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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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Clinical Experiences for Teacher Education Students

The Silverfield College of Education and Human Services is committed to providing teacher education students with a wide variety of field-based, clinical experiences. Because of this commitment, all students will participate in at least one urban field experience. Field experience is required as part of the College's core for all undergraduate students or certification students seeking to complete an internship experience. Fingerprinting is required prior to participating in field experiences. 

Field Experience Courses 

Field experience courses must be successfully completed prior to internship. Students should meet with their academic advisor to plan the semester in which to enroll in each course. These courses require a minimum of 60 hours at designated sites to be completed over the course of a semester. Students should consider this requirement when scheduling courses.Students should register for the course and section that corresponds with their major and note the school site associated with that course and section.


Placing an intern requires advanced planning by the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services and the public schools. For this reason, it is the student's responsibility to see that application for internship is filed by the fourth Friday of the semester prior to the semester of enrollment for internship, excluding the summer terms. Placement assignments are final and may not be changed. Because of the heavy responsibilities and commitment involved in internship, a student normally is not allowed to enroll in any additional courses during the internship period. Any exceptions to this rule must be initiated at the time of application beginning with a student's academic advisor.


State rules mandate that students participating in field and clinical experiences in school districts must be fingerprinted. These field experiences include 成人AV视频 students enrolled in any course requiring a field component, internship and all courses held at school sites or that require students to work with children in a school setting.

  • The school districts in conjunction with the university have developed procedures for fingerprinting university students which must be followed.
  • Students should follow the procedures for the school district in which they will be conducting their field experience. These instructions can be obtained in the Office of Academic Support and Information Services.
  • Students not fingerprinted will not receive school placements and subsequently will not be able to complete course requirements. This will adversely affect your grade for the course.
  • Fingerprints cannot be transferred from one district to another.
  • No student will receive a placement until they have received clearance from the district.
  • Persons that have been fingerprinted through another institution i.e. FSCJ or Substitutes should complete the "PREVIOUS FINGERPRINTING CLEARANCE REQUEST" form and return to the Office of Academic Support and Information Services. You will need to provide your name, social security number, month and year previously fingerprinted, and the course name. This information will be forwarded to the district for clearance approval.

Fingerprinting Instructions for Duval County

Duval Instructions

Fingerprint Instructions for Clay County

Directions to schedule a fingerprinting appointment for the School Board of Clay County:

  1. Go to .
  2. Click on the "Schedule an Appointment" button. *Notice: You will be charged an additional $12.50 for a missed appointment unless you reschedule with Fieldprint at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to your original appointment.
  3. Enter an email address under "New Users/Sign Up" and click the "Sign Up" button. Follow the instructions for creating a Password and Security Question and then click "Sign Up and Continue".
  4. Select "I know my Fieldprint Code" and enter the code "FPCLCoInterns" (all letters, no numbers). You must use the FP code we have provided.DO NOT use the drop down menu that is offered.
  5. Enter the contact and demographic information required by the FBI and schedule a fingerprint appointment at the location of your choosing.
  6. You will be charged a fee of $85.25.
  7. At the end of the process, print the Confirmation Page. Take the Confirmation Page with you to your fingerprint appointment, along with two forms of identification.
  8. Badge processing takes ten (10) to fourteen (14) days once the process has been completed.

Badges will be available for pick up at:

School Board of Clay County

900 Walnut St.,

Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

Office Hours

Regular office hours are Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Summer office hours are Monday thru Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Please bring a valid photo ID with you to pick up your badge.
  • Contact Fieldprint Florida to report a lost badge.

Use the Fieldprint code "FPCLCoIntRepB".

Cost of replacement badge is $10.00.

If you have any questions or problems, you may contact the Fieldprint customer service team at:

877-614-4364 or customerservice@fieldprint.com.