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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Program Inactivation, Reactivation and Termination

Program Inactivation

Whenever an academic unit makes a decision to inactivate an academic program (i.e., suspend admissions) for a period of time, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) requests official notification. The Inactive Program Notification Form must be completed and electronically submitted to Chadwick Lockley, Director of Institutional Effectiveness. Upon receipt, OIE will notify the applicable units (e.g., Graduate School, Enrollment Services Processing) and will submit the form to the Board of Governors for processing.

Program Reactivation

When an academic unit is ready to reactivate an inactivated academic program, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) requests official notification. The Program Reactivation Notification Form must be completed and electronically submitted to Chadwick Lockley, Director of Institutional Effectiveness. Upon receipt, OIE will notify the applicable units (e.g., Graduate School, Enrollment Services Processing) and will submit the form to the Board of Governors for processing.

Program Termination

To ensure the efficient use of resources and maintain the quality and relevancy of academic programs offered at the University, a degree program at the major level, may be terminated. Rationale for termination may include insufficient resources (i.e., fiscal, physical, human), lack of demand, and lack of alignment with the institutional mission. In accordance with the , the University must assure student and faculty accommodations.

To initiate this process, the Program Termination Form must be completed and submitted to Chadwick Lockley, Director of Institutional Effectiveness. Additionally, item 4 in the program termination form is referring to a Teach-out plan which is defined as follows:

Teach-out plan--a written plan developed by an institution that provides for the equitable treatment of students if an institution, or an institutional location that provides 50% or more of at least one program, ceases to operate before all students have completed their program of study, and may include, if required by the institution's accrediting agency, a teach-out agreement between institutions. This applies to the closure of an institution, a site, or a program. Teach-out plans must be approved by SACSCOC in advance of implementation.

Upon approval of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, and when applicable, SACSCOC, the next step is to upload into the APC Workflow system. Upon approval through the faculty governance process, the requested termination will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The last step in the process is to notify the Board of Governors.

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