Frequently Asked Questions
What are the hours of operation for the Student Financial Services Office?
The Student Financial Services Office lobby is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are closed when the University is closed. -
Where is the Student Financial Services Office located?
At Hicks Hall (bldg. 53), Room 1100. -
How can I contact the Student Financial Services Office?
For questions or concerns, please contact us. During peak volume times, it is suggested that you e-mail us at However, we may not be able to respond for 3-4 days during peak times due to the high volume. Please include your student ID number in the e-mail so we can respond appropriately. -
Can I make changes in my registration after the payment deadline?
You cannot add or drop classes after the last day of add/drop. The deadline to pay is later, but not the deadline to add or drop classes. If you withdraw from a class after the add/drop period, you are financially responsible for the class. -
What is the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition rates?
In-state tuition rates apply to those students who reside in Florida and have lived in the state for a certain length of time. Out-of-state tuition rates apply to those whose residence is outside of Florida. Out-of-state tuition has an in-state and out-of-state component. For further information, please contact the Admissions Office. -
I am being charged an incorrect tuition rate, how can that be corrected?
If you believe you are being charged the incorrect tuition rate, please verify your residency status. If it is incorrect and you are a new student, contact the Admissions Office at
(904) 620-5555 for assistance. If you are a returning student and believe you are eligible to be considered a Florida resident, contact the Records and Registration Office via One Stop at(904) 620-5555 and provide documentation. Documentation needs to be submitted before the start of the semester to have your application for residency change reviewed (submission of documentation is not a guarantee of approval).If you are assessed for a class you do not believe you've registered for, contact the Records and Registration Office at
(904) 620-5555. -
How do I find what it would cost to take classes?
Our current tuition and fees rates can be found in the current schedule publication and/or on the website. Your tuition rate is based on your residency status which is determined by where you are currently living and the length of time at the residence.
If you have questions on residency, please go to our Residency Reclassification Webpage or contact the Admissions Office at
(904) 620-5555 for further assistance. -
How can I get a copy of my class schedule and current bill?
Students can view their statement on that includes the class schedule. Under the Student tab, go to "My Bill;" at the top will be a link to your statement. Or you can go to Student Self-Service (on the Student tab), click on Student Accounts, and then View Bill by Term. -
I have moved recently, what do I need to do to change my address?
You can update your address on under personal information or contact Records and Registration for further information and procedures for updating your address at 成人AV视频. It is advisable to change your address information with 成人AV视频 as soon as possible so that you receive information in a timely manner. -
How does the Student Financial Services Office notify me regarding my account?
The Student Financial Services Office primary means of communication with students is e-mail. You will receive e-mail notifications if you have a balance due, if you are receiving a refund and other miscellaneous notifications.
If the Student Financial Services Office needs to contact students via regular mail (returned check, pre-collect letter, paper refund), mail will be sent to the mailing address on record. It is the student's responsibility to ensure their address is correct. Addresses can be updated via myWings under the personal information section or in person at One-Stop Student Services.
What is the 1098T?
A 1098T is a tax form that is available on myWings to students and may assist in determining if they are eligible to claim a credit on their tax returns. 成人AV视频 reports the amount you paid from any and all sources (financial aid, third party, yourself) and any grants, scholarships, third party sponsor received during the calendar year. The amounts on the form do not necessarily reflect the amount you paid out of pocket; you should save your receipts to accurately report that figure to the IRS. To view/print your 1098T, go to the 'tax information' link on the student tab. Please note that most students register for the spring term in the previous calendar year. The form identifies qualified tuition and fees (based on registration) that occurred during the calendar year and then all payments made in the calendar year; so the amounts may not match with the terms.
成人AV视频 staff cannot provide you with tax advice; please contact a tax professional or IRS regarding the form.
To obtain more information on the tax credits, visit on the IRS website or go to our website.
When is tuition due?
Payment for the term is due in the Student Financial Services Office by the published deadline (please see the for the deadline). We do not honor postmarks. The lobby and online payment system will be closed and the drop box will be emptied at that time. Any payments dropped in the drop box after the deadline or received in the mail after the deadline will be assessed a $100 late payment fee. Students may be purged from classes if payment is not received. -
What type of payments do you accept?
Students can pay in several different ways. You can pay online with e-check or credit/debit card; there is no convenience fee for paying via e-check. Debit and credit card payments are assessed a non-refundable convenience fee of 2.85 percent for domestic and 4.25 percent for international credit cards, based on the amount charged.
The office does not accept cash payments. Checks, money orders and cashier's checks can be placed in the drop box located outside the building to the left of the main doors. Be sure to include your student ID on the front of the check for proper posting to your account.
We do not accept international checks.
Do you accept VISA for payment?
Yes. We accept VISA (as well as MasterCard, Discover and American Express) as a payment method--online only. Debit and credit card payments are assessed a non-refundable convenience fee of 2.85 percent for domestic and 4.25 percent for international cards, based on the amount charged. -
Can check payments be mailed in, and if so, where?
For your convenience, we have an online payment system that you can pay via check with no convenience fee 24/7 and the payment will post to your student account immediately. This is the preferred method to ensure your payment is received on time.
To mail in a check payment, write your student ID, phone number and the check holder's driver's license number on the face of the check. Make the check payable to 成人AV视频 and mail to:
成人AV视频 Controller's Office
1 成人AV视频 Drive, Hicks Hall
Jacksonville, FL
32224-2645 Please note we do not acknowledge postmarks. Payment must be received in our office by the deadline to be considered on time.
We also have a drop box in which you can place your payment. Please make sure you complete the envelope and include your student ID and a phone number so we can contact you if there is any problem.
Can I pay with an international check?
We do not accept international checks. Please make other arrangements to pay your account. -
Do you take a postdated check?
We do not accept a postdated check. All checks are processed when received, regardless of the date of the check. -
Can payments be accepted over the phone?
No. We do not take any payments over the phone as we have no mechanism to process the payment. For your convenience, we have an online payment system for students to make payments 24/7 and payments are posted to your student account immediately. Go to "My Bill" in myWings. You can pay online with an e-check (no convenience fee) or a debit or credit card (there is a 2.85% non-refundable convenience fee (4.25% for international cards). -
Can I pay online?
You can pay on with an e-check (no convenience fee) or credit/debit card online. Debit and credit card payments are assessed a non-refundable convenience fee of 2.85 percent for domestic and 4.25 percent for international credit cards, based on the amount charged. Students should go to their account (view and pay bill) after making payment to ensure the payment is on their account. -
Can I pay with a wire transfer?
Yes. The amount wired should not exceed the balance due to the University on a student's account. Wires sent must be on a per semester basis, as we are not able to hold these funds for longer than one term.This balance includes tuition and fees, room and board and health insurance. Amounts for personal expenses should be wired directly to the student's local bank account.
Funds in excess of the outstanding balance will be returned to the sender.
On the wire description please include:
- Student's name,
- Student's ID number (N#),
- Semester
- Description: "tuition payment," "balance on account," "Fall Housing," "Spring ELP," etc.
If this information is not included the monies will be returned to the sender. Without this information it is difficult to determine the correct student to credit.
Please allow sufficient time for your bank to process and submit your wire transfer so that it will be posted to your student account in a timely manner. Funds coming from outside the United States can take several (1-2) weeks. To avoid late fees, we recommend that students (especially international students) wire funds well before the payment deadline.
What is the University's wiring information?
Wire transfers may be sent to: Acct Name 成人AV视频 Bank Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. SWIFT #WFBIUS6S Routing #121000248 Account #2000015977090 -
What if the check I paid my tuition with is returned?
If your check is returned so that payment was not received by the deadline, you will be assessed a $100 late payment fee in addition to any service fees. Returned check service fees are assessed pursuant to Florida Statute 832.07 (1).
Sometimes e-checks are not processed because of an invalid bank account number was entered. Your student account will be debited for the amount of the e-check returned; you will receive a return notice and need to resubmit payment.There is no service fee for a returned e-check due to an invalid account number (unless it is the third or more time). If payment is not received by the tuition deadline, a $100 late payment fee will be assessed. Notifications for returned e-checks are sent to your 成人AV视频 e-mail. If 成人AV视频 receives notification of the return after the payment deadline, you need to make restitution immediately (within 24 hours). Students are not purged from classes if a check/echeck is returned.
The check I wrote was returned by the bank. Will you redeposit it?
We do not redeposit checks.If your check is returned, you will be sent an email and assessed a service charge for the returned check (the amount varies based on the dollar amount of the check). All payments for the next year made to the University must be by cashier's check, money order or credit card (online). -
Can someone else (parents or another relative) pay for my classes?
Yes they can, but the student must inform them of the amount due. Due to federal privacy laws designed to protect the student, we cannot disclose that information to anyone other than the student. The student can come in person with them or (preferred) register them in "My Bill" on to pay online. -
Does 成人AV视频 have a payment plan?
There is a one-third payment plan. Enrollment consists of completing and signing the application, paying one-third of the tuition due (after financial aid is deducted) plus a $15 non-refundable enrollment fee. The second payment is due within 30 days and the final payment is due within 60 days to avoid a $100 late payment fee. Print/view the terms for the exact due dates for the remaining payments.
The plan is available for tuition, housing, meals and parking (after financial aid) and does not include any other miscellaneous charges.
Students can enroll online via myWings (no enrollment form to sign). Click on "My Bill" and then click " Payment Plans" (left-hand side menu). The terms, amounts of the plan, and the remaining payment due dates will be displayed and the system will automatically calculate the minimum amount due. Please note: Your bank or credit card statement will reflect 2 payments--1 for the $15 installment fee and 1 for the initial tuition payment.
I'm on a wait list - do I pay for the class now?
Your current balance/amount due reflects only the classes in which you are currently registered; only pay for those classes. If you are placed into the wait-listed class, go online to pay or come into the Student Financial Services Office immediately to pay. If you decide you do not want to take the course you're on a wait-list for, drop it by the end of the add/drop period to avoid any fee liability. -
I have been assessed a repeat surcharge - what is that?
A repeat surcharge is assessed if you are taking the same course for the third (or more) time.The fee is not petition-able. This is an additional cost above the standard tuition rate.Students with a surcharge are paying the out-of-state cost for the course.
Please note that federal Title IV aid (Pell, SEOG, loans) cannot pay any penalty fees.
All my fees are duplicated. Am I being charged twice?
Tuition and most fees are assessed per credit hour (orientation, lab fees, etc. are not assessed per credit hour). Whenever you add (or drop) a class, all the same fees are added (or subtracted) on your account. -
I have been assessed an excess hours surcharge - what is that?
An excess hours surcharge is assessed to students for excess attempted hours (i.e., courses completed, failed, withdrawn). Students will be charged a fee equal to 100 percent of the tuition rate for each credit hour in excess of 110 percent of the number of credit hours required for the undergraduate degree. Most of the degree programs at 成人AV视频 require 120 hours, so students who attempt 132 or more semester hours will be subject to the surcharge.
This law was established by the Florida Legislature (Florida Statute 1009.286) and applies to students entering a state university or community college for the first time in the
2009-2010 academic year and thereafter.Please note that federal Title IV aid (Pell, SEOG, loans) cannot pay any penalty fees.
Why do I have a $100 late payment fee on my account?
A late payment fee is assessed if you have a balance on your account that is not covered by pending aid or deferment. You will be assessed a late payment fee for any of the following:
- If you pay your tuition after the payment deadline
- Your account balance is greater than $150.00
- If you paid tuition with a check or e-check and it was returned unpaid, and restitution is not made by the payment deadline
- If your aid expires and you have an unpaid balance on your account
- If you do not make all of the payments in a payment plan by the published due dates
- Your third party sponsor has not remitted payment in a timely manner
- If you incur additional charges, aid is reduced, or any other reason a balance is created on your account
Please note that federal Title IV aid (Pell, SEOG, loans) cannot pay any penalty fees.
I didn't know I had a balance and I did not receive an e-mail, why am I still assessed a late payment fee?
It is the student's responsibility to go to their myWings account (we recommend at least once a week, every day during the add/drop period). If you do, you will notice any changes made to your account. This way you will be able to address and resolve any concerns in a timely manner.
Students should be checking their 成人AV视频 e-mail account (be sure you do not forward it to another type of e-mail - gmail, yahoo, AOL, etc.) for any important notifications
Why do I have a late registration fee on my account?
Students who register after the semester begins are assessed a $100 late registration fee. You must register prior to the first day of classes to not be considered late registered.
Please note that federal Title IV aid (Pell, SEOG, loans) cannot pay any penalty fees.
Why do I have a re-registration fee and late payment fee on my account?
Students who were purged (dropped) for non-payment and re-instate into their courses are assessed both a re-registration fee and a late payment fee which are $100 each.
Please note that federal Title IV aid (Pell, SEOG, loans) cannot pay any penalty fees.
What is federal financial aid?
Some of the types of federal financial aid are: Pell, student loans, SEOG and SMART grant. Bright Futures is not federal aid. Federal financial aid is money-backed or authorized by the federal government, and there are regulations for federal aid that are designed to protect students.
Federal aid cannot be used to pay miscellaneous charges unless authorized by the student. Please note that federal Title IV aid (Pell, SEOG, loans) cannot pay penalty fees even if the student authorizes aid to pay miscellaneous charges.
Federal aid cannot pay a prior year's debt (aid year begins in the fall and ends with the summer term). For example, if you have a balance from summer, your fall aid will not pay that balance unless you've signed an authorization form, the charges are not penalty fees, and the amount is less than $200.
I'm expecting financial aid, but it doesn't show on my bill, why?
All aid is posted as estimated by the Financial Aid Office. It could be you did not turn in your forms early enough for them to be processed to determine for what if any, aid you are eligible. You may have been offered loans and did not accept them.
After 6-7 weeks, if your aid has not been disbursed, financial aid will expire (be removed) from your account and no longer defer your tuition; you have requirements that need to be satisfied before your aid will disburse. Please review your financial aid awards section on .
I had a deferment for financial aid and it does not appear now, what happened?
Your aid expires if it has not been disbursed at some point in the term. Aid is estimated to defer tuition initially, but if your paperwork is not complete, the aid expires and cannot be used to defer tuition. Your account will be placed on hold and you will not be able to register or receive grades until your bill is paid in full. You will receive an e-mail notifying you that your aid will expire. Please contact One-Stop Student Services and complete any missing requirements. -
Can financial aid pay for my books?
Those students whose financial aid exceeds the charges on their student accounts are eligible for a book authorization. A list of eligible students and the amount they may charge is sent to the bookstore beginning about three weeks before the semester starts. If you have an authorization, you may go to the bookstore and charge your books to your account. Only the amount you actually charge will be posted to your account. This is not additional aid; you are using aid you've been awarded, and using the book authorization will reduce the refund you will receive. -
When are financial aid refunds available?
Financial aid begins disbursing aid the third week of the semester. After financial aid has been posted to your account to create a credit balance, the Student Financial Services Office will begin the refund process, which takes three or more business days before the funds are directly deposited into your bank account.
It is University Policy for (all) students to enroll in direct deposit.
You must enroll online via myWings - select the student tab, then "My Bill," and then "Sign up for Direct Deposit Refunds" (bottom). Direct deposit is a faster and safer way to receive your refund.
Students can not pick up financial aid checks in the Student Financial Services Office.
Your refund will be delayed if you have not enrolled in direct deposit.
I was expecting a larger refund, what happened?
There could be several reasons:
- All of your aid has not been disbursed to your account yet. Aid frequently pays (disburses) to your account at different times
- Some of your deferments is a third party sponsor that has not yet paid
- You are looking at the amount of your award for the full year, not the term
- Your award is based on you taking for more hours than for which you actually registered
Why did I receive a refund, but still owe 成人AV视频 money?
You may have charges assessed to your account that the federal government prohibits universities from paying unless the student has authorized us to do so.Some examples of charges that cannot be paid without consent include the orientation fee, WOW, parking charges, late payment and late registration fees and library fines. Students should complete a financial aid authorization form so that aid will pay these charges and the student is not placed on hold because of it. Go to , student tab, student self service, online forms and then click on "Financial Aid Authorization of Misc. Charges." -
Why did my aid pay next semester's charges?
Aid will pay any allowable charges on your account for the academic year (aid year begins in the fall and ends with the summer term). If your financial aid for one semester arrives after you've registered for a subsequent semester, you will not receive a refund until the allowable charges on your account are paid. Some charges are not paid by federal financial aid unless the student has authorized the university to pay those charges (parking charges, library fines, etc.). Some cannot be paid even if the student authorizes (repeat surcharge, excess hours, all late fees, etc.). -
Why isn't my Florida Prepaid appearing on my account as a credit balance?
There could be several reasons:
- Your SSN with Florida Prepaid does not match what 成人AV视频 has in our system
- If your Florida Prepaid account is delinquent or you need to complete a survey (students receive e-mails from the Student Financial Services Office on this) prepaid will not pay your account
- Florida Prepaid updates their files once/week. After the survey is complete or your account is removed from the delinquency status, the following week's update from prepaid will reflect the change in status and then it will post on your myWings account as "estimated financial aid"
- If you've recently registered it may take a few days for the system to update and reflect Florida Prepaid as a deferment
- You've opted out for the semester
- We post the payment to your account after payment is received from Florida Prepaid.Please note that sometimes Prepaid notifies us after we bill (generally second week of the semester) that they will not pay your account.If this happens, please contact Florida Prepaid at
Will my Florida Prepaid adjust if I add or drop a course?
When you change your registration hours, your Florida Prepaid amount will not immediately adjust to the number of hours for which you are now registered. It requires an overnight process that reviews your registered hours and compares against the number of hours remaining on your Florida Prepaid plan. Until the overnight process is run, the Florida Prepaid amount showing on your account is incorrect. -
What if I don't want 成人AV视频 to bill Florida Prepaid this semester?
成人AV视频 bills Florida Prepaid automatically if you have sufficient hours left on your Florida Prepaid plan.If you prefer to not have 成人AV视频 bill Florida Prepaid for a particular semester, go to the Student Financial Services website and complete the Opt-Out or Bill Less Hours form by the end of the add/drop week. The form is valid for one semester only and must be submitted each term you do not want 成人AV视频 to bill Florida Prepaid. -
I am enrolled at 成人AV视频 and another school. How does Florida Prepaid get billed for both colleges?
Each college will bill Florida Prepaid for the number of hours enrolled at that university. We cannot bill for hours you are taking at another college. You need to be aware of the other college's policy regarding Florida Prepaid. Our system will automatically defer your account for the hours for which you are eligible, and another college may require you to show them your Florida Prepaid card. -
I have Bright Futures, but the amount I owe does not seem to be correct. What should I pay?
Bright Futures is initially estimated based on enrollment of 15 hours. Your award will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of hours for which you've registered. If you have the academic award, Bright Futures will pay $207.73 per credit hour. If you have the Medallion award, Bright Futures will pay $155.79 per credit hour. Please refer to the Student Financial Services Office website.
NOTE: If you've added or dropped a class today, the amount estimated will not adjust until overnight.
Please note: Bright Futures does not normally pay if you are registered for less than 6 hours.
I have Bright Futures, and withdrew from a class. Why do I owe money?
The state legislature has passed a law that requires students to refund back to Bright Futures the amount received for course(s) which were withdrawn after the add/drop period. Before you withdraw from a course online, you will be notified that withdrawing from the course will require you to repay the Bright Futures award you received for that course. If a late payment fee appears on your account and you paid the debt within seven days of the reversal date, you can file a fee petition to have the late fee removed. Otherwise, the late fee remains on your account and continued failure to repay the award may result in a loss of Bright Futures' eligibility in future years. -
I have a waiver paying my bill, and it does not appear on my account - why?
Some waivers may not be posted until after the add/drop period. Please review your account by the end of the second week of the semester to verify the waiver has been posted. Some waivers do not pay miscellaneous charges such as ID or lab fees or certain classes are not allowable with the waiver. -
I have a sponsor paying my bill, what do I need to do?
You need to submit the authorization from the sponsor that indicates they will pay your bill. We need to know what amount or fees they will pay in order to invoice them.You are responsible for paying your account if they do not pay in a timely manner. Students must sign a FERPA release for the University to invoice your sponsor; please use the third party upload app (Student Self-Service, Online Forms, Third Party Authorization/Waiver Upload) to submit your form. -
I have tuition reimbursement from my employer - do you accept that?
Tuition reimbursement can be used for some graduate-level courses. Please see the Graduate Studies Office for more information. The employer reimbursement form must be completed by your employer and submitted by the payment deadline each semester. The deadline to pay is thirty (30) days after the end of the term.
I have a "Financial Hold" hold on my account, who do I contact for further information?
A financial hold means that you have a balance due to the University. There are four types of Student Financial Services Office financial holds:
- FH - Is a current term balance that is not covered by estimated aid or deferments
- FM - Is for current term miscellaneous charges that cannot be paid with estimated aid and you have not authorized the university to pay them with your financial aid
- FP - Is all prior term debt owed to the university
- FT - Is placed on any student account with a past-due balance and will withhold the release of a transcript for any amount due
Additionally, if your account has been sent to a collection agency and has not been paid, you will have a "CO" hold, indicating your account is placed with a collection agency.
There are other financial holds from other departments that may be on your account. Please contact the department responsible for the hold.
What does a "No Check Hold" mean?
What does a "Stop pay/disputed credit card hold" mean?
A Stop pay/disputed credit card hold is placed if you disputed a payment made with a credit card for a valid debt. This hold will prevent you from making online payments. -
Can I register for classes if I have a "Financial Hold" hold on my account?
No. State and college policy states your account must be paid in full before you can register for another semester. Once paid, the hold is released when the hold process is run (generally every four hours). If you pay in the evening, the hold may not be released until the following morning. To be sure that it's removed, you should allow two business days for holds to be released. You will not be able to register, order transcripts or receive your diploma if you have a financial hold. -
I just paid my bill, when will my hold be lifted so I can register?
Most holds are removed periodically throughout the day. Your hold will be removed the next time the process is run. Some holds like collections and housing holds are lifted in an overnight process. Please note the Student Financial Services Office does not manually remove holds. -
I have financial aid coming in next semester. Can I use that to have my hold lifted to register for next semester?
No. Aid is never guaranteed nor automatic, therefore the university will not allow students to register if they owe more than $500. -
Can I enroll in a repayment plan so I can register?
Maybe. It depends on the reason for the debt.. A repayment plan can be done if you have a tuition, fee, housing, meal and parking balances due on your account but not for other charges. In addition, we do not offer a repayment plan if the amount owed is less than $400, if you defaulted on a payment plan, or owe money to Bright Futures when you withdrew from a course.
I've been sent to a collection agency. Who do I contact about this?
Once your account has been sent to a collection agency, you should contact them regarding your account. You will receive correspondence from them with their contact information. -
I've been sent to a collection agency - can I pay at the Student Financial Services Office?
You may pay at the Student Financial Services Office IF you are paying in full (including the collection charge) AND with certified funds (money order, cashier's check). -
I've been sent to a collection agency and can pay it now, but don't want to pay the additional collection charge. Can it be removed?
No. Students are sent several e-mails during the term, 2 pre-collection letters (mailed to the address we have in our system), phone calls and texts (if you agreed to allow) before they are sent to a collection agency. The letters inform the student to pay the University directly to avoid any additional collection charge (these letters give students 60 days to pay). If the account is not paid within the 60 days, collection fees are added and the collection charge cannot be reversed. -
I paid the collection agency in full, how can I have the hold lifted to register?
We will contact the collection agency to verify that you've paid in full and paid with certified funds. We may lift it temporarily but the hold will not be lifted permanently until we receive payment from the collection agency, which will be the middle of the following month after they receive your payment.
What is the difference between dropping a class and withdrawing from a class?
Students drop a class prior to the end of the add/drop period. Dropping a course relieves the student of financial liability for the course. After the add/drop period, the student may withdraw from a course (to avoid a poor grade) but is still liable for the cost of the course. -
I dropped a class, how do I get a refund for that class?
If you dropped the course during the add/drop period and you paid in full, your refund will be processed automatically. We do not process any refunds for the semester until after the add/drop period has ended. If you withdraw after the add/drop period, you will not be refunded unless you withdraw from all classes. You must withdraw from all classes before the published deadline to withdraw and receive a 25 percent reduction of your tuition and fees. -
If I withdraw from a class, can I still get a refund?
For the Fall and Spring semesters, If you completely withdraw from all of your classes, you paid in full and you withdraw by the published deadline to receive a refund, you will receive a 25 percent refund. If you are still registered for other classes, or withdraw after the published deadline, you will not receive a refund. If you did not pay in full, your tuition and fees will be reduced by 25 percent. For Summer C and modular classes, please consult the academic calendar for the deadline to withdraw and receive a 25 percent refund. There is no refund for Summer A and B classes. -
Will I be responsible if I don't attend classes?
Unless you complete the procedure for correctly dropping a course, either online or in person, prior to the end of the add/drop period, you are fee liable for the course. Some professors will drop you from the class, but many do not. If you do not want to take a class, you must drop it by the end of add/drop week to avoid any liability. Registration ends at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of add/drop, so you must drop prior to that time. -
Will I be purged if I do not pay?
You may or may not. If you decide to not attend, you must go online and drop your classes by the end of add/drop period (11:59 p.m. on the last day of add/drop week) to avoid any liability. -
I need to complete a "Fee Petition." What is the process?
Students must submit a fee petition online via . Go to the student tab, student self service, online forms, student fee petition. If needed, additional documentation may be attached. Students will receive an email confirmation that their petition has been successfully submitted and students can view the status of their petition on as well. The fee committee reviews the petitions each week and at peak times it may take a couple of weeks before the committee reviews your petition. Once a decision is made, their decision is sent to the student via e-mail. If you are petitioning a fee on your account, the hold is not lifted until paid; holds are not lifted because a petition has been filed. For more information on the process, what fees are petitionable and what fees are not petitionable, and deadlines to submit petitions, please refer to the Fee Refunds and Petitions section under Policies and Procedures on the Student Financial Services home page.
All decisions by the fee committee are final.
How can I buy a Parking permit?
Students can only select a parking permit online via . In the 'My Bill' section in the student tab, click "Parking Account." The charge will be added to your student account so you have the option to pay for your permit when you pay your tuition and fees. -
Can I use my financial aid for a parking permit?
Students elect to have the parking permit charge added to their myWings account. Students will need to complete the "Authorization to have Financial Aid Pay Non-Allowable Charges" on myWings in order for their aid to pay the parking permit charge. -
Will financial aid pay my parking tickets?
No. Parking tickets are not on your student account so financial aid will not pay them. You must pay your tickets yourself. -
Why do I have a parking ticket hold, but no tickets are on my account?
Parking tickets are not on your student account. Tickets that are not paid within 14 days of issuance will result in a parking ticket hold on the account. Students will not be able to register, receive transcripts or diploma until paid in full.
How can I pay for housing charges?
Housing charges can be paid the same way that tuition can be paid. See questions above related to tuition payments and fees.