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When to pay

A student becomes liable for their tuition upon registration. Payment for classes added after the initial payment due date is due immediately. There is a $100 fee assessed for late payment of fees. Pay early to avoid longer lines or pay online via debit or credit card or e-check via the  web portal.

Payment Deadlines Fall 2024-Summer 2025

Fall 2024
Payment Type Reminder Payment Deadline:
Tuition and fees, Meal Membership, Housing* 5 p.m. Monday, August 26
Parking permits posted to accounts** Friday, September 6
Reinstatement Deadline Friday, September 6
Deadline for 25% refund for complete withdrawal Friday, September 13
Second payment of One-Third Payment Plan* Monday, September 23
Deadline to Pay for 2H classes (only registered for 2H classes) Monday, October 21
Tuition due if deferred against financial aid Friday, November 3
Final payment of One-Third Payment Plan* Monday, October 21
Tuition due if non-military sponsorship is not paid Monday, October 21

*Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $100 late payment fee.
**Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $10 late payment fee.


Spring 2025
Payment Type Reminder Payment Deadline:
Tuition and fees, Meal Membership, Housing* 5 p.m. Monday, January 13
Parking permits posted to accounts** Friday, January 24
Reinstatement Deadline Friday, January 24
Deadline for 25% refund for complete withdrawal Friday, January 31
Second payment of One-Third Payment Plan* Monday, February 10
Final payment of One-Third Payment Plan* Monday, March 10
Tuition and Fees if only taking 2H classes Monday, March 10
Tuition due if non-military sponsorship is not paid Monday, March 10

*Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $100 late payment fee.
**Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $10 late payment fee.


Summer 2025
Payment Type Reminder Payment Deadline:
Tuition and fees, Meal Membership, Housing*^ 5 p.m. Monday, May 20
Parking permits posted to accounts** Friday, May 30
Reinstatement Deadline Friday, May 30
Deadline for 25% refund for complete withdrawal (Summer C only) Friday, June 6
Second payment of One-Third Payment Plan* Monday, June 16
Tuition and Fees if only taking Summer B courses 5 p.m. on Monday, June 30
Final payment of One-Third Payment Plan* Monday, July 14

^Payment is due in full for all summer courses if a student is registered for any Summer A, C, 8-week or 10-week course.
*Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $100 late payment fee.
**Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $10 late payment fee.


Summer B 2025
Payment Type Reminder Payment Deadline:
Tuition and fees, Meal Membership, Housing*^ 5 p.m. Monday, June 30
Parking permits posted to accounts** Friday, July 11
Reinstatement Deadline Friday, July 11
Second payment of One-Third Payment Plan* N/A
Final payment of One-Third Payment Plan* N/A

^Payment deadline applies to students who are only registered for Summer B courses (no A, C, 8- or 10-week courses). There is no payment plan for the Summer B term.
*Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $100 late payment fee.
**Payments made after the published due date may be assessed a $10 late payment fee.

Late Payment Fee/Drop for Non-Payment

A student becomes liable for their tuition upon registration. Tuition payments must be received in the Student Financial Services Office by the published payment deadline to be considered on time. Postmarks are not considered. Tuition payments received after the published deadlines are late and the account may be assessed a $100 late payment fee and/or run the risk of being administratively dropped for non-payment. Check payments returned unpaid by the bank after the payment deadline will be assessed the $100 late payment fee.


Financial Holds

Students at the 成人AV视频 are expected to take responsibility for being aware of the payment deadlines and debt owed at all times. This information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online. Students who owe money to the 成人AV视频 will have a hold placed on their account. This hold will prevent the student from routine administrative functions such as registering for classes and receiving grades, transcripts or diploma. The hold will not be removed until all debts are paid in full. Students should allow a minimum of two business days for holds to be released. Holds are not released immediately upon payment; it is an overnight process. Other offices also place holds on accounts. The myWings web portal will identify the office and phone number to call for holds placed on your account.



Payment for tuition is due by the published deadline. Students whose account is not paid in full after 90 days may have their account sent to a collection agency, with additional collection fees of up to 33 1/3 percent added to the account. If the account is sent to a collection agency, the student will be required to pay the balance in full with the collection agency. Please note that payments made to the agency in one month will be sent to the University the following month. All litigation of disputes of these charges will be conducted in Duval County, Florida.

For additional information, questions or concerns, please contact us.