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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Special Education - Disability Services

Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Special Education Disability Services' Program is to nurture (a) the development of novice professionals, (b) the renewal of experienced professionals, and (c) the realization and expansion of our own professional partnerships. Our department strives to help meet the continuing regional and state needs for educators of exceptional students while fulfilling the mission of the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services, namely to prepare and support educators who are competent and contributing professionals for diverse learning communities in northeast Florida. This is not an Initial Teacher Preparation Program. Rather, there are a broad set of competencies that focus on collaboration among professionals and critical problem solving in schools and community settings. Candidates in this degree program have opportunities to investigate unique problems of practice independently and with faculty. Additionally, candidates are encouraged to be active leaders in professional settings and organizations that are dedicated to the education and service of individuals with disabilities, school and community agencies that serve them, and families that support them.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able:

Knowledge of Literature of Discipline (req)

Candidates will develop skills in professional reviews of literature by writing a research proposal according to current APA guidelines.

Independent Research/ Professional Practice (req)

  • Demonstrate knowledge of current trends and issues in the field and policy related decisions.
  • Identify current terminology and definitions of individuals with disabilities including the identification criteria and formulate strategies for successful academic and social progress in schools.

Communication (opt)

Design an effective system for collaborating with parents and professionals by using co-teaching and consultative methods.

Assessment Approaches

Candidates in the MEd in Special Education, with a concentration in Disability Services is assessed in the following ways. In key courses, candidates are assessed by means of written examinations, field and case-based instructional projects, audio-visual, oral and teaching presentations, and research papers, all of which are rated using agreed upon rubrics. Examples of specific approaches include the following: In EEX 6025, candidates conduct a current review of the literature and write a research paper to demonstrate knowledge of current trends and issues in the field and policy related decisions (Critical Thinking). In EEX 5053, candidates demonstrates their ability to identify current terminology and definitions of individuals with disabilities. This includes using the identification criteria to formulate strategies for successful academic and social progress in schools by examining the portrayal of individuals with disabilities in print and media (Characteristics). In EEX 6301, candidates develop skills in professional reviews of literature by writing a research proposal according to current APA guidelines (Research Methods)). Additionally, in EEX 6042, candidates research a variety of communication and collaborative strategies to develop a plan that will enable them to build a collaborative partnership with parents and other professionals in a conference setting (Collaboration).