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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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The Thomas A. Mulkeen Dissertation Award

Thomas A. Mulkeen was a professor at Fordham University who was hired as a consultant and shared his expertise with faculty at 成人AV视频 as they designed and developed the EdD doctoral program in Educational Leadership. Tom was a leader within the Danforth Foundation initiative that sought to redesign and improve graduate programs in Educational Leadership. It was Tom who encouraged the doctoral program to focus the dissertation on practice-centered inquiry. Unfortunately, Tom passed away around the time that the 成人AV视频 EdD program graduated the first students in 1994. In honor of his work, the EdD program faculty established this award in his honor. This award is given to the dissertation that best exemplifies practice-centered inquiry. 


The Silverfield College of Education and Human Services will celebrate its Educational Leadership and Curriculum and Instruction doctorate recipients with an annual presentation of the prestigious Thomas Mulkeen Award, tentatively scheduled to take place during the SCOEHS Convocation. The Award is given to the graduate whose doctoral dissertation best exemplifies practice-centered inquiry in educational leadership or curriculum and instruction. An ad-hoc group of the doctoral teaching faculty will evaluate the submitted dissertations based on the following criteria:

  1. Conceptually clear and important problem or hypotheses;
  2. Comprehensive review of applicable literature;
  3. Utilization of appropriate and methodologically sound approach; 
  4. Cogent analysis of data;
  5. Clear discussion of the importance and relevance of the study; 
  6. Scholarly writing style and appropriate documentation (citations and references in APA style);
  7. Potential of the inquiry to influence education practice.

Information about the next nomination window is shared here when it is available.

2024 Recipients of the Thomas Mulkeen Award for the Doctoral Dissertation that Best Exemplifies Practice-Centered Inquiry 

Headshot of Valentina

Dr. Valentina Bongiovanni

Dr. Valentina Bongiovanni is a post-doctorate associate for NEFSTEM at SCOEHS and acts as the STEM Toolkit Program Manager. This early childhood program promotes at-home family STEM skills development and learning. This program is run in collaboration with several schools in the Jacksonville area with the support of Kids Hope Alliance. With a background in communications and digital learning and her experience in international and multicultural education, she contributes to the design of the STEM Toolkits and the program's structure to foster informal learning spaces that support community building and incentivize collaborations between educators, parents, and children. She strives to support parents and their children in becoming active agents in their STEM learning journey. For her dissertation, Exploring Parental Engagement in a Family STEM Program Leveraging Social Media Spaces, Dr. Bongiovanni designed a mixed methods study that delves into the how and why parents engage by examining roles, actions, values, and the impact of parent-to-parent relationships in a take-home family STEM program. This research illuminates how leveraging social media can promote and strengthen parental engagement by facilitating relationships and interactions between the program and other parents within the social media space. Additionally, utilizing social media channels, such as the closed Facebook groups used for the STEM Toolkit Program, can establish informal learning environments that offer greater autonomy in how families engage and express their participation.

Headshot of Haley Vogel

Dr. Haley Vogel

Dr. Haley Vogel is completing her 22nd year in public education, serving St. Johns County School District for the last twenty. Haley’s passion is classroom instruction, and for the past seven years, she has focused on helping teachers become the best versions of themselves., Dr. Vogel is currently serving as the vice principal of a K-8 school. She has spent the majority of her career as a high school assistant principal and science teacher. In addition to her role as a school leader, she works as a consultant for Solution Tree, where she leads professional learning opportunities on balanced assessment systems for teachers across the country. She also serves as a board member for the Florida Association of School Administrators. Under the guidance of Dr. Diane Yendoll-Hoppey, Haley’s dissertation entitled A New Perspective on Teacher Attrition and Retention: What can be Learned from Teachers that Continue in the Profession, the Stayers? explored the dynamics of teacher retention, by shifting the lens to gain understanding from those they remain in the profession. For school leaders committed to reducing teacher turnover, it's essential to understand this research about how they can support teachers as well as identify gaps in current decision-making practices to foster an environment where teachers cannot just survive but thrive.

Past Recipients of the Thomas Mulkeen Award for the Doctoral Dissertation that Best Exemplifies Practice-Centered Inquiry


Dr. Shaneka Ferrell

Dr. Laura Mayberry


Dr. Laurie Hoppock

Chair: Dr. David Hoppey

Dr. Jennifer Shepard

Chair: Dr. Diane Yendol-Hoppey


Dr. Lee Anderson Louy

Chair: Dr. David Hoppey

Dr. Jennifer Perkins 

Chair: Dr. Amanda Blakewood Pascale


Cheryl Mobley Gonzalez

Chair: Dr. Anne Swanson

Megan McMillan 

Chair: Dr. David Hoppey


Kristen Duffney

Chair: Dr. Daniel Dinsmore, Ph. D

Raine Osborne Jr. 

Chair: Dr. Daniel Dinsmore, Ph. D  


Sarah Friswold-Atwood

Chair: Dr. Daniel Dinsmore, Ph. D

Anthony Mortimer

Co-Chairs: Dr. Carolyn Ali-Khan, Ph. D. and Dr. Daniel Dinsmore, Ph. D


Travis Henderson

Chair: Anne K. Swanson, Ph. D


Shawn Brayton

Chair: Elinor A. Scheirer, Ph.D.


Mai Keisling

Chair: Christopher Janson, Ph. D.


Tavy Wells

Chair: Larry G. Daniel, Ph. D.


William Ganza

Chair: Katherine Kasten Ph.D.

Jevetta Stanford

Chair: Katherine Kasten Ph.D.


Janie Smalley

Chair: Katherine Kasten, Ph.D.


Jeane Richards

Chair: Larry G. Daniel, Ph.D.     

Teaching for Cultural Competence: Preferred Strategies of Baccalaureate Nursing Faculty


Robert Todd Parrish

Chair: Katherine Kasten, Ph.D.


Angela Garcia Falconetti

Chair: Joyce T. Jones, Ph.D.

James Young

Chair: Cheryl Fountain, Ph.D.


Gigi M. David

Chair, Katherine M. Kasten, Ph.D.


Cynthia S. Jacobs

Chair -- Katherine M. Kasten, Ph.D.


LaDonna K. Morris

Chair – Larry G. Daniel, Ph.D.


Claribel Torres-Lugo

Co-Chairs: Warren A. Hodge, Ph.D. and Larry G. Daniel, Ph.D.

Principal’s Assessment of Florida’s Accountability Model: A Descriptive Overview of School Factors Associated with High-Stakes Accountability


John A Frank

Chair: Charles M. Galloway, Ed.D.


Joel Whitt Beam

Chair: Thomas S. Serwatka, Ph.D.


Margo L. Martin

Chair: Thomas S. Serwatka, Ph.D.

The Connection Among Computer-Mediated Communication, Course Completion Rate, and Achievement in Relation to Distance Education and the English Composition Student


Kathryn M. Krudwig

Chair: Robert J. Drummond, Ed.D.


Judith B. Poppell

Chair: Katherine M. Kasten, Ph.D.

The Effect of School Desegregation on an Historically Black High School 


Madelaine M. Cosgrove

Chair: Katherine M. Kasten, Ph.D.

The Impact of Professional Development School Activities on Classroom Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy and Classroom Practice


Linda Rhea Hunter

Chair: Robert J. Drummond, Ed.D.


Jeanne E. Borstein

Chair: Elinor A. Scheirer, Ph.D.

The Effects of Cooperative Learning on the Attitudes and Achievement of Academically Talented Secondary Students


Paige V. French

Co-chairs: Charles M. Galloway, Ed.D., Katherine M. Kasten, Ph.D.

The Roles of School and Advisory Councils in School Improvement:  A Case Study in Policy Interpretation