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January 29, 2025

Sample AI Syllabus Policies

Adopt/Permit (limited use):

You may use AI to brainstorm, pre-write, or research in the process of producing your own work; however, you cannot include writing that has been generated by AI in your submissions for this course. 

Adopt/Permit (unlimited use):

You may use AI to complete the work in this course. More specifically, you may incorporate ideas, writing, or other content that has been generated by AI in your submissions; however, AI generated content must be properly cited, differentiating your own ideas and writing from the ideas and writing that are AI generated. Note that you are responsible for verifying the accuracy of AI generated content before including it in your submissions. 

Police/Prohibit (based on academic integrity):

All submissions in this course must be your own work. You must properly cite ideas, writing, or other content in your work that is not your own. Note that you may not use ideas, writing, or other content that has been generated by AI in your work in this course, as AI generated ideas, writing, and content are not your own. Again, all work must be your own

Police/Prohibit (based on authorship):

All submissions in this course must be your own work. You must properly cite the originating author for any ideas, writing, or other content in your work that is not your own. Note that, for the purposes of this course, AI is not a citable author*; thus, you may not use ideas, writing, or content that has been generated by AI in your work.

*While it is certainly debatable as to whether AI should be considered an author, I am not, at this juncture of AI advancement, willing to permit AI as a citable author in my courses due to the questionable accuracy of AI generated content. 

Police/Prohibit (based on SLO):

All submissions in this course must be your own work. Note that you may not use ideas, writing, or other content that has been generated by AI in your work in this course, as doing so will prevent you from achieving the student learning outcomes of the course.

Police/Prohibit (based on inclusion and diversity):

All submissions in this course must be your own work. A note regarding the use of AI in this course: generative AI is trained on datasets that reflect non-diverse, hegemonic viewpoints, further marginalizing minority groups. Underrepresenting minority viewpoints is not in alignment with this course’s inclusion and diversity policy; therefore, AI generated ideas, writing, or other content will not be accepted in this course.


Citing the Use of AI on Assignments


When assignments allow the use of AI, students should be expected to properly document and cite the use of AI tools. Below are credible sources for how to cite AI:

Below is an example of how to phrase the importance of citing generative AI in syllabi or individual assignments:

Citation Info
In this course, we recognize the potential value of AI tools such as ChatGPT in enhancing learning and assisting with certain assignments. However, to maintain academic integrity and ensure that students fully engage with the course material, the use of ChatGPT must be in accordance with the following guidelines: 

  1. Permitted Use: Students may use generative AI or LLM only for assignments that explicitly state its use is allowed in the instructions. For any assignment that does not explicitly permit the use of ChatGPT, using the tool will be considered a violation of the academic integrity policy.
  2. Proper Citation: When using ChatGPT for an assignment, students must provide proper citation to acknowledge the assistance received. This ensures transparency and academic honesty. The citation should be included in the relevant section of the assignment, such as footnotes, endnotes, or bibliography, depending on the assignment format. 

Citation instructions for ChatGPT:

To cite ChatGPT in your work, please use the following format:

OpenAI. (2021). ChatGPT, version [insert version number]. Retrieved [insert date], from

For example:

OpenAI. (2021). ChatGPT, version 4. Retrieved April 23, 2023, from

Please ensure that you provide accurate information regarding the version number and the date on which you accessed the ChatGPT tool.

Any violation of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to grade penalties, assignment of a failing grade for the course, or referral to the academic integrity office for further investigation. It is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the academic integrity policy and to seek clarification from the instructor if they have any questions or concerns about the appropriate use of ChatGPT in this course.

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