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2024-2025 University Catalog
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Physics: Civil Engineering

The Osprey Map provides a term-by-term sample schedule for each undergraduate academic program at the 成人AV视频. It is designed to guide students in the selection of courses each term. The "Mile Marker" courses are those courses that should be completed before or by the end of that term. Following the sample schedule, and completing the mile marker courses at the appropriate point of your undergraduate career, will facilitate graduation in four years. The term-by-term model assumes full-time enrollment. For students enrolled part-time, the sample schedule and mile markers should be followed based on the number of credits completed. The Osprey Map should be used in consultation with an academic advisor.

The core topics of physics include: mechanics (motion, forces, and energy); thermodynamics, sound, and light; electricity and magnetism; relativity and quantum mechanics. The modern areas of physics research are: astrophysics and general relativity; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; biophysics; condensed matter physics (e.g. magnetism, semiconductors, superconductors); nuclear physics; particle physics; and plasma physics. The 成人AV视频 B.S. physics programs focus on preparing graduates for employment in a wide array of technical and non-technical fields or for graduate studies.

Career Planning
Engaging in career planning activities is significant to student success. 成人AV视频 offers customized career centers to deliver targeted programs, events, services and resources. First-Year and Exploratory students should visit the webpage and Sophomore or higher level students with a declared COAS major should visit the College of Arts and Sciences Career Success Center.

Students should refer to their personalized Degree Evaluation provided by an academic advisor and to other university resources for additional university and college-specific policies. Visit the undergraduate university catalog for more information.

Summer terms may be utilized to facilitate graduation in four years.

  • Visit the university catalog for a list of General Education requirements. An Associate in Arts (AA) degree from a Florida public university, state college or community college satisfies 成人AV视频 general education and Gordon Rule requirements. Math selection is contingent upon appropriate placement score, the student's major and credit received through accelerated mechanisms (Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Dual Enrollment, etc). All students should consult with the chair of the physics department or one of the physics department faculty and their academic advisor.
  • Visit the webpage for a complete list of Physics prerequisites. PHY 1028 Introduction to Physics is a prerequisite for PHY 2048C Calculus Based Physics I. Students requiring preparation for MAC 2311 Calculus I take MAC 1147 Precalculus.
  • Students following the Civil Engineering concentration of the Physics Major must choose Major Electives from Civil Engineering or Physics. See the university catalog for course options. Students should consult the Civil Engineering department regarding availability of Engineering courses.
  • Students are encouraged to engage in research with a faculty mentor in physics early in their academic career at 成人AV视频. Faculty will explain the opportunities they offer for students to become involved in their respective programs of research. Research opportunities may be available year-round. A Physics Internship Program is available to students. Visit the webpage for more information. Internship applications are available under Helpful Links on the department webpage.
  • Civic Literacy Requirement: Prior to graduation from a Florida state university, students must demonstrate competency in civic literacy through successful completion of a civic literacy course (AMH 2010, AMH 2020, or POS 2041) or by achieving a passing score on an assessment. Consult an academic advisor, the university catalog and visit the Civic Literacy webpage for additional information.
  • A minimum of 120 hours (48 hours at the upper 3000/4000 level) is required for the bachelor's degree in Physics. Students should consult with an academic advisor, or a Physics department faculty member regarding their Free Elective hours and options. For additional information visit the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Office webpage.

Term 1: Attempted Hours 0-15

Schedule Credit Hours
PHY1024 Exploring Majoring in Physics (Offered Fall term only) 1
MAC2311 (GM) Calculus I (Program Prerequisite) 4
CHM2045 General Chemistry I (Program Prerequisite)
CHM2045L General Chemistry I Laboratory (Program Prerequisite)
IDS1932 (GW) First-Year Writing Seminar OR ENC1101 (GW) Audience and Purpose 3
PHY1028 Introduction to Physics (Not a Program Prerequisite, but PHY1028 is a prerequisite for PHY2048C Calculus Based Physics I with Lab. Students may contact the Physics Department for alternatives to satisfy this prereq requirement to PHY2048C.) 2
Total Hours:

Term 2: Attempted Hours 16-30

Schedule Credit Hours
PHY2048C Calculus Based Physics I with Lab (Program Prereq) 4
MAC2312 (GM) Calculus II (Program Prerequisite) 4
CHM2046 General Chemistry II (Program Prerequisite)
CHM2046L Gen Chem II Lab (Program Prerequisite)
ENC1101 (GW) Audience and Purpose OR IDS1932 (GW) First-Year Writing Seminar
(Select the course not taken in Term 1)
Total Hours: 15

Mile Marker(s)
MAC2311 Calculus I Minimum Grade C

Summer 1

Schedule Credit Hours
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Total Hours:

Term 3: Attempted Hours 31-45

Schedule Credit Hours
PHY2049 Calculus-Based Physics II (Program Prerequisite)
PHY2049L Calculus-Based Physics II Lab (Program Prerequisite)
MAC2313 (GM) Calculus III (Program Prerequisite) 4
Select a second Gen Ed Written Communication Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Total Hours: 14

Mile Marker(s)
MAC2312 Calculus II Minimum Grade C
PHY1024 Exploring Majoring in Physics Minimum Grade C

Term 4: Attempted Hours 46-60

Schedule Credit Hours
MAP2302 (GM) Ordinary Differ Equations 3
EGN3311 Statics (Typically offered every term) (EGN3311 Statics is a prerequisite for EGN3321 Dynamics, CES3104C Mechanics of Materials and CWR3201 Fluid Mechanics) 3
PHY3101 Modern Physics (May complete PHY3101 in Term 4 or Term 5) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) 3
Total Hours: 15

Mile Marker(s)
MAC2313 Calculus III Minimum Grade C
PHY2048C and PHY2049/2049L Minimum Grade C
All BS Physics Program Prerequisites

Term 5: Attempted Hours 61-75

Schedule Credit Hours
PHY3101L Modern Physics Lab (Offered Fall term only) 1
PHZ3113C Mathematical Physics (Offered Fall term only) 4
CES3104C Mechanics of Materials (Typically offered Fall term only) 3
Select a Major Elective (See Degree Evaluation) with CGN, CEG, CWR, TTE, PHY or PHZ prefix 3 - 4
Select a Free Elective (If needed to satisfy 120 total hours) 3
Total Hours: 14 - 15

Mile Marker(s)
MAP2302 (GM) Ordinary Differ Equations Minimum Grade C
PHY3101 Modern Physics Minimum Grade C
PHY3101L Modern Physics Lab Minimum Grade C
PHZ3113C Mathematical Physics Minimum Grade C

Term 6: Attempted Hours 76-90

Schedule Credit Hours
PHY3604 Quantum Mechanics (Offered Spring term only) 4
PHY3220 Classical Mechanics (Offered Spring term only) 4
CWR3201 Fluid Mechanics (Typically offered Spring term only) 3
CWR3561 Numerical Methods and Computng (Typically Spring term only) 3
Total Hours: 14

Mile Marker(s)
Civic Literacy Requirement

Term 7: Attempted Hours 91-105

Schedule Credit Hours
PHY4320 Electricity and Magnetism (Offered Fall term only) 4
PHY4523 Thermodyn and Statistical Mech (Offered Fall term only) 4
CES3100 Analysis of Structures (Offered Fall term only) 3
Select a Major Elective (See Degree Evaluation) with CGN, CEG, CWR, TTE, PHY or PHZ prefix 3 - 4
PHY4910 Physics Research and Seminar 1 1
Total Hours:
15 - 16

Term 8: Attempted Hours 106-120

Schedule Credit Hours
PHY4802L Advanced Physics Laboratory (Offered Spring term only) 2
PHY3722C Electronics for Scientists (Offered Spring term only) 4
Select a Major Elective (See Degree Evaluation) with CGN, CEG, CWR, TTE, PHY or PHZ prefix 3 - 4
Select a Major Elective, if needed (See Degree Eval) with CGN, CEG, CWR, TTE, PHY or PHZ prefix 3 - 4
Select a 3000/4000 level Free Elective (If needed) 2
PHY4911 Physics Research and Seminar 2 1
Total Hours: 15 - 17

Total Program Hours:



The Osprey Map is not a contract between the 成人AV视频 and the student. It should be used as a general guide for the purpose of meeting requirements and constructing course schedules. The Map may be altered periodically to meet the objectives of the academic program or the university.