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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Communication Management

Program Mission Statement

The Master of Science in Communication Management provides graduate-level professional skills for those seeking communication-related leadership positions at public relations firms, advertising agencies, news outlets, production companies, government agencies, healthcare companies, and other businesses. The program is an innovative collaboration in which the Department of Communication provides the core courses, while students customize their degree by choosing one of five outside concentrations from the Coggin College of Business (Business), the M.P.A. program of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (Nonprofit Management and Public Management), the Silverfield College of Education and Human Services (Leadership), and the Brooks College of Health (Public Health). To achieve our mission, students demonstrate an understanding of strategy, metrics, economics, ethical and legal issues, and social and cultural issues in communication and media management. In addition, students conduct research that contributes to what is known about communication and media management.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able:


Communicate clearly and accurately through written, oral, and mediated forms appropriate to the study of communication and professional practice.

Critical Thinking

Conduct reasoned evaluation of information to assess its relevance, accuracy, purpose, and meaning.

Content/Discipline-Specific Knowledge/Skills

  • Apply appropriate theoretical concepts of communication in academic and professionally oriented work.
  • Apply research methods appropriate to the communication professions to address relevant communication problems. Such methods include quantitative and qualitative research applied in primary and secondary research. Contribute knowledge appropriate to the communication professions in which they work.
  • Apply the tools and technologies of the communication professions in the creation and dissemination of messages appropriate for professional practice.
  • Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press embodied in the First Amendment and describe their importance in a democracy.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of both domestic society and the peoples and cultures of global society and of the significance and impact of mass communications in society.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and the relationship between ethics and law; apply ethical principles to communication professional practice.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the history of communication media and professions and the role of key communication professionals and institutions in shaping them.

Assessment Approaches

Direct: test of the Student Learning Outcomes (North Florida 9 test) at selected points in the students’ progression through the program (every year). Indirect: survey of alumni in the program (every two years), survey of the graduating grad students in the program (every semester).