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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Secondary Education FSE

Program Mission Statement

The Secondary Education Programs in the Department of Foundations and Secondary Education focus on core constructs, including praxis, systematic reflection, inquiry, care, and social justice. The primary goal is the development of professional educators through thoughtful integration of theory and practice that results in well-articulated courses, programs, and professional development opportunities for undergraduate pre-service educators. Collectively, students, faculty, and community partners collaborate in the professional development of our pre-service educators and strive to achieve appropriate and meaningful educational change that reflects the needs and purposes of the profession and embodies our departmental constructs.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able:

Content/Discipline-Specific Knowledge/Skills

  • Develop and demonstrate best practices appropriate for secondary-level instruction.
  • Engage in targeted professional growth opportunities grounded in reflective practices.
  • Demonstrate specific knowledge of the competencies and skills required for secondary-level instruction.

Communication Skills

  • Develop and demonstrate best practices appropriate for secondary-level instruction.
  • Engage in targeted professional growth opportunities grounded in reflective practices.
  • Demonstrate specific knowledge of the competencies and skills required for secondary-level instruction.

Critical Thinking Skills

  • Demonstrate effective communication skills in delivering instruction.
  • Engage with students, parents, colleagues and other appropriate stakeholders to support student learning and growth.

Assessment Approaches

A variety of assessments are used to determine candidates' competencies as illustrated through program activities and tasks. These activities and tasks are examined to determine candidates' proficiencies related to program outcomes and goals. Measures range from knowledge- and skill-based state-approved examinations to course- and field-based rubrics.