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Housing and Residence Life

THRIVE Living-Learning Community

THRIVE living-learning community logo

The Transition to Healthiness, Resourcefulness, Independence, Vocation, and Education (THRIVE) program is an organization on campus that seeks to assist degree-seeking individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) achieve success both within and beyond the postsecondary setting. The THRIVE Living-Learning Community (LLC), exclusively for those in the THRIVE program, provides an additional level of support through a shared living experience.

Eligibility & Course Requirements

  • Admittance into the THRIVE program and/or an interest in serving as an ally in the THRIVE LLC
  • Complete the Housing Contract & LLC and Interest Housing Application
  • Live in Osprey Fountains with the THRIVE LLC
  • Attend THRIVE Requirements such as the weekly THRIVE Class, Study Hours and Special Topics

Course Information

LLC students must attend the weekly Monday THRIVE class every semester on campus, if given as a requirement.

The THRIVE class focuses on the development and use of executive functioning skills, which are necessary for success both within and outside of the college setting. Students will prepare for the week as they plan out a course of action for completing upcoming assignments/projects and studying for quizzes/exams. In the long term, students will learn to prioritize and determine the best method by which to keep up with coursework and studying.

Students do not need to register for this course as they would with other courses on campus through myWings. Once registered with the THRIVE program, students will be automatically enrolled in the class if their schedule allow for it.


Program Objectives

As a member of the THRIVE LLC you will:

  • Develop independent living, social, and career development skills for use both within and outside the college setting
  • Forge friendships with fellow THRIVE students
  • Have the opportunity to make connections with Jacksonville employers and community members in a safe environment through THRIVE community events

Campus Partners & Who to Contact:

The THRIVE LLC is a partnership between the Department of Housing and Residence Life and the 成人AV视频 THRIVE Program.

For questions, please email: livinglearning@unf.edu