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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Psychological Science

Degree: Master of Science (MS) 2024-2025

Activity Code: BS/MS in Psychological Science or MS in Psychological Science 

The MS in the Psychological Science program has two options, a BS/MS degree for undergraduate students enrolled at 成人AV视频, and a stand-alone MS degree that is open to any individual who has already obtained a bachelor’s degree. No GRE score is required for either program. Current BS students can apply for the accelerated BS/MS in Psychological Science during the Spring of their junior year (the Spring before they would begin the graduate-course sequence). Students must earn a 3.2 GPA in all major requirements to qualify for admission to the Master's degree in Psychological Science. Contact the Graduate Program Director for more information about the accelerated BS/MS or the MS in Psychological Science. 
Students in the accelerated BS/MS program must complete these courses, which will apply to both degrees, during the semester before transitioning to the MS program: Research Design and Analysis I (PSY 6214: 3 credits); Colloquium (PSY 6937: 1 credit); Supervised Research (PSY 6910: 2 credits); and one 3-credit content course (DEP 6055, EXP 6506, or SOP 6069).

Prerequisites (17 credits)

STA 2014 Elementary Statistics for Health and Social Sciences (3 credits) 
PSY 3213 Psychology Research Methods (3 credits) 
PSY 3213L Research Methods Lab (1 credit) 
EAB 3013C Experimental Analysis Behavior/Lab (4 credits) 
EXP 3461C Human Learning & Performance (4 credits) 
EXP 3680C Experimental Cognitive Psychology (4 credits) 
PSY 4302C Psychological Testing (4 credits) 
SOP 3214C Experimental Social Psychology (4 credits) 
EXP 3703C Computer Applications in Psychological Research (4 credits) 
CLP 4143 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior (3 credits) 
DEP 3054 Lifespan Development Psychology (3 credits) 
EXP 3604 Cognitive Psychology (3 credits) 
PPE 4003 Personality Theories (3 credits) 
PSB 3002 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 credits) 
SOP 3004 Social Psychology (3 credits) 

Major Requirements (36 credits)

A minimum of 36 credit hours is required for the MS in Psychological Science. Grades of B or  better are required in all Major Requirement courses. The record of any student who receives a grade of C or lower will be referred to the graduate coordinator for review to determine whether the student may continue in the program. Students must apply for graduation during registration for the last semester of courses. Deadlines are published online.

PSY 6214 Research Design & Analysis I (3 Credits)* 
PSY 6910 Supervised Research (2 Credits)*  
PSY 6937 Collqum in Psychological Rsrch (2 Credits)* 
DEP 6055 Human Development (3 Credits) 
EXP 6506 Learning and Cognition (3 Credits) 
SOP 6069 Adv Social & Personality Psych (3 Credits) 
PSB 6031 Advanced Biopsychology (3 Credits) 
PSY 6217 Research Design & Analysis II (3 Credits) 
PSY 6936 Seminar on Discrimination or PSY 6607 Directions in Psychology (3 credits) 
PSY 697 Thesis A (2 Credits)  
PSY 6972 Thesis B (3 Credits) 
PSY 6973 Thesis C (1-6 Credits) 
Graduate-level electives (3 Credits) 

* Students in the accelerated program must complete 1 credit hour of PSY 6937, 2 credit hours of PSY 6910, PSY 6214 (3 credits), and one 3-credit content course (DEP 6055, EXP 6506, or SOP 6069) during the semester before transitioning to the MS program.