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Department of Math and Statistics Research

The Group for Research and Consulting in Statistics

The Group for Research and Consulting in Statistics (GRCS) is located at the 成人AV视频 in Jacksonville, Florida. The GRCS, previously the Institute of Statistics, has been in operation since 1983.

We offer statistical support and expertise to regional businesses; to units of state, county and municipal government; to hospitals and other not-for-profit entities; to academic researchers, including both faculty and students, at the 成人AV视频 and at other institutions of higher education.

  • Mission Statement

    The Group for Research and Consulting in Statistics' Mission is:

    To be a center for the dissemination of statistical knowledge and expertise throughout Northeast Florida by forming partnerships with and providing support to:

    • business enterprises;
    • organizations and departments connected to state, county, and city governments;
    • for profit and not-for-profit health organizations;
    • academic researchers and teachers within the 成人AV视频 and other institutions of higher education;
    • public service and charitable organizations;

    To enhance and promote undergraduate and graduate education at all departments and colleges within the 成人AV视频 by:

    • supporting graduate students in all departments in their research;
    • offering opportunities for students to participate in real life consulting projects;
    • offering opportunities for students to participate in academic research projects;
    • offering opportunities for faculty and students to collaborate on research and consulting projects;

    To be a center for research by:

    • initiating research which will bring together faculty, student, and other researchers both from 成人AV视频 and other research foci;
    • connecting researchers from within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics with researchers in other departments or organizations;
    • collaborating with other researchers by providing statistical and other expertise;
    • What story does my data have to tell?
  • Staff

    Fei Heng, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Statistics Department

    Phone: (904) 620-2654

    Office: Building 14E room 2719

    Email: f.heng@unf.edu

  • Research Support

    The GRCS supports research by:

    • providing statistical support to researchers, students, and teachers within the 成人AV视频 and other institutions of higher education;
    • participating as co-investigators in grant funded research with researchers, students, and teachers within the 成人AV视频 and other institutions of higher education;
    • initiating grant proposals and conducting research associated with these grants.
  • Consulting

    The GRCS forms short term and long term contractual arrangements with individuals and organizations to provide consulting services. The GRCS offers consulting services to organizations such as:

    • industrial, commercial , financial, and other business enterprises;
    • organizations and departments connected to state, county, and city governments;
    • for profit and not-for-profit health organization including hospitals, HMOs, and physician's groups;
    • public service and charitable organizations.

    The expertise of faculty, students, and consultants are available to help clients solve problems is areas such as:

    • data collection, organization, and analysis;
    • experimental design;
    • statistical quality control;
    • statistical and probabilistic modeling;
    • survey construction, design, and analysis.

    The GRCS can help clients in their quests to answer questions such as:

    • What story does my data have to tell?
    • How large a sample should I select? How should the items in the sample be selected?
    • Are key manufacturing, service or natural processes under statistical control? That is, are key processes behaving in a stable and predictable manner? What methods should I use to establish and maintain statistical control over key processes? How capable are key processes?
    • How can statistical methods be used to improve products and processes? How can statistical methods be used in product design and development?
    • What does the future hold? That is, how can statistical forecasting be used to make better business and organizational decisions?
  • Professional and Lifelong Learning Activities

    The GRCS offers tailor-made statistical training and mini-courses, whose content will be developed to suit the needs of the client.

    In addition, the GRCS offers off-the-self courses, which can be taught to groups from local business and other organizations. the following courses will also be periodically offered by open enrollment at prescribed times (typically during the summer):

    • Introductory and intermediate Quality Statistics
    • SPC Awareness for Managers
    • Statistical Process Control for Service Organizations (SPC)
    • Statistical Process Control for Manufacturing (SPC)
    • Design of Surveys and Analysis of Survey Data
    • Process and Product Improvement using Designed Experiments (DOE)
    • publishes a newsletter;
    • publishes and makes available technical reports;
    • maintains a web page.
  • Communications

    The GRCS operates as a communications center for research within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and for other researchers engaged in projects with the GRCS; advertises the services and expertise of the faculty; contributes to the academic, business and government community's understanding of the vital role that 成人AV视频 researchers can and do play in Northeast Florida. To help support these activities the GRCS will:

    • publishes a newsletter;
    • publishes and makes available technical reports;
    • maintains a web page.

Faculty Research


  • Aslan, Beyza, Modeling the change in electric potential due to lightning in one- dimensional space, Applicable Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2021.1921156.
  • Aslan, Beyza, Application of support vector machines to diagnosis of late-onset Glutaric Acidemia Type 2 (GA2), Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 9(2), 265-272.
  • Bell, Denis, Limit Theorems for Singular Stochastic Integrals, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics., 102, 21-44.
  • Dreibelbis, Daniel, Do Espirito Santo, A, Riberiro, M., and Araújo dos Santos, R., A Quick Trip through Fibration Structures, Journal of Singularities, 22, 134-158.
  • Dumitru, Raluca and Franco, Jose A., The Rényi power means of matrices, Linear Algebra and Applications, 607 (2020), 45-57.
  • Dumitru, Raluca, Franco, Jose A., and Patterson, Richard, Regular Methods of Summability and the Banach-Saks Property for Double Sequences, Filomat, 35, (5).
  • Genova, Daniela, D. Genova, H.J. Hoogeboom, N. Jonoska, Companions and an Essential Motion of a Reaction System, Fundamenta Informaticae,175(1-4), 187-199.
  • Genova, D., Jan Hoogeboom, H. and Prodanoff, Z.,Extracting reaction systems from function behavior , Journal of Membrane Computing, 2(3), 194-206.
  • Genova, Daniela, D., Hoogeboom, H, and Kleijn, J.,Comparing Reactions in Reaction Systems, Theoretical Computer Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2020.11.050.
  • Gleaton, J., Sa, P., and Hamid, S.,Asymptotic Properties of MLE’s for Distributions Generated from an Exponential Distribution by a Generalized Log-Logistic Transformation Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2021.1882495
  • Heng, Fei, Sun, Y., Qi, L., and Gilbert, P. B., A Hybrid Approach for the Stratified Mark-Specific Proportional Hazards Models with Missing Covariates and Missing Marks, with Applications to Dengue Vaccine Efficacy Trials, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 69(4), 791-814.
  • Jia, Yisu, Dailey, R., Smith, K., Fontaine, C., and Avery, J, Response of metabolic hormones and blood metabolites to realimentation in rehabilitated harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups, Journal of Comparative Physiology(B), 190(5), 629-540.
  • Milatovic, Ognjen, Self-adjointness of perturbed bi-Laplacians on infinite graphs, Indagationes Mathematicae, 32, 442–455.
  • Milatovic, Ognjen, Minimal and maximal extensions of M-hypoelliptic proper uniform pseudo-differential operators in Lp-spaces on non-compact manifolds, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 12, Art. 16, 22 pp.
  • Milatovic, Ognjen and Saratchandran, H., Essential self-adjointness of perturbed biharmonic operators via conformally transformed metrics, Potential Analysis, DOI: 10.1007/s11118-020-90897-7.
  • Patterson, Richard and Savaş, R Gauge strongly Summability of Measurable Functions. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 37(1), 109–117.
  • Patterson, Richard and Savaş, R Generalization of statistically convergent. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 26 (4), 384–389.
  • Patterson, Richard and Savaş, R Multidimensional statistical convergence of functions via ideal. Proceedings Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 23(4), 509–518.
  • Patterson, Richard and Savaş, R I2-Lacunary Strongly Summability for Multidimensional Measurable Functions, Publications De I’Iinstitut Mathématique (Beograd) (N.S.), 107(121), 93–107.
  • Wang, Kening, S.C. Brenner, E.-H. Park, and L.-Y. Sung., A balancing domain decomposition by constraints preconditioner for a C0 interior penalty method, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering, XXV, 342-349
  • Wang, Kening, • Oh M., and Ma L., P1 finite element methods for a weighted elliptic state-constrained optimal control problem, Numerical Algorithms, 87, 1-17.


  • Dumitru Raluca, Longitudinal Dynamic Functional Regression, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C, Royal Statistical Society, vol. 69(1), (2020), 25-46, joint with A. M. Staicu, Md N. Islam, and Eric van Heugten.
  • Dumitru, Raluca and Franco, Jose A., Generalized Hellinger Metrics and Audenaert's In-Betweenness, Linear Algebra and Applications, 585, (2020), 191-198.
  • Dumitru, Raluca, Franco, Jose A., Fundamental Theorems of Summability Theory for a New Type of Subsequences of Double Sequences, Journal of Classical Analysis, 15(1), (2019), 23–33.
  • Dumitru, Raluca, Franco, Jose A., On some trace inequalities, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 23(2), (2020), 467-476, joint with Dinh, Trung Hoa.
  • Dumitru, Raluca, Franco, Jose A., Some geometric properties of matrix means with respect to different distance functions, POSITIVITY, (2020),joint with Dinh, Trung Hoa.
  • Dumitru, Raluca, Franco, Jose A., On the Matrix Heron Means and Renyi Divergences, Linear Multilinear Algebra, (2020), joint with Dinh, Trung Hoa.
  • Lee, Jae-Ho, Grassmann graphs, degenerate DAHA, and non-symmetric dual q-Hahn polynomials, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 588 (2020), 160 -195.
  • Patterson, Richard, Multidimensional Linear Functional Connected with Double Strong Cesaro Summability, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 51(1): 143-153,  with R. Savas and E. Savas.
  • Wang, Kening, An anti-windup approach for nonlinear impulsive system subject to actuator saturation, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 133, 2020, 109658.


Heng, Fei, Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement - Salem VAMC and University of Virginia for $21,530.00.