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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Africana Studies

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA) Concentration: Library and Archival Studies 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)


The track will draw together existing courses in the DH Minor with courses on indigenous and African American history and literature, along with a proposed Library and Archival Foundations course. Faculty and students affiliated with 成人AV视频’s Digital Humanities Institute and Africana Studies have collaborated for years on a variety of digital projects involving special collections at 成人AV视频 and other area archives, nearly all of which are centered on local African American and/or indigenous history. Student interest in archival studies and library information science has accordingly grown rapidly. This concentration will meet student demand and bring curricular shape to the existing courses and internships in these areas. This track in Africana Studies would be the only pre-professional concentration in the Humanities wing of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Foundation (12 credits)

Only two transfer courses will apply towards major requirements. A grade of C or better is required in all major courses. Students will be required to complete all prerequisites needed for individual major courses. Individual courses may be used only once to meet program requirements or electives. Students may cross-count up to 9 credits for a minor or a second major, on approval from that program.

AFS3262 African Diaspora (3 Credits)
AMH3571 (CD)Intro African-Amer History (3 Credits)
LIS3021 Library and Archival Foundations (3 Credits)

SELECT 1 course focused on Africa and African peoples from this list (3 credits):
ANT4352 (FC) Peoples and Cultures of Africa
AFH3450 (CD/FC) South Africa
AFH3100 Ancient Africa to 1850
AFH3252 War, Genocide, and HIV in Modern Africa
CPO3213 Politics and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa
Or, relevant Africa-focused coursework approved by the program director.

Core Requirements (12 credits)

SELECT 4 courses from the following:
PHM3128 Philosophy of Race and Racism
REL3152 Race and Religion in US
ARH3631 African American Art History
AML3621 (GW)Black American Literature
AMH3673 The Civil Rights Movement
ANT4352 (FC) Peoples and Cultures of Africa
MUH3055 (FC) African American Musical Heritage
SYD3700 Racial & Cultural Minorities
LAS3020 Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean
Or, additional coursework to be approved by the program director.

Concentration Requirements (24 credits)

Courses in this area of concentration requirements need to be upper level.

SELECT 8 courses:
AMH3170 Civil War/Reconstruction
AMH3402 The American South Through the 19th Century
AMH3403 The American South from the 20th Century
AMH 3420: Florida History
AMH 3580 American Indian History
AMH4991 Blackness in the Archives (Prerequisite HIS3051)
DIG 3176 Introduction to the Digital Humanities
DIG4152 Digital Editing and Digital Archives
ENC4415 Rhetoric in the Digital Humanities
ENC4436 Writing as Social Action
PHI3601 Ethics
SOP3723 Culture and Psychology
SPC4064 Public Speaking for Professionals
SPN3860 Digital Textual Editing in Spanish
SYP4660 Sociology of Culture
SYP4351 Social Movements and Social Change
ANT3355 The African Diaspora
ARH3583 Tribal Art