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Language and Culture Lab

In the Language and Culture Lab (15/1105), all are welcome to reinforce their second language skills in a relaxed, social, and culturally immersive environment.
Resources--which are free for students, faculty, staff, and community partners, to use in the lab--include the following:
- Weekly conversation and board-gaming tables
- Faculty-led 'culture table' sessions
- Practice and tutoring sessions led by advanced Spanish and French majors
- Materials and technology for language and culture learning
- Workshops on career opportunities and professional development for language majors
- Workshops on study abroad and research opportunities
- Meetings of the Spanish, French, and Chinese clubs
- Festive event programming throughout the year
There is also a small library of books in Chinese, French, and Spanish, and a tea-and-coffee corner, for students to enjoy. Informal advising with the department chair, a faculty member, or with an advanced French and Spanish major, is available by appointment.
Plan Your Visit
Enrollment in language and culture coursework is encouraged but not required, and students across disciplines are welcome. The lab is open daily during regular business hours except when a class may be scheduled to meet there. For more information please contact us at 904-620-2282 or consult with your French, Spanish, or Chinese professor.
Cultural Experience: Students learn to make dumplings with Professor Yinan Wang to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Conversation and Creativity: Professor García holds el cafecito with students of Spanish.
Students create their own designs at the annual event, Embroidery for Peace and Memory,

A Forum for Ideas: Guest speakers Philippe Singer (CFO Predator Group), Kiana González Cedeño (成人AV视频 Spanish major alumna and Assistant Professor at Texas Christian University), and Jorge Febles (professor emeritus and U.S. Cuban author). M. Singer led a workshop on French business culture, Dr. González Cedeño shared insights on her professional trajectory and Puerto Rican cultural history, and Dr. Febles presented his recently published book Desequilibrios: Ficciones para leer en bicicleta).