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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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Master of Education in Special Education with a focus on Disability Services

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education, with the focus on Disability Services, is designed to meet the needs of professionals who serve individuals with disabilities in general education and non-school settings. The program consists of 36 semester hours that includes core and major requirements. This program does not carry any additional endorsements.

Admissions to the Program

Rolling Admissions


Those entering the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services must meet Graduate School admissions requirements as well as specific COEHS admissions criteria.

  1. Official transcripts from all attended institutions
  2. Three current professional letters on official letter head (if applicable) with an original signature (electronic signatures are not acceptable). Letters from relatives will not be accepted. The letters should indicate:
    • Applicant's academic background.
    • Applicant's aptitude for graduate work.
    • Applicant's capabilities for future performance an scholarship.
    • At least one letter from a college/university professor is preferred.
  3. Written statement of 500-1000 words that includes the following information:
    • Reasons for seeking admission into the M.Ed. in Special Education program
    • Professional goals
    • How the program will help attain goals
  4. Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for admissions must apply under the college's exception policy.

Graduate School Program Overview