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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Nutrition & Dietetics

Degree: Bachelor of Science (BS) Concentration: Didactic Program in Dietetics 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)

Prerequisites (38 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher
MAC1105 (GM) College Algebra (3 Credits)
Acceptable Substitutes: MACX105 and MACX142
STA2023 (GM) Elem Statistics for Business (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: MAC1105 or MAC1147
POS2041 Intro to American Government (3 Credits)
FSS1202 Food Fundamentals (3 Credits)
Offered in summer and fall only
FSS1202L Food Fundamentals Laboratory (3 Credits)
Offered in summer and fall only
HUN2201 Basic Prin Human Nutrition (3 Credits)
BSC1010C General Biology I (4 Credits)
BSC2085C Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 Credits)
Prerequisite: BSC1010C
Acceptable Substitutes: BSCX085/X085L, BSCX085C
BSC2086C Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4 Credits)
Prerequisite: BSC2085C
Acceptable Substitutes: BSCX086/X086L, BSCX086C
Additionally, PETX322/X322L, HSCX549, or PCBX702 satisfy both Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II with labs.
CHM2045/2045L General Chemistry I with lab
Prerequisite: MAC1105, CHM1025 or qualifying score on chemistry placement assessment
Acceptable Substitutes: CHMX045/X045L, CHMX032
MCB2010C Microbiology with lab
Prerequisites: BSC1010C, CHM2045, and CHM2045L
Acceptable Substitutes: MCBX004/X004L, MCBX020C, MCBX013C, MCBX020/X020L

Requisites (4 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher
BCH3023/L Survey Org Bio Chem with lab
Take prior to HUN3230
Prerequisite: CHM1025/1025L or CHM2045/2045L

Concentration Requirements (52 credits)

Must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher
Students enrolled in Didactic program in Dietetics (DPD) must follow BS/DPD Nutrition Program Sequencing Schedule in the Undergraduate Nutrition Student Handbook at to avoid delaying graduation. See the program website.

HUN3800 Nutrition Sci Res and Ethic (3 Credits)
Take in Junior year/Fall semester
Prerequisites: HUN2201, STA2014
HUN3403 Life Span Nutrition (3 Credits)
Take in Junior year/Fall semester
Prerequisites: HUN2201, CHM2045/2045L, FSS1202/1202L, BSC2085C, and BSC2086C
HUN3230 Metabolism of Macronutrients (3 Credits)
Take in Junior year/Spring semester
Prerequisites: HUN2201, BSC2085C, BSC2086C, CHM2045/2045L, BCH3023/3023L
Co-requisites: FSS1202/1202L (can be taken earlier)
HSC3578 Food, Health and Society (3 Credits)
Take in Junior year/Spring semester
DIE3310 Community Nutrition (3 Credits)
Take in Junior year/Spring semester
Prerequisite: HUN2201
FOS4041 Food Science and Composition (3 Credits)
Take in Junior year/Spring semester
Prerequisites: FSS1202/1202L, CHM2045/2045L and Corequisite: FOS4041L
FOS4041L Food Science Lab (3 Credits)
Take in Junior year/Spring semester
Prerequisites: FSS1202/1202L, CHM2045/2045L and Corequisite: FOS4041
HUN3014 Nutrition and Fitness (3 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Summer semester
Prerequisite: HUN2201
HUN4601C Nutrition Education (3 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Summer semester
Prerequisites: HUN2201
HUN3231 Metabolism of Micronutrients (3 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Fall semester
Prerequisite: HUN3230
DIE3213 Nutrition Therapy I (4 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Fall semester
Prerequisites: HUN2201, BSC2085C, BSC2086C, CHM2045/2045L, FSS1202/1202L, BCH3023/3023L HUN3403, HUN3230
DIE4122 Management of Food/Nutrition I (3 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Fall semester
Prerequisites: HUN2201, FSS1202/1202L, MCB2010C
DIE4515 Dietetics Capstone (2 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Fall semester
Must be taken in the second year of the nutrition curriculum
DIE 4931 Special Topics in Nutrition and Dietetics (3 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Spring semester
DIE3246 Nutrition Therapy II (4 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Spring semester
Prerequisite: DIE3213
DIE4125 Management Food/Nutrition II (3 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Spring semester
Prerequisite: DIE4122
HUN4016C Nutrition Counsel and Comm (3 Credits)
Take in Senior year/Spring semester
Prerequisites: HUN2201, HUN3230/3231