Silverfield College of Education and Human Services Undergraduate Degree Requirements
- Admission Requirements
- Graduation Requirements
- Teacher Certification
- Directed Independent Studies
- Field/Clinical Experiences
- Pre-Internship
- Internship
- General Education and College Prerequisites
- Professional Education Minor
- Teacher-Certification-Only
Admission Requirements
Applicants must meet minimum requirements for admission to undergraduate programs as established by State of Florida rule and 成人AV视频 policy.
All programs presuppose that students have sufficient academic background to pursue the professional courses provided in the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services. For specific requirements, refer to programs of study for each major.Special Requirements for Admission to Bachelor of Arts in Education Programs leading to Teacher Certification
The Florida Board of Education requires that applicants for undergraduate teacher education programs meet the admissions requirements stated below to be directly admitted into any undergraduate teacher education program offered by the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services:
- Students who have completed a minimum of 60 semester hours or who have earned an Associate of Arts degree from a Florida public educational institution with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better.
- Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Students must pass all four parts of the General Knowledge exam (GK) prior to reaching 90 credits or senior status to continue in an education major. Students not passing the GK by the 90 credits or senior status will need to change to a noneducation major.
Additional information regarding admission is available from the Office of Academic Support and Information Services at (904) 620-3934.
Graduation Requirements
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Education degree are as follows:
- Satisfactory completion of the minimum number of credits required by the program of study, of which at least 48 credits must be earned at the upper-level.
- Satisfactory completion of the last 30 upper-level credits in the degree program in residence at 成人AV视频.
- Satisfactory completion of all field experience and internship requirements.
- Successful completion of all critical task assignments for the given major.
- Passing scores on all parts of the (a) General Knowledge Test, (b) Professional Education Examination (PED) and (c) Subject Area Examination (SAE) components of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE).** It is required that students arrange to take the PED and the SAE portions of the FTCE in the semester prior to the semester in which they plan to enroll in their student teaching internship. Internship cannot be completed without successful completion of all parts of the FTCE.
- Grades lower than “C” at either the lower division or upper division level will not be applied toward the completion of the degree requirements.
Students progressing toward a Bachelor of Arts in Education degree are required to maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
* Note: Middle Grade Math/Science majors must pass the SAE for both Middle Grades Math 5-9 AND Middle Grades Science 5-9.
** Not applicable for students who are in programs that do not lead to certification in teaching. A student in a teacher education program who fails to meet the FTCE requirement will not receive a passing grade in internship and will not be eligible to graduate.
Teacher Certification
Students in programs leading to teacher certification will be eligible for a State of Florida professional teaching certificate in their specializations if they successfully complete the academic, field/clinical experiences, and professional testing requirements.
Directed Independent Studies
The intent of an independent study is to allow a student to pursue a selected topic in greater depth under the direction of a Silverfield College of Education and Human Services faculty member. Regularly offered courses typically involve classroom interaction and for this reason are not offered as independent studies. Students who qualify for an independent study or need additional information should contact the individual professor. Independent study courses are not available for students enrolled in the pre-kindergarten/primary concentration.
Field/Clinical Experiences
The Silverfield College of Education and Human Services is committed to providing teacher education students with a wide variety of field-based, clinical experiences. Because of this commitment, all teacher education students will participate in a variety of field experiences.
All students enrolled in Silverfield College of Education and Human Services courses that require a field or clinical component and/or are taught at a school site are mandated by state law to be fingerprinted and receive background clearance before entering the school. Please note that individual school districts may require clearances even if the student has already received clearance from another district. Students should be aware that noncompliance with fingerprinting requirements will result in the inability to complete course requirements. Contact the Office of Academic Support and Information Services at (904) 620-3934 for information regarding fingerprinting procedures.
Pre-internship field experiences are required for all undergraduate teacher education students, or certification students, seeking to complete an internship experience. Prerequisite and/or corequisite courses must be completed prior to or along with the pre-internship experiences in all programs of study leading to teacher certification. Students should consult with an academic advisor to assure that prerequisites are satisfied when enrolling in these courses. Field lab courses are sequential and must be taken in order. All pre-internship field courses must be successfully completed with a grade of “C” or better prior to internship. Each course is conducted as an inquiry-oriented seminar designed around common themes faced by beginning teachers, and all course experiences and assignments are linked to the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices. The courses link theory and practice through the development of a teaching portfolio needed for internship. Each course requires the students to participate in a minimum 60-hour field component. Students should meet with their advisor to plan the semester in which to enroll in each pre-internship field course.
All students must meet the fingerprinting and background check requirements.
Teacher education students seeking a Bachelor of Arts in Education degree in the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services must complete an internship as a college requirement. A 2.5 GPA, as well as completion of all prerequisites, program requirements, documentation of attempting the Professional and Subject Area exams and First Aid/CPR and fingerprint eligibility are required to enroll in internship. The student should consult the Office of Academic Advising regarding clearance for internship. Interns are assigned to public schools in 成人AV视频’s service region to make program supervision possible. Placing an intern requires advanced planning by the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services and the public schools. For this reason, it is the student’s responsibility to see that application for internship is filed by the fourth Friday of the semester prior to the semester of enrollment for internship (excluding the summer terms).* Placement assignments are final and may not be changed.
Successful completion of internship requires fulfillment of all field-based experiences as specified in the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services “Internship Handbook,” including submission of a professional portfolio constructed according to the specified guidelines and in compliance with the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices for pre-professional educators. An additional requirement of internship is the successful completion of all parts of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam.General Education and College Prerequisites
The Florida Board of Education has established general education requirements applicable to all students enrolled in undergraduate programs leading to teacher certification. These requirements are more substantial than the University’s general education requirements, and exact courses vary by program of study. Students should consult with an advisor to assure compliance with these requirements.**
* Internship is not offered in the summer term. Fall term applicants must apply for internship by the 4th week of the previous spring term.** A grade of “C” or better must be obtained in all lower division and prerequisite courses required by the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services, and an overall GPA of 2.5 or better must be maintained.
Professional Education Minor
成人AV视频 students may select the Professional Education Minor offered by the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services to satisfy the University minor requirements. The Professional Education Minor may meet some of the professional education requirements for alternative teacher certification in Florida. Students are not permitted to earn any grade lower than a “C” and may not have a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.5 in their education coursework. Students should consult with an advisor in the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services to obtain information about teacher certification in Florida.
Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in a non-education field of study may pursue Florida teacher certification through “Teacher-Certification-Only” (TCO) studies. Please note that all TCO coursework must be taken at the graduate level (i.e., 5000 or 6000 level courses) unless graduate-level courses are not offered. TCO does not lead to the awarding of a degree or certificate. Students interested in TCO should contact the COEHS Office of Academic Support and Information Services.