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2024-2025 University Catalog
threeColumn catalog

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum



The Department of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum, through teaching, research, and public service, and its commitment to leadership and excellence, strives to enhance the quality of education in its varied forms and settings in Florida, the nation, and the world.


Our programs prepare teachers who can respond conscientiously to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds to support them in their learning. Teaching is a moral act. It is moral because, in a macro sense, student achievement and successful school experiences are related economically and ethically to the improvement of social and cultural conditions. Well-taught students grow to become adults who can participate fully in our democratic, pluralistic society. In a micro sense, teaching is moral because students' individual lives are improved as they grow and learn.

Teachers must value and be committed to educating and working with all children, regardless of background or ethnicity - a challenging task, especially as the American culture becomes increasingly diverse. The programs and courses of study within this department enable aspiring teachers to demonstrate research-based teaching approaches, to expand their content knowledge in order to help students meet the challenges of the 21st century, to use educational technologies thoughtfully, to value education, and to appreciate the key role of critical thinking and problem solving in all aspects of schooling. The department has as its objectives the development of specified competencies needed for effective classroom performance. Laboratory and field experiences of increasing complexity are required and are correlated with theoretical components, providing an opportunity to apply information gathered in the program. Instructional techniques used by the department faculty will include those methods the students are expected to learn and apply in clinical settings.

Teacher Education at 成人AV视频 is developed around the following constructs:

  1. Reflection: Teacher reflection utilizes teacher beliefs as the mechanism to understand and, importantly, improve their professional decision-making.
  2. Inquiry: The overriding goal of teacher inquiry is improved and more-informed practical classroom decisions to better meet the needs and interests of learners.
  3. Social Justice Education: Social justice education attempts to reallocate educational resources (from courses to staffing) by taking into account the pre-existing inequities in society.
  4. Collaboration: Collaboration is the direct interaction between at least two coequal parties voluntarily engaged in an interactive process, using shared decision making, rules, norms and structures as they work toward a common goal.
  5. The Whole Learner: The idea of whole learning is that students learn from cooperation and collaborative learning and the instruction should be student focused not information focused (Frick, 1995).

While the department has specific prerequisite courses, students are expected to be able to demonstrate communication skills throughout the program. Further, students are expected to demonstrate behaviors and dispositions commensurate with established standards for professional educators, including the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices. The following are specific admission requirements for undergraduate programs that lead to teacher licensure:

  • Satisfactory completion of 60 semester hours of credit from 成人AV视频 or other regionally accredited institution(s). An Associate in Arts Degree (AA) from one of Florida's public community/state colleges or SUS schools satisfies General Education and Gordon Rule requirements.
  • A minimum of a C grade in all lower and upper level classes required for the major. This requirement includes all General Education and the prerequisite course, EDF1005 Intro to the Teaching Profession, (EDFX005 can be used as a substitute for EDF1005).
  • A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 or better in all college level course work.
  • Although not needed for initial admission to an education major. Students must pass all four parts of the Florida General Knowledge (GK) exam before reaching 90 credits or senior status. Students not passing the GK by this point will need to select another non-education major.
  • Professional education minors may enroll in the specified upper level education courses with the approval of a COEHS academic advisor.
  • Students must pass the Professional Education exam and the appropriate Subject Area exam to complete internship and graduate.

The State of Florida mandates certification requirements for teachers. Students should see their academic advisors frequently to obtain appropriate advisement for current certification requirements.

Programs of Study

The Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum houses the following programs.

Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree Programs

  • Early Childhood Education Program which has two concentrations
    • Early Childhood Development (does not lead to teacher licensure)
    • PreK-Primary Licensure (leads to age 3 to grade 3 teacher certification)
  • Elementary Education (K-6) Program
  • Biology Education (6-12) Program
  • Chemistry Education (6-12) Program
  • English Education (6-12) Program
  • Mathematics Education (6-12) Program
  • Middle School Education: Mathematics and Science Program
  • Physics Education (6-12) Program
  • Social Studies Education (6-12) Program
  • Exceptional Student Education (K-12) Program
  • Deaf Education (K-12) Program


Master's degree Programs

  • Master of Education in Elementary Education
    • This degree program is made up of several core courses and a number of stackable certiicates depending on the student's interest.
  • Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with the following concentrations:
    • Advanced Secondary Education
    • Early Childhood Education
    • Early Childhood Educational Leadership
    • Elementary STEM
    • Reading and Advanced Literacy
  • Master of Arts in Teaching (Elementary Education)
  • Master of Arts in Teaching (Secondary Education)
    • Biology Education (6-12)
    • Chemistry Education (6-12)
    • English/Language Arts Education (6-12)
    • Mathematics Education (6-12)
    • Middle School Education: Mathematics and Science (5-9)
    • Physics Education (6-12)
    • Social Studies Education (6-12)
  • Master of Arts in Teaching (Exceptional Student Education)

*MAT programs are designed for individuals who hold a bachelor's degree in a non-education field who wish to pursue a career as a classroom teacher.

The Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum graduate programs assist learners in developing personal and professional competencies needed for successful instruction in today's schools. This goal is achieved through programs emphasizing individually meaningful instruction, the use of innovative materials, and the application of theoretical concepts in laboratory and clinical experiences.

The department offers a wide array of graduate studies for teachers and other educational professionals. In meeting those diverse needs, the department offers three categories of studies at the graduate level.

Category I - Master's Degree Programs for Teachers with Professional Certificates
Programs for certificated teachers who desire to extend their professional skills and knowledge leading to the awarding of a master of education degree are the primary means for pursuing graduate study within the department. The central mission of these programs is to extend and enhance the instructional expertise of the professional teacher. These programs expand the teacher's certified areas of instruction.

Category II - Master's Degree Programs for Uncertified Post-baccalaureate Students
These programs are for graduate students who do not hold professional teaching certificates but who wish to obtain a Master of Education degree.

Category III-Master’s Degree Programs that lead to Teacher Certification
These programs are for graduate students who are seeking teacher certification in addition to a master’s degree.

Category IV - Non-degree Studies that Lead to a Certificate
These studies are content focused programs that lead to certificates awarded by the 成人AV视频. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, either in education or a non-education related field, is required to pursue the certificates. It should be noted that traditional types of financial aid are not available for certificate programs.

General Admission requirements:

  1. A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or its equivalent from a foreign institution with a grade point average of 3.00 (B) or higher in all course work attempted as an upper division student, normally the 60 semester hours taken during their final two years of baccalaureate study, or
  2. An earned graduate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. Institution or its equivalent from a foreign institution.

Additional requirements:

Master of Education Elementary Education

  1. Requirements include a 3.0 GPA for the last 60 hours of undergraduate study,
  2. A copy of a valid Florida Teaching Certificate or Statement of Eligibility (excluding Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Educational Leadership) and
  3. Three letters of recommendation

Certificate Programs

  • Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education
  • The Whole Child Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Certificate for Professionals and Students
  • Graduate Certificate in Elementary STEM Education
  • Graduate Certificate in Advanced Literacy Practices for Engaging Learners
  • Graduate Certificate in Teaching Diverse Learners
  • Graduate Certificate in Teacher Inquiry
  • Graduate Certificate in Advanced Secondary Instruction
  • Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Deaf Education 


The department offers minors in the following areas:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Professional Education
  • Deaf Education

Department of Childhood Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Faculty

Christian Winterbottom, Chair, Associate Professor
Stacy Boote, Associate Professor
Richard H. Chant, Associate Professor
Kim Cheek, Associate Professor
Jeffrey W. Cornett, Chair Emeritus
Rachelle Curcio, Assistant Professor
Daniel Dinsmore, Associate Professor
Shaqwana Freeman-Green, Associate Professor
Terrie Galanti, Assistant Professor
Caroline Guardino, Professor
Katrina Hall, Associate Professor
David Hoppey, Professor
Alice Jo, Visiting Instructor
Jeania Jones, Instructor
Dilek Kayaalp, Assistant Professor
Jennifer Kilpatrick, Associate Professor
Adrien Malek-Lasater, Assistant Professor
Paul Parkison, Professor
Meghan Parkinson, Assistant Professor
Raven Robinson, Assistant Professor
Elizabeth Rozas, Assistant Professor
Nile Stanley, Associate Professor
Madalina Tanase, Associate Professor
Christine Weber, Professor
John White, Professor
Lunetta Williams, Professor
Pamela Williamson, Professor
Diane Yendol-Hoppey, Professor
Brian Zoellner, Associate Professor