Marketing Bachelor of Business Administration
Program Mission Statement
The marketing major is designed for students interested in the marketing of consumer and industrial goods and services. The curriculum has been developed to include course work in the principles and foundations of marketing management and in the marketing functions of manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. The major also includes behavioral, technical, and elective courses in order to prepare the student for a marketing career.
Flexibility is allowed so that students have some discretion in orienting their program toward career and degree objectives. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in selecting major and contextual courses which are appropriate to their objectives.
Students who choose marketing as their area of concentration must satisfy all requirements for the B.B.A. degree. As a part of these requirements, marketing students must satisfy the marketing concentration requirement and contextual requirement. A maximum of 18 hours of
marketing, excluding marketing courses required of all B.B.A. candidates, will be counted toward satisfying degree requirements.
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates will be able to:
Content/Discipline-Specific Knowledge/Skills
- Students will understand the global economy and recognize the impact of diverse socioeconomic and cultural factors on business
- Students will acquire knowledge in the major functional areas of business (accounting, economics, management, finance, marketing, and quantitative business analysis) and understand the interrelationships among them.
- Students will demonstrate a foundational knowledge in the principles of marketing.
Communication Skills
Students will communicate effectively in both oral and written formats.
Critical Thinking Skills
Students will identify and reconcile ethical issues in decision making.
Assessment Approaches
The Coggin College of Business operates a college-wide strategy to assess its four learning objectives. Each of the 7 programs of study (housed in 4 departments) has adopted these as its learning objectives, which links to the university's three broad learning categories. While each of these objectives is differentially emphasized in the various programs of study, they are common to the core body of knowledge provided to all students majoring in a sub-field of business. The college utilizes a multi-year time horizon to assess alternating objectives. This time horizon corresponds to the AACSB (re)accreditation cycle.
Functional Business Content Knowledge (objective 1) is assessed via the Major Field Test (MFT) in Business, an instrument provided by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). It is administered in each student's last term in his/her program of study via the capstone policy course (MAN 4720). Functional Business Content Knowledge is measured by the overall score (out of 200), as well as the score on each of the following assessment indicators (sub-scores): accounting, economics, management, finance, marketing, and quantitative analysis.
Global Awareness (objective 2) is assessed via the Major Field Test (MFT) in Business, an instrument provided by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). It is administered in each student's last term in his/her program of study via the capstone policy course (MAN 4720). Certain questions are designated as “International Issues” and ETS provides a subscore to reflect performance on these questions. Global Awareness is measured by the international assessment indicator sub-score (% of international issues questions answered correct).
Effective Communication (objective 3) includes both oral and written communication. The oral communication portion of this objective is assessed in the new required ENC 3202 Professional Communication for Business course. Students are required to give a 5-10 minute presentation (with time for questions) on a business proposal and are assessed using a Speaking & Listening Rubric. Oral communication is measured by overall oral presentation score (out of 4) as well as the score in each area of oral communication (Fluency, Listening, Movement, Word Choice, & Inflection). The written communication portion of this objective is assessed in the capstone policy course (MAN 4720). Student are required to write a brief essay in response to a case and are assessed using the 成人AV视频 Writes Self-Talk Rubrics #1-5. Written Communication is measured by the overall writing score (out of 4) as well as the score in each area of written communication (Thesis/Central Idea, Paragraph Coherence, Evidence, Grammar, and Stylistic Clarity).
Ethical Reasoning and Decision Making (objective 4) is assessed in the capstone policy course (MAN 4720). Student are required to write a brief essay in response to a case and are assessed using the 成人AV视频 Writes Self-Talk Rubric #6 that evaluates ethical awareness and critical thinking. Ethical Reasoning and Decision Making is measured by the Ethical Awareness and Critical Thinking score (out of 4).
Assessment mechanisms may change over time.