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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services

The Gladys Prior Awards for Career Teaching Excellence

How Do You Nominate a Teacher?

Write a letter that clearly describes the teacher's impact on students through excellent teaching. As you tell the teacher's story, share specific, detailed examples of how the teacher inspires students to learn. What qualities and experiences make this teacher's impact on students stand out from other excellent teachers? Tell the teacher's story. Up to four teachers will be awarded $17,000 each.

Have you nominated someone in the past who was not selected as a recipient? Please feel free to nominate that teacher again! 

What is the Criteria?

  • Evidence of sustained inspiration to students.
  • Evidence of sustained teaching excellence.
  • Ten (10) or more years of classroom teaching and currently teaching in a public or private school in Duval County.
  • Academic coaches, media specialists, and guidance counselors are not eligible.
  • Teachers may not nominate themselves; however parents, students, teachers, administrators, community members and others are able to nominate.
  • Organized campaigns may disqualify a nominee (Per Mr. Berg's request.)
    • The first four (4) letters received per nominee will be considered.

Suggestions for Successful Nominations

  • Submit a maximum of four (4) letters per nominee. Recent winners have had 2-4 nomination letters. 
    • The first four (4) letters received per nominee will be considered.
  • Consider including student comments or student-written letters.
  • Consider including parent letters. If parents are reluctant to write a letter, they may be willing to be interviewed and have their comments recorded. 
  • Remember to incorporate details and specific examples to tell your nominee's story.


Nominations are now closed.

E-mail letters to gladyspriorawards.coehs@unf.edu

Email is the preferred method to receive nominations at this time. You can send your nominations via U.S. Mail to the following address:

Gladys Prior Selection Committee
Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
1 成人AV视频 Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224


For further information, contact Clarissa Fleurimond and Emma Brinson at gladyspriorawards.coehs@unf.edu

View list of past award recipients.