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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Certification for Education Interns

  • Where do I start?

    Go to the  website to apply.

    Go to Educator Certification

    Go to New Florida Certification

    • Here you will find instructions on how to apply.
    • Professional Teaching Certificate
      • Interns completing their program of studies and passing the Professional and Subject Area exams should apply for the Professional Teaching Certificate.
      • This will be valid for 5 years before renewal.
  • How do I answer the FLDOE Eligibility Section?

    When you get to the FLDOE Eligibility Section, select the drop down that says "I am an interning College of Education student."

    • The section regarding the Statement of Eligibility or License Expiration Date is not required. You can leave it blank and proceed to the next question.
  • What subjects and endorsements should I apply for?

    You should apply for the subject area that corresponds with your major.

    If your program of studies qualifies you for the ESOL endorsement, you should apply for it at this time. Do not wait. If you are eligible for the endorsement but have not applied for it and you are assigned an ELL student, you will need to take the ESOL training offered by your district which is a considerable investment of time.

    ESOL eligible undergraduate programs include:

    • Elementary
    • Pre-K Primary
    • Exceptional Student Education
    • Deaf Education
    • Secondary English

    ESOL eligible graduate programs:

    • English Education
  • What additional materials will I need to submit?
    • FTCE scores are automatically sent to the FLDOE.
    • You will need to send your official transcript showing that your degree has been conferred and that you have successfully completed internship to the FLDOE.
    • Payment for each subject area and endorsement will be required.
  • What is a Degree Conferral letter?
    A Degree Conferral letter simply states that you have successfully completed your academic and financial responsibilities to the university and gives the degree awarded, date the degree was conferred and when final transcripts will be available.
  • What is it for?
    A Degree Conferral letter serves as a placeholder for a school district’s HR department until your official transcripts showing the degree awarded are available. The Degree Conferral letter cannot be used with the FLDOE. Only the official transcript showing the degree conferred is acceptable for them.
  • How can I get a Degree Conferral letter?
    • Have the HR Department of the school district that wishes to hire you contact Dr. O’Farrell at cofarrel@unf.edu.
    • Dr. O’Farrell will research your eligibility and send the letter electronically to the HR Department making the request.
  • When will it be available?
    Your Degree Conferral letter will be available once grades post for the semester.