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College of Arts and Sciences
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Course Planning

Pre-Law is not a major or a minor. Undergraduates should choose a major/minor based upon their interests and talents. Law schools seek talented applicants from all backgrounds and academic majors.

A broad-based university education best prepares students for the rigors of law school. Courses in history, philosophy, politics, international studies, business, anthropology, psychology, criminal justice, sociology, economics, and the sciences provide context for advanced inquiry into the U.S. legal system. Courses in mathematics, science, computer science, and engineering sharpen logic and are required for students pursuing careers in .

Students should take at least one logic course before their first LSAT exam.

General Education Requirements 

成人AV视频 Pre-Law strongly recommends that all students preparing for law school take the following courses as part of their General Education requirements:

  • Logic: PHI 2101 Introduction to Logic (GM) and/or PHI 2100 Critical Thinking: The Art of Critical Reasoning (GW)
  • Writing:  CRW 2000 Introduction to Creative Writing (GW), after completing ENC 1101 and ENC 1143. 
  • Civic Literacy: POS 2041 Introduction to American Government and/or AMH 2020 United States History since 1877 

Law-Related Courses 

Students interested in law and policy courses as a major should consider the Political Science major, beginning with POS 3606 The U.S. Supreme Court.