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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Information Systems

Degree: Bachelor of Science (BS) 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)

Informational Text

The Bachelor of Science in Information Systems requires 120 total credits. School of Computing Policies

  • All courses must be completed with a grade of C or better unless noted otherwise.
  • Once enrolled at 成人AV视频, all remaining prerequisite courses and major/minor requirements must be completed at 成人AV视频.
  • Satisfactory Progress Policy
    • The School of Computing enforces the "one repeat" rule for all prerequisite and core courses offered by the School for its major programs.
    • Students who do not successfully complete a prerequisite or core requirement for a School of Computing major on the first attempt due to earning a grade of D, F, W, WP, or WF will be granted one chance to repeat the course.
    • Students who do not successfully complete the aforementioned course on the second attempt will be blocked from registering for courses offered by the School of Computing in future semesters.
    • This policy applies whether or not the student has declared a major in a School of Computing program.
  • Exit Requirements
    • Proficiency in a high-level programming language.
    • Proficiency in oral communication. To demonstrate satisfactory oral communication skills, students must deliver up to two presentations in an upper-level course offered by the School of Computing. If the first presentation is satisfactory, the second presentation will be waived.

Prerequisites (24 credits)

Information System Prerequisites: (8 Courses - 24 Credits)
Additionally, the Information Systems major requires selective admission. Students must meet the following admission criteria with a minimum grade of C prior to officially being admitted to the major: COP2220 Programming 1 and MAC2233 Business Calculus.

COP2220 Programming I (3 Credits)
ACG2021 Prin of Financial Accounting (3 Credits)
ACG2071 Prin Managerial Accounting (3 Credits)
CGS1100 Computer Applications for Busi (3 Credits)
ECO2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 Credits)
ECO2023 Principles of Microeconomics (3 Credits)
MAC2233 (GM)Calculus for Business (3 Credits)
Acceptable substitute: MAC2311 Calculus I
STA2023 (GM) Elem Statistics-Business (3 Credits)
Acceptable substiute: STA2122

Requisites (3 credits)

Information Systems Requisites: (1 Course - 3 Credits)

SELECT Any public speaking course
SPC4064 Public Speaking for Professionals is recommended.

Core Requirements (18 credits)

Computing Common Core (6 Courses - 18 Credits)

COT3100 Computational Structures (3 Credits)
COP3503 Programming II (3 Credits)
COP3530 Data Structures (3 Credits)
CIS3253 GW-Legal Ethical Iss in Comput (3 Credits)
COP3703 Introduction to Databases (3 Credits)
CNT4504 Computer Networks (3 Credits)

Major Requirements (31 credits)

Information Systems Major Requirements: (10 Courses - 31 Credits)

COP3855 Web Systems Development (4 Credits)
CDA4010 User Interface Design (3 Credits)
COP3813 Internet Programming (3 Credits)
COP4854 Web Frameworks (3 Credits)
CAP3784 Introduction to Data Analytics (3 Credits)
CIS4327 Information Syst Sr Project I (3 Credits)
CIS4328 Information Syst Sr Project II (3 Credits)
ISM4011 Intro Management Info Systems (3 Credits)
MAN3025 Principles of Management (3 Credits)
FIN3403 Financial Management (3 Credits)

Major Electives (9 credits)

Information Systems Major Electives: (3 Courses - 9 Credits)

SELECT 9 Credits of the following:

  • Any upper (3000-4000) level Computing course (prefix CAP, CDA, CEN, CIS, CNT, COP, or COT) not used to fulfill other major requirements may be used to satisfy this requirement.
  • A maximum of 6 credit hours of CIS3949 Experiential Studies may be taken. No more than 3 credit hours of CIS 3949 may be used to satisfy major or minor electives.
  • A maximum of 6 credit hours of CIS4900 Directed Independent Study may be taken. No more than 3 credit hours CIS 4900 may be taken with the same professor.
  • Students admitted to the accelerated BS-MS program may take the graduate-level courses CIS6913 Research Methods in Computing (3 Credits) and CIS6372 Information Assurance (3 Credits) to satisfy up to 6 credits of the required 9 major elective credits.

Exit Requirement

Computer and Information Sciences Oral Exit Requirement: All computing majors must deliver up to two spoken presentations in upper-level computing courses for the evaluation of presentation skills. If the first presentation is satisfactory, then the second evaluated presentation will be waived.

Electives (120 credits)

In order to graduate with a bachelor's degree, 120 total credit hours must be earned.

ANY-LEVEL Free Electives For 120 Hours

Electives (48 credits)

In order to graduate with a bachelor's degree, 48 upper-level hours must be earned.

UPPERLEVEL Free Electives From UpperLevel