration emphasizes content production for print, broadcast, cable, and online/interactive/multimedia dissemination. The program acquaints students with the structure and operations of news media organizations and the legal and ethical issues associated with mass media.
Program of Study - Multimedia Journalism
Digital Video Production
The Digital Video Production major concentration focuses on developing all necessary video production skills in order to compete and excel in today's increasingly video driven media industry. Upon completing the program requirements, students will be able to demonstrate clear proficiency with all fundamental aspects of video production, with the option to specialize in one of several areas if they choose: Public Relations, Advertising, Journalism, Documentary or Narrative Production. Soundsnap is a corporate partner of this concentration.
Program of Study - Digital Video Production
Public Relations
The Public Relations concentration acquaints students with theoretical concepts and practices of the public relations profession. Through research, strategic planning, and application of a wide range of communication skills, public relations professionals guide institutions in developing and maintaining relationships with internal and external groups including the larger society.
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies
The B. A. in communication studies prepares students to be competent communicators in their personal, civic and professional roles by fostering their abilities to think critically, to express and advocate ideas effectively, and to understand and appreciate the diversity of human communicative practices. Through a dynamic and diverse curriculum that spans interpersonal, mediated, and organizational communication, students develop communication skills aimed at enhancing their personal, professional, and public lives. The B.A. in communication studies prepares aspirants for a variety of careers in business and professional occupations as well as for graduate programs in communication, law or the social sciences. Occupations such as organizational trainer, sales representative, buyer and government program coordinator are options for program graduates.
Minors in Communication
Communication Studies
This minor explores human communication, including interpersonal, nonverbal, group, intercultural, organizational, mass, and public communication.
Program of Study - Communication Studies
Mass Communication
This minor provides an overview of the processes and influences of the mass media.
Program of Study - Mass Communication
Political Campaigns
This minor provides an overview of political parties, running political campaigns and advocating in the political process.
Program of Study - Political Campaigns
Social Media
This minor focuses on the operational, strategic, and critical aspects of social media as well as creating content on social media platforms.
Program of Study - Social MediaRules and Policies
Current 成人AV视频 students who want to declare a major in Communication must complete the necessary paperwork through the College of Arts & Sciences (COAS) Advising Office. B.S. in Communication students also need to specify the area of concentration they intend to pursue within the program.
Requisite and Pre-Requisite Requirements
SPC 2608 Fundamentals of Speech is a requirement for all four major concentrations in the B.S. in Communication major and so should be taken in the first or second year.
Take 18 hours outside the major and beyond the 36 hours of general education requirements. Courses must be taken in pre-requisite order with a grade of "C" or better. Student will be administratively withdrawn from communication courses if grades of "C" or above are not earned in all required core requisite.
Pre-requisites for courses and even course numbers change over time. Students should check the course description section of the current academic year catalog for current information on pre-requisites.
B.S. in Communication Major Retention Policy
To remain in good standing as a major you are only permitted two attempts for the MMC 3105-Advanced Writing for the Media course. Withdrawing from a class or making a grade lower than a "C" will count as one attempt. On the second attempt a communication major must make a "C" in the course to continue in the major. After two failed attempts in this course students must change majors.
Further, all major requirements and major electives must be completes with grades of "C" or above.
First Day Attendance Rule
Any student who misses the first day of class without advance notice to the School of Communication office will, at the discretion of the instructor, be administratively removed from the missed class. It remains the student's responsibility to determine his or her enrollment status in any class missed on the first day.
Course Offerings by Semester
School of Communication
Undergraduate schedule of when courses are offered
This schedule is a guide to help students, faculty, and advisors know when certain courses are offered. Please note that adjustments may be made due to unforeseen circumstances, and more courses may potentially be offered subject to student demand. Please visit the School of Communication website for more information.
Courses Offered Every Semester (Spring, Summer, Fall)
MMC 1004 Media Literacy (3 credits)
MMC 3105 Advanced Writing for the Media (3 credits)
MMC 3200 Law and Ethics of Communication (3 credits)
MMC 3614 Media Theories and Effects (3 credits)
MMC 4420 Mass Communications Research (3 credits)
MMC 3942 Pre-Internship (1 credit)
MMC 4975 Internship Senior Project (3 credits)
ADV 3008 Principles of Advertising (3 credits)
ADV 3203 Advertising Media Graphics (3 credits)
PUR 3000 Principles of Pub Relations (3 credits)
SPC 2608 Fundamentals of Speech (3 credits)
SPC 4064 Public Speaking for Professionals (3 credits)
Courses Offered in Spring and Fall
ADV 3101 Advertising Creative Strategy (3 credits)
ADV 3300 Media Planning (3 credits)
ADV 4800 Advertising Campaigns (3 credits)
ADV4404 Strategic Branding (3 credits)
ADV 3812 Integrated Marketing Communication (3 credits)
MMC 4500 History of Mass Communication (3 credits)
JOU 3109 Multimedia Reporting (3 credits)
JOU 3925 Applied Journalism (3 credits)
JOU 3342 Multimedia Storytelling (3 credits)
JOU 4348 Advanced Multimedia Storytelling (3 credits)
PUR 3100 Public Relations Writing (3 credits)
PUR 4800 Public Relations Campaigns (3 credits)
PUR 4801 Public Relations Cases (3 credits)
PUR 4400 Crisis Communication (3 credits)
RTV 3260 Single Camera Video Production (3 credits)
RTV 3221 Digital Video Editing (3 credits)
RTV 3228 Multi Camera Video Production (3 credits)
RTV 4661 Advanced TV Production (3 credits)
RTV 3220C Television Production/Visual Arts Television (3 credits)
MMC 2701 Communicating across Cultures (3 credits)
MMC 3002 Social Media for Communication (3 credits)
MMC 3342 Content Creation Tools (3 credits)
Courses Offered in Spring
RTV 3601 Announcing & Performance (3 credits)
MMC 4732 Social Media Management (3 credits)
Courses Offered in Summer
RTV 3001 Principles of Broadcasting (3 credits)
MMC 4732 Social Media Management (3 credits)
Courses Offered in Fall
COM 4430 International Communication (3 credits)
COM 4930 Strategic Social Media (3 credits)
MMC 3402 Political Advertising (3 credits) (Note: Only offered in even-numbered years)
MMC 4630 Understanding Emerging Media (3 credits)
Courses Offered Periodically
(Check with the school’s director or your student advisor for details)
ADV 3200 Advertising Design (3 credits)
MMC 4422 Advertising & PR Research (3 credits)
PUR 4450 Public Relations and Event Planning (3 credits)
RTV 4581 Lighting for Production (3 credits)
RTV 4330 Documentary Fundamentals (3 credits)
RTV 4612 Digital Video Effects (3 credits)
RTV 4291 Narrative Production (3 credits)
RTV 4225 Corporate Production (3 credits)
Courses Offered Every Semester (Spring, Summer, Fall)
COM 3003 Principles of Communication Studies (3 credits)
SPC 2608 Fundamentals of Speech (3 credits)
SPC 4064 Public Speaking for Professionals (3 credits)
Courses Offered Only in Spring and Fall
COM 3042 Interpersonal Communication (3 credits)
COM 3120 Organizational Communication (3 credits)
COM 3332 Mediated Communication (3 credits)
COM 3752 Listening (3 credits)
COM 4044 Lying & Deception (3 credits)
COM 4301 Communication Theory and Research Methods (3 credits)
MMC 2701 Communicating Across Cultures (3 credits)
Courses Offered Only in Spring
COM 4373 Consequences of Cyberculture (3 credits)
COM 3440 Small Group Communication (3 credits)
Courses Offered Only in Fall
COM 4561 Strategic Social Media (3 credits)
COM 4430 International Communication (3 credits)
Courses Offered Periodically
(Check with the school’s director or your student advisor for details)
COM 4022 Theory & Research Methods in Health Communication (3 credits)
COM 4930 Special Topics in Communication Studies (3 credits)
SPC 3540 Theories of Persuasion (3 credits)