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Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies Faculty and Staff

ATTENTION: The Philosophy and Religious Studies Department is now located in Building 57

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Professor of Philosophy, Chair s.mattice@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3513
Paul Carelli Associate Professor of Philosophy paul.carelli@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3503
Associate Professor of Philosophy a.b.creller@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3516
Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Religious Studies Program Director b.denison@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3504
David Fenner Professor of Philosophy dfenner@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3511
Mitch Haney Associate Professor of Philosophy mhaney@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3525
Julie Ingersoll Professor of Religious Studies jingerso@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3523
Hans-Herbert Koegler Professor of Philosophy hkoegler@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3713
Sarah LaChance Adams Associate Professor of Philosophy, Florida Blue Distinguished Professor s.lachanceadams@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3526
James Dennis LoRusso Instructor of Religious Studies j.lorusso@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3524
Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Florida Blue Center for Ethics j.matheson@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3505
Professor of Philosophy grainbolt@unf.edu (904) 372-3060 57/3715

Visiting and Adjunct Faculty

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Chris Byron Adjunct Faculty n00868501@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
Robert Evans Adjunct Faculty n01545012@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
Brian Fullford Adjunct Faculty b.fullford@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 10/2335
Shane George Visiting Assistant Professor n00195702@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/2228
Matt Hartley Adjunct Faculty m.hartley@unf.edu 57/3509
Rileigh Correa Adjunct Faculty rileigh.merritt-dietz@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
Hana Mitchell Visiting Assistant Professor n01238003@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/2227
Brian Polding Adjunct Faculty n0040392@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
Mary Treyz Adjunct Faculty mtreyz@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
Andrew Dixon Adjunct Faculty andrew.dixon@unf.edu 620-3744

Emeritus Faculty

Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Andrew Buchwalter Presidential Professor Emeritus abuchwal@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
A. David Kline Professor Emeritus akline@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
John C. Maraldo Professor Emeritus jmaraldo@unf.edu (904) 620-3744
Ellen Wagner Associate Professor Emeritus ewagner@unf.edu (904) 620-3744


Name Position Email Phone Room Number
Stephanie Smith Academic Support Specialist stephanie.smith@unf.edu (904) 620-3744 57/3500