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Office of Faculty Excellence

Tenure-Earning and Tenured Faculty Advancement

Faculty Advancement 

To support your professional growth, we offer a host of activities and resources:

  • Tenure and promotion consultations
  • Writing groups
  • Classroom observations
  • Sabbatical Leave application support
  • Funding opportunities
  • Narrative writing workshops
  • Interfolio Workshops for Promotion, Mid-Tenure Review, and Post-Tenure Review
In addition, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) offers workshops to train faculty on using the new Cayuse system.  Visit the ORSP website to find more information about workshops on using Cayuse for Sponsored Programs, being a Fund Manager, and Human Ethics (replacing IRBnet). Group and individual training sessions are available.

Events and Programming

Across each academic year, OFE offers a variety of workshops that focus on tenure-earning and tenured faculty needs. Visit the for upcoming events.

  • Interfolio Question & Answer Sessions
  • Promotion and Tenure Discussion

The Office of Faculty Excellence (OFE) supports 成人AV视频 faculty in their teaching, scholarship/creative work, and service. As you navigate the promotion and tenure process, we have assembled resources to support your journey. 

I: Review the Tenure and Promotion Timeline for Faculty

This timeline provides critical dates and process steps for those applying for tenure and/or promotion. 

II: Create an 

Interfolio is the electronic dossier system used for promotion and tenure application. You can find a link to Interfolio in myWings. Once you have alerted your Chair of your intention to pursue promotion, an Interfolio case will be created for you by Academic & Student Affairs.

III: Read the 2022-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

Carefully review the Labor agreement between the University and the applicable unions representing various University employees. Article 18, Performance Evaluations, is particularly important as it offers general guidance and examples of activities that count toward teaching, research, and service assignments. Such activities count toward promotion and tenure as well. Article 20, Tenure, outlines the tenure process, eligibility, and criteria information. Article 21, Promotions for Tenure and Tenure Earning Faculty, outlines the promotion process and eligibility for faculty who are applying for promotion and tenure or who are tenured faculty applying for promotion to full professor.  

IV: Determine if you have Department Guidelines

Of the most importance is to determine if your department has adopted Department Promotion and Tenure Guidelines, which further clarify the types and level of importance of activities that count toward promotion and tenure within specific fields.

If your department has not adopted unit-specific guidelines, then you will use the CBA Article 20, Tenure, which outlines the tenure process, eligibility, and criteria information and Article 21, Promotion for Tenure-Earning and Tenured Faculty, which outlines the promotion process and eligibility for faculty who are applying for promotion and tenure or who are tenured faculty applying for promotion to full professor.

V: Review

The purpose of this resource is to provide tenured and tenure-earning faculty who will pursue promotion and/or tenure with examples of CVs and teaching, research, and service narratives from faculty contributors who were successful in their promotion and tenure and promotion applications. The Office of Faculty Excellence is grateful to our colleagues who generously provided their samples. While the purpose of this resource is to aid faculty who will apply for promotion and/or tenure, it is important to note that these materials are examples, not a guarantee of success through the application process. It is incumbent on each faculty member to create a full dossier that demonstrates their excellence and meritorious work in teaching, research, and service. 

You will need to sign in via Sharepoint to access the sample dossiers.


We appreciate any notes or feedback you would like to share. The resources and links above are non-exhaustive, and we continue to develop more materials. If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out to Juliana Leding.