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2024-2025 University Catalog
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Undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA)

Current Term Grade Point Average

The current term GPA appears on the unofficial transcript after each term. The sum of quality points (grade points x credits) earned within the current term is divided by the number of 成人AV视频 credit hours attempted that term (except those hours with grades of X, I, P, S, U, NG, NR, W, WA, WC, WM, WR, WS, WD and WP). The resulting quotient is the current term GPA. Example:

Course Grade Grade Points X Credit Hours = Quality Points
ENC1101 A- 3.7 3 11.1
BSC1010C C 2.0 4 8.0
MAC1105 B+ 3.3 3 9.9
MAR3023 F 0.0 3 0.0
Total 13 29.0

The total of 29 grade points earned divided by 13 credits attempted, equals 2.23 current term GPA.

Upper-Level GPA

The sum of all 成人AV视频 upper-level quality points earned is divided by the number of all 成人AV视频 upper-level hours attempted (except for those hours with grades of X, I, P, S, U, NR, W, WA, WC, WM, WR, WS, WD and WP, and 成人AV视频 hours repeated for which the grade forgiveness or term forgiveness policy was subsequently invoked). The resulting quotient is the upper-level GPA.

Cumulative GPA

The cumulative GPA appears on the unofficial transcript after each term. The sum of all 成人AV视频 quality points earned as of a particular term is divided by the number of all 成人AV视频 hours attempted by the conclusion of that term (except for those hours with grades of X, I, P, S, U, NG, NR, W, WA, WC, WM, WR, WS, WD and WP, and 成人AV视频 hours repeated for which the grade forgiveness or term forgiveness policy was subsequently invoked). The resulting quotient is the cumulative GPA.

Total Institutional GPA

The total institutional GPA appears on the unofficial transcript after each term. The sum of all 成人AV视频 quality points earned is divided by the number of all 成人AV视频 credit hours attempted (except those hours with grades of X, I, P, S, U, NG, NR, W, WA, WC, WM, WR, WS, WD and WP, and 成人AV视频 credit hours repeated for which the grade forgiveness or term forgiveness policy was subsequently invoked). The resulting quotient is the total institutional GPA.

Total Transfer GPA

The total transfer GPA is calculated using those courses 成人AV视频 considers transferable. The sum of quality points earned in transferable courses from other institutions is divided by the number of semester hours transferable from other institutions. The resulting quotient is the total transfer GPA.

Overall GPA

The overall GPA appears on the unofficial transcript after each term. The sum of all quality points earned at 成人AV视频 and in transferable courses from other institutions is divided by the number of all 成人AV视频 credit hours attempted (except for those hours with grades of X, I, P, S, U, NG, NR, W, WA, WC, WM, WR, WS, WD and WP, and 成人AV视频 credit hours repeated for which the grade forgiveness or term forgiveness policy was subsequently invoked) plus the number of semester hours transferable from other institutions. The resulting quotient is the overall GPA.

Note: 成人AV视频 grade point averages are calculated unrounded and truncated. A GPA of 1.99 is calculated as 1.99 not 2.00. View the University's current official policy on undergraduate academic averages (Grade Point Averages).