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Recreation and Wellness

Intramural Sports Participant Handbook

The information outlined in the Intramural Participant Handbook is designed to inform participants of the general policies and procedures that will govern participation in all activities sponsored by the Intramural Sports Program.

The Intramural Sports Program reserves the right to immediately implement any rule change or modification regarding policies and procedures at any time, if deemed necessary. If any addition, deletion, or modification occurs, it will be posted online.

Please note that it is the responsibility for each team/participant to know and understand these policies and procedures. Ignorance of any intramural policy will not be an acceptable excuse for failure to comply. By participating, individuals imply their acceptance for the rules and policies of the intramural sports program and the decisions of the intramural sports program staff members.

We look forward to a great year and hope to see you out at the fields!

General Information


The Intramural Sports Program is one of the most popular student activities at 成人AV视频. The program is dedicated to providing all members of the university community, regardless of age, gender, skill level or past experience, opportunities to participate in recreational events in a fun and safe environment while promoting physical fitness and competition, social interaction, and student involvement.

Annually, the program offers a wide range of team, dual, and individual leagues and tournaments designed to meet the needs and interests of the diverse campus population.


Participation in the programs offered by the Department of Recreation and Wellness (RecWell) is voluntary on the part of each individual. Therefore, RecWell will not assume the burden of doctor bills, hospital costs, etc., for persons injured while participating in any of the programs. Participation in activities sponsored and organized by RecWell at The 成人AV视频 could involve risk of serious injury which may result in paralysis or death. Each participant is encouraged to undergo a thorough physical examination each year. It is also recommended that each participant carry medical insurance. All participants will be required to sign a waiver of liability acknowledging that they understand the risks involved in participation. Student Insurance can be purchased at student health.

Free Agents

Don’t have a team? No worries! For team sports, the Intramural Office provides individuals an opportunity to sign up as a free agent for the sport they are interested in playing using IMLeagues. The Intramural Office does not place individuals on a specific team; however, the free agent list for each sport is available for team captains to view on IMLeagues. To register as a free agent for a sport, go to the Intramural Sports web site, and follow the instructions under the “Register for IMLeagues” tab.

Those individuals who sign up as a free agent are encouraged to check out the team schedules on IMLeagues, go out on the nights that games are being played, and when they are available to play, and talk to the teams that are already out there. Teams are always looking for players last minute, it's the perfect way to meet new people and get picked up on a team!

Employment Opportunities

The Department of RecWell is looking for individuals to work in Intramural Sports as Supervisors and Officials. Supervisors are hired at the beginning of the Fall Semester and work all of the activities during the school year. Officials are needed for various sports throughout the year. No experience is necessary in order to officiate. We will provide training clinics prior to sports to assist officials in gaining basic rule knowledge. Working in RecWell provides the employee with the opportunity to work a flexible schedule, meet friends, and earn a competitive wage. In order to officiate, please attend the official's clinic for the desired sport, on the date located on the front of the brochure. Officiating is an EASY way to make money right on campus!


League Eligibility

Listed below are the different leagues that are offered:

  • Men's: All men's teams will compete in the same division.
  • Greek: Fraternity teams will compete in this division.
  • Women's: All women's teams will compete in the same division.
  • CoRec: Designed to give men and women the opportunity to participate together. Many of the rules are modified to give everyone the chance to enjoy the competition.

Player Eligibility

The following regulations apply to all persons participating in the Intramural Program:

Player Participation

  • All participants must register with IMLeagues to play any sport. Instructions on how to register is located on the Intramural Sports website. Captains must submit their team roster online using IMLeagues when signing up for a time slot to play. Failure to have the minimum number of players on a roster for their particular sport before the registration period ends may result in that team being dropped from their time slot.
  • Adding Players - Players must be added on their team's roster using IMLeagues (players must register first, then request to join a team, or team captains can send invitations to players to join their team) prior to participating in an Intramural contest.Players can be added at the field/court, however they must register through IMLeagues and show up on the team's roster before their next week's game, or they will not be allowed to participate in their next game. Players may be added up until the end of the regular season for that sport.
  • Participants must present a valid Osprey1 成人AV视频 ID card before participating in any Intramural contest. NO ID NO PLAY!

Faculty and Staff Participation

  • All current fee paying 成人AV视频 students (must be enrolled in classes all semester), faculty, and full-time staff (OPS employees must be working 40 hours a week) are eligible to participate.
  • Faculty and staff personnel who are employed full-time (40 hours per week) by 成人AV视频 are eligible to participate in the Intramural Program with the use of their faculty or staff ID card.
  • 成人AV视频 Alumni are eligible to participate in the intramural sports program for a fee.

Guidelines for Competition

  • Men and Women must compete in the respective division unless there are not enough participants to establish a particular league of play.
  • A person may compete for only one team per sport. Exception: a player may compete on a men's or women's team and also a core team. Once a person has participated for a team, he or she is not eligible to transfer to another team. In the event a player's team forfeits out of the league, a player may appeal to the Intramural Coordinator to be placed on another team. Upon checking in at a game, the person is considered to have participated for that team.
  • An individual who has competed in professional athletics will be ineligible from competing in that sport or its counterpart for one (1) calendar year from the date in which they last played. He or she will be listed under the same regulations as Ex-varsity athletes.

Participation for Varsity, Ex-Varsity, and Club Athletes

  • Varsity athletes will not be eligible to compete in the sport in which they hold varsity status or any counterparts of that sport. A person is considered a varsity athlete if he/she has practiced/competed with the varsity team during the 2010-11 regular season. For intramural eligibility purposes, the beginning of the regular season for varsity sports is defined as the team's first scheduled game. Players designated as"redshirts" will also be considered varsity athletes.
  • Ex-varsity athletes are defined as persons who have participated in varsity athletics during the 2017-18 year or before. These players are limited in the sport in which they held varsity status. Teams may not have more than two (2) ex-varsity athletes on it's roster, one (1) in basketball.
  • A team is not to have more than two (2) players who are members of a 成人AV视频 Sport Club in that sport or it's counterpart. Club membership will be turned into RecWell by the club president. This list is considered the final word on membership status. Club members are persons who: have participated in extramural games with the club, have paid membership dues, have consistently practiced with the club, and who are duly recognized by the club president as a member of the club for any valid reason other than those listed.
  • NOTE: The number of ex-varsity athletes and club sport members (or any combination) on any intramural team cannot exceed a total of two (2) roster members, one (1) in basketball.

Related Sports Chart

Professional/Varsity/Club Sport Related Intramural Sport(s)
Football 4 on 4 Flag Football, 7 on 7 Flag Football
Baseball Softball
Basketball Basketball, 3 on 3 Basketball
Soccer Indoor Soccer, Outdoor Soccer
Volleyball Sand Volleyball, Volleyball
Ultimate Frisbee Ultimate Frisbee


RecWell reserves the right to make rulings on all eligibility cases. Individuals with questions should petition to RecWell prior to competing.

Captains Responsibilities

Main Responsibility

The captain is responsible to inform his/her team of the rules governing the specific activities, as well as the time and place they will play their games. Captains will be held responsible for the behavior of teammates and spectators. Prior to game time, the captain is responsible for ensuring that all players have signed in with the Intramural Sports Supervisor (all players should check in with a valid 成人AV视频 Osprey 1card prior to their scheduled game time). Captains are urged to notify all players and fans that alcohol, tobacco and other illegal substances are prohibited on all Intramural playing sites and that no one is allowed to participate while under the influence of said substances.

The team captain will serve as the liaison between the Intramural Sports staff and his/her team. Matters concerning the team are communicated to the team captain and he/she in turn is responsible for disseminating the information out to each team member.

Information sent out by the Intramural Office should be read with care and followed with appropriate action(s). Each captain should also see that the members of his/her team are given the opportunity to read and interpret all pertinent communication. The captain is not required to attend every game

Additional Responsibility

The captain is also responsible for:

  • Reviewing the Intramural Handbook
  • Checking the eligibility of all team members
  • Completing the registration procedures for the team
  • Reviewing the sport rules
  • Ensuring that team members understand and comply with all sport rules and Intramural policies and procedures
  • Notifying his/her team members of the date, place, and time of each scheduled contest
  • Verifying that all team members have signed in with the Supervisor on-site
  • Serving as the on-court or on-field liaison between the officials and his/her team if in attendance


Scheduling Format

Team League Sports

The Intramural Office will utilize an instant scheduling format which allows teams to select their regular season play days and times during the registration period. League sports will include a 4 to 6 regular season (pending time and facility constraints) followed by a single elimination postseason tournament for all teams that qualify. Since captains select their regular season time slots, the Intramural Office WILL NOT accept requests to reschedule regular season contests.

Team Tournament Sports

The Intramural Office will schedule various team sports based on the number of entries, availability of facilities, and time allotted for the activity. Teams will be placed in a single elimination or double elimination bracket and each contest's day and time will be set by the Intramural Office.

Contests/Competitions/Special Events

These activities are traditionally one-day events scattered throughout the school year. Such activities include 3 point contest, free throw contest, cornhole, bocce ball, and homerun derby. Registration for these events is usually completed on-site the day of play. No rescheduling will be allowed for these activities.

Rescheduling Policy

Team League Sports

Since captains select their regular season time slots, the Intramural Office WILL NOT accept requests to reschedule regular season contests. Playoff games will be scheduled based on the number of teams, time slots available, and field/court space available.


A forfeit results in any contest not being played without prior arrangements being made with the RecWell Office. RecWell is obligated to pay contest officials and supervisors and uphold facility reservations regardless of the fact that teams do not show up to play. If a team forfeits once they are ineligible for playoffs, but still allowed to play in the league. Any team that forfeits two (2) regular season games will be dropped from the league regardless of their regular season record. Remember, forfeits are detrimental to the success of the program.

If your team cannot attend a game, call the Intramural Sports Office by 2:00 p.m. on the day of your game, Friday for a weekend game, and your team will receive a loss instead of being charged with a forfeit.


Teams should anticipate having a player (s) not available for a game due to class conflict or other activities and have ample number of players on their roster to compensate. Teams sign up for the dates/times they want to play, so please plan accordingly and do not sign up for times you or your team cannot play. Postponements or cancellations may also be required due to weather or field conditions. Teams will be notified via email/text if games are cancelled due to the weather. Please do not play or practice on the fields if they are wet or muddy.

Tournament Qualifications

Teams will make the playoffs depending on their regular season record. A team will qualify for the playoffs by not forfeiting any scheduled games during the regular season and having an acceptable sportsmanship rating. If a team forfeits one (1) game, they will be ineligible for the playoffs, but can continue the regular season. If a team forfeits two (2) games, it will be dropped and will not be eligible for the playoffs regardless of the team's regular season record. A rain out (non-rescheduled) game counts as a win for both teams and will assist a team's chances for making the playoffs.

Playoffs will be held in all divisions of play. Intramural Sports reserves the right to change tournament qualifications with little or no advance notice.

Game Time Information


Each participant must wear attire that can be both defined and described as athletic in nature. This is for your protection, as well as that of the other participants. In sport specific cases, as defined by the rules or described by staff, the athletic attire must be “without pockets” of any kind, shape or form. Jeans are not considered athletic attire.

Each participant is also required to wear proper or appropriate footwear for play. For indoor activities, they must be non-marking court shoes. For outdoor activities, cleats may be worn provided they are rubber molded. Metal, metal tipped, spikes, screw in cleats, or cleats with ceramic exposed are prohibited.

If the use of an orthopedic device or cast is essential to protect an injury, the participant must obtain prior approval from the Intramural Coordinator.


No jewelry may be worn by any participant during an intramural activity. All participants are expected to remove all jewelry prior to the start of the contest. Furthermore, the officials and managers on duty have the authority to disallow any participant from participating which they feel would endanger the person wearing the jewelry or his/her opponents. This is a safety rule, and applies to any and all jewelry. No exceptions will be made for jewelry that is intended to be permanent or not removable for any reason. Jewelry includes rings, necklaces, studs, watches, bracelets etc. Medical bracelets are permitted but they must be taped down. Taping of jewelry is not permitted! 


Each individual participating in any 成人AV视频 Intramural Sport will be provided with the proper equipment that is needed that specific game. It is your responsibility to provide your own ball for football, soccer, and basketball. Softball participants must also provided their own gloves and bats provided they meet the ASA standard. Upon the conclusion of your game please return all equipment that was used back to the intramural supervisors or the designated area for this equipment.


All rule interpretation protests must be made by the protesting team's captain in the presence of the officials, supervisors, and opposing team's captain at the time and place of the incident. The protest must be made immediately, before the ball becomes live, following the incident. If a resolution is not accomplished at this time, the Intramural Sports staff will be called at the earliest time for a meeting to rule on the protest. Protests may be filed only on misinterpretation of the rules or on player eligibility. No protest will be accepted on the judgment call of an official. Teams who wish to protest the eligibility of a player must come to the RecWell Office and fill out a protest form. It is the responsibility of all intramural teams to monitor the eligibility of their team as well as their opponents. During regular season play, all contests in which an ineligible player participated will be recorded as a forfeit win for the opposing team. During the playoffs, the last contest in which the ineligible player participated shall be recorded as a forfeit win for the opposing team. The playoff bracket will not be reorganized.

Code of Conduct

Participant Expectation

Participation in all 成人AV视频 Intramural Sports programs is a privilege. All participants who participate in 成人AV视频 Intramural programs or who utilize 成人AV视频 Intramural facilities agree to adhere to the following Code of Conduct:

  • Treat the 成人AV视频 Intramural staff and facilities with respect.
  • Act with character and courtesy while respecting the rights, welfare and dignity of all others in 成人AV视频 Intramural facilities.
  • Adhere to the rules & policies set by 成人AV视频 Intramurals & the University in its facilities and programs. Any violations that occur in intramural play will affect your standing and usage of all 成人AV视频 Intramural programs and facilities. This includes but is not limited to suspension from Intramural Sports as a whole and could include possible referral to the University Judicial Office or the Dean of Students.
  • Act in a safe, responsible manner regarding themselves and others.

Ejected Players

Any time an individual/team is removed from the contest or playing area, an Intramural Sports Disciplinary Report will be completed and placed on file in the Intramural Sports office. Participants who are removed from a contest as a result of unsportsmanlike conduct or disruptive behavior will have one minute to leave the playing area. Failure to comply with our policy will result in notifying of UPD. Players removed from a contest by a supervisor or official are ineligible from further competition in any intramural sport until reinstated by the Intramural Coordinator. A meeting must be scheduled by the ejected player with the Intramural Coordinator at the 成人AV视频 Arena, room 1048, or by calling (904) 620-2646. After the actual meeting the Intramural Coordinator will make the final determination of eligibility in Intramural Sports.
Participants that choose to practice unsportsmanlike behavior before, during, or after a contest towards an opponent, official, or staff member may be ejected from the contest or future contests. Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct which may result in ejection include, but is not limited to:

  • the use of profanity
  • vulgar and abusive language
  • disrespect toward an official or staff member
  • unnecessary roughness
  • excessive technical fouls
  • flagrant actions toward an opponent
  • flagrant actions toward an official
  • fighting or inciting a fight

Please note that suspensions do not begin until the player has met with the Intramural Coordinator.

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

All Intramural Sports facilities are alcohol and tobacco free (including smokeless tobacco). Everyone must extinguish smoking material and dispose of smokeless tobacco prior to entering any facility or nearing any area designated “non-smoking” including entrance ways. Alcohol, including tailgating, is strictly prohibited in the Intramural Sports facility, by players and spectators. Individuals who appear to be under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs will be reported to UPD and asked to leave any Intramural Sports facility. The University Police will be called to assist with individuals who do not cooperate.


Fans are welcome at all games and activities. However, please note that teams are responsible for their spectators’ behavior. Our goal and responsibility is to provide and create a healthy atmosphere for all participants. We ask for your cooperation as a participant to help develop a positive atmosphere. Spectators that choose to practice unsportsmanlike behavior before, during, or after a contest towards a participant, official, or staff member may be ejected from the facility.


A part of the philosophy of RecWell is that sportsmanship is vital to the success of each and every program we offer to the university community. Game officials have been granted sole authority to make decisions to warn, penalize, or eject participants for acts of poor sportsmanship. All ejected participants must report to the RecWell Office before their next scheduled game. Players are responsible for their actions both on and off the field in regards to intramural employees. Individuals that violate this policy will have their case turned over to the Student Conduct Board. Teams/ individuals which continually exhibit acts of poor sportsmanship will be removed from that activity.

Sportsmanship Rating System

The Sportsmanship Rating System is intended to be an objective scale by which teams’ attitude and behavior can be assessed throughout the Intramural season. Behavior before, during, and after an Intramural contest is included in the rating. The team captain is responsible for educating and informing all players and spectators affiliated with his/her team about the system.

Each team in each contest shall be rated by the officials. The authority of the officials’ ratings exists prior to, during, and following all contests to which that official is assigned, and extends to all persons on, at, or near the playing site. Sportsmanship ratings shall be marked on the score sheet.

In all cases, Intramural managers or administrative staff may provide input which may raise or lower the rating. Officials have been instructed not to comment to teams about ratings.

Grading Scale

Outstanding sportsmanship - 4

Players and spectators cooperate fully with the officials about rule interpretations and calls. The captain has full control of his/her teammates, fans, and bench. Team members and spectators were respectful of opponents with no dissension shown whatsoever.

Good Sportsmanship - 3

Team members verbally complain about some decisions made the officials and/or show minor dissension, which does not merit an unsportsmanlike penalty. Teams and spectators are respectful of opponents with only minor incidents.

Below Average Sportsmanship - 2

Team members show verbal dissent (yelling, questioning calls, etc.) towards officials and are disrespectful towards opponents and officials on a number of occasions. The team captain shows minor control over himself/herself and his/her teammates and spectators. Teams that receive an unsportsmanlike penalty will automatically at most receive a 2.5.

Poor Sportsmanship - 1

Team members and spectators related to that team persistently question and complain to officials and constantly comment to opposing players. The team captain exhibits little or no control over himself/herself and his/her teammates and spectators. Players are verbally abusive and cannot calm themselves down. Teams that have an ejection from the game will automatically receive a 1.

Season Ending Sportsmanship - 0

Team member are completely uncooperative and are out of control. Multiple ejections or blatant unsportsmanlike conduct has occurred. Captain has no control of himself/herself and his/her teammates. Any team that receives a 0 for a contest will must have their captain meet with the Intramural Sports Coordinator to determine the eligibility status of their team. The team will not be allowed to play and will forfeit each contest until that meeting occurs.