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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services

Dr. Marsha H. Lupi TLO International Travel Scholarship


  • Applicant must first be accepted to participate in SCOEHS Study Abroad Trip (e.g., Plymouth).
  • In order to participate in a study abroad, the student will have already met other required criteria (i.e., GPA, credit hours, etc.).
  • The Dr. Marsha H. Lupi TLO International Travel Scholarship is a one-time scholarship award and is not renewable.
  • Applicants awarded the Dr. Marsha H. Lupi TLO International Travel Scholarship must write a thank you letter to the donor upon completion of his/her trip addressing how the travel abroad experience impacted him/her and the significance of having received the scholarship.
  • It is the Donor's preference to first award a selected participant from the Plymouth Study Abroad experience as long as the trip continues to be in existence.


Potential scholarship recipients will be notified of an opportunity to apply by their Study Abroad faculty leader(s). In order to be considered, they will need to submit an essay meeting the following requirements:


  • Essays are limited to two double-spaced pages and must be typed using standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, 12 font).
  • Essays for the Dr. Marsha H. Lupi TLO International Travel Scholarship should address the following:
  • Provide a brief background (if any) of any travel in or outside of the U.S.
  • Provide the name of your upcoming international study abroad trip along with details on where and when your trip will take place. Briefly describe what it means to you to have been selected to partake in this upcoming experience.
  • Describe why you chose to participate in an international study abroad experience.
  • Describe why you would be a good candidate to receive this scholarship.
  • Describe how you will benefit from this scholarship (both academically and professionally).
  • Describe how this scholarship will help you obtain your goals (both short and long term).



  • This is a one-time award. No student will be eligible for renewal.