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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services

FEA Conference - Lesson Plan Individual Competition


In this individual student competition, students will create an original lesson plan in one of the following core subject areas: English-Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies

Students can write the lesson for any grade, Kindergarten-12th grade. Students do not need to deliver the lesson for this competition. Judges will score this competition solely on the student's uploaded lesson plan. 


  • The lesson plan must be typed directly onto the provided MS Word lesson plan template and submitted online by the competition deadline.
  • The lesson plan must address one or more of the Florida standards or benchmarks and include both the number and description. (Example: Analyze the characters, structures, and themes of epic poetry.)
  • Make sure your lesson plan provides enough detail so judges can fully understand and visualize your plan.
  • The submitted lesson plan must be the student's original work. Lesson plans with plagiarized information will be disqualified from the competition. 
  • Only one lesson plan submitted per school will be considered.
  • The lesson plan will be scored using the attached rubric below. The maximum number of points possible is 16.
  • The top 3 winners will be announced during the closing session at the conference. 

Lesson Plan Rubric

Overall Score is out of 16 Points
Category Accomplished - 4 points Commendable - 3 points Developing - 2 points Needs Improvement  - 1 point
Lesson Elements All elements on the lesson plan template are directly aligned to the standard and lesson objective in an exemplary fashion. Most elements on the lesson plan template are directly aligned to the standard and lesson objective in an adequate fashion. Some elements on the lesson plan template are aligned to the standard and lesson objective, yet there is still room for development in terms of alignment and relevancy to the standard and objective. Less than half of the elements on the lesson plan template are aligned to or relevant to the standard and lesson objective.
Expectations for Student Learning High expectations are evident throughout the entire lesson plan template. The lesson clearly and directly addresses the chosen Florida standard. Mostly high expectations are evident in most aspects of the lesson plan template. The lesson has a generally clear and direct connection to the chosen Florida standard. High expectations are lacking in most of the lesson plan template. The lesson attempts to make a clear and direct connection to the chosen Florida standard. High expectations are not evident in the lesson plan template. The lesson does not align to the chosen Florida standard.
Lesson Progression The lesson progresses strategically, and the instructional pacing and flow are clearly articulated. There are multiple opportunities to engage students in different ways. The lesson progression is mostly strategic, and the instructional pacing and flow are clearly articulated in most places. There is at least one opportunity to engage student learners. The lesson progression is somewhat strategic, and there is a lack of opportunities for student engagement. There does not appear to be any strategic progression of the lesson, and opportunities for student engagement are absent.
Conventions Professional-quality document that contains no errors in conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, formatting). Commendable highschool level document with 1 or 2 errors in conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, formatting). Document needs more proofreading and/or revision. Contains 3 or 4 errors in conventions (spelling, grammer, punctuation, capitalization, formatting). Document needs significant review. Contains more than 4 errors in conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, formatting).

成人AV视频 Northeast Regional FEA Regional Conference Lesson Plan Template

Student Teacher: [Your Name]

FEA Chapter Name: [Your High School]

Grade/Subject of Your Lesson: [Grade Level and Subject]

Duration of Lesson: [Estimated Time]

Lesson Title: [Lesson Title]

Lesson Standard(s): [Florida Standard(s) from CPALMS.org (include number and description)]

Lesson Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to...[Specific objective]

Materials and Resources: [List materials, textbooks, technology, handouts, etc.]

Key Vocabulary: [List key vocabulary that are essential for students to understand the lesson topic.]

Lesson Content:

  • Opening of Lesson: [Describe how you will introduce the lesson through an engaging activity or activating strategy.]
  • Instructional Procedures: [Detail the teaching methods and activities you will use that demonstrate the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model.]
  • Closing of Lesson: [Explain how you will wrap up the lesson and reinforce key points.]

Assessment(s): [Describe assessment methods or activities to check for student understanding.]

Differentiation: [Explain how you will differentiate instruction for ELL students, ESE students, etc.]