Ethics Week at 成人AV视频

Ethics Week 2024
Ethics Week is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about ethical issues and fostering meaningful discussions across disciplines at 成人AV视频. Celebrated during the third week of October, Ethics Week features a series of events designed to highlight faculty and student research, promote constructive dialogue, and encourage critical examination of ethical questions.
Schedule of Events
MONDAY (10/14) 5:00pm - 6:30pm Ethics & the Supreme Court in (Student Union Ballroom)
Supreme Court Justices enjoy a level of power, prestige, and job security that is unmatched in the American political or legal system. But what obligation do Justices owe to act ethically in their decision making, and how should these ethical norms be enforced? Hear from experts and shar your thoughts on the debate over Supreme Court ethics reform.
Panelists: Adrienne Lerner, Nicholas Seabrook, and Justin Sorrell.
TUESDAY (10/15) 9:00am - 3:00pm "Art of Hope" Exhibition in Lufrano Gallery
“The Art of Hope” presented by Operation New Hope at 成人AV视频 Lufrano Gallery will exhibit works created by justice-involved artists to give voice to people who have been excluded by incarceration and challenge our assumptions about the criminal justice system. The exhibition’s goal is to highlight how incarceration and art-making demand finding freedom in constraint and demonstrate that both require hope. The exhibit will be open throughout the week.
TUESDAY (10/15) 12:30pm - 1:30pm "Lunch and Learn: The Ethics of (In)Voluntary Mental Health Service Provision in (Building 51, Room 1210)
While involuntary mental health service provision is routine, is it ethical? Join Dr. Jennifer Spaulding-Givens, Associate Professor of Social Work, for free pizza and a discussion about the ethical considerations and implications of involuntary vs. voluntary mental health service provision.
WEDNESDAY (10/16) 10:00am - 1:00pm Ask an Ethicist at 成人AV视频 Market Days
WEDNESDAY (10/16) 6:00pm - 7:30pm "Fake Authority Country: When to Defer to Experts and When to Push Back." Dr. Jamie Watson in (Building 51, Room 1209)
Can non-experts ever push back against expert advice? What should they do when experts disagree? Non-experts are in no position to do what experts do, and in most cases, non-experts should follow expert advice. But I argue that sometimes, the right response for a non-expert is neither deference nor suspending judgment. Sometimes, non-experts have the option of pushing back.
THURSDAY (10/17) 12:15pm-1:15pm Research Ethics Trivia in Building 51, Room 1209
Many research projects require prior approval from the institution’s office of research integrity. These approvals may come from the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and/or the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). Approval indicates to the research community that the project is being conducted following best practices for the field and in a way that allows others to be confident in the methods used and the results obtained. In this workshop, we will test your knowledge of research integrity through Research Integrity Trivia. Form teams and compete against each other to show who knows their stuff when it comes to ethical research practices! 成人AV视频 Research Integrity staff can also answer questions related to your specific research project.
THURSDAY (10/17) 6:00pm - 7:30pm "Ethics Consultation: Where Philosophy Meets Health Care." Dr. Jamie Watson (Associate Staff Bioethicist, Cleveland Clinic) in (Building 39, Room 1016)
Is your heart in health care but your head is in the humanities? Do you enjoy thinking about difficult ethical case studies? Come discuss a set of ethically challenging patient cases while learning about the growing field of clinical ethics consultation.
FRIDAY (10/18) 10:30am - 12:30 pm Ethical Reasoning & Decision Making Digital Badge Workshop in (Building 57, Room 1100A)
Jump start your way to earning a digital badge in Ethical Reasoning & Decision Making by attending this interactive workshop.
Find out more about 成人AV视频's digital badge initiative.
FRIDAY (10/18) 1:00pm - 4:00pm Religion in the Workplace: An Interactive Workshop in (Building 57, Room 1100A)
Is it acceptable to discuss religion at work? To what extent should employers permit overt religious expressions? What are the benefits and dangers to both employers and employees posed by such expressions? Most non-religious workplaces are often assumed to be secular, where one’s religious identity should play no role. Yet, these spaces can nonetheless bring together people who hold a wide range of religious, spiritual, and non-religious orientations. This workshop explores some of the ethical dimensions of today’s religiously plural workplace, it and invites participants to reflect on and share their own experiences and attitudes about the proper role of religion and spirituality on the job.
(pre-registration required; RSVP to
Ethics Case Writing Competition
In celebration of Ethics Week at 成人AV视频, the Florida Blue Center for Ethics is sponsoring an ethics case writing competition.
Entries can be made by current 成人AV视频 undergraduates either as an individual, or as part of a group. In particular, 成人AV视频 student organizations and clubs are encouraged to work together to submit an entry. Only one case can be submitted by any individual or group.
Cases should be 500-700 words long, and written in a way that is accessible to a general audience. Cases can be about any issue or dilemma concerning values, right/wrong, good/bad, what matters, how we should live our lives, what virtues are important, etc.
The goal of these cases is to encourage productive reasoning and discussion over disagreement, so cases should focus on issues about which reasonable (and even lively) disagreement is feasible (i.e., cases shouldn’t focus on those issues about which most students would agree).
Cases can concern real-life events, or purely fictional scenarios. In the case, the author(s) should set up the issue, giving all of the relevant background information, and lay out some of the moral reasons that may be relevant. The case should be written as objectively as possible, and reasons from multiple different perspectives on the issue should be included.
All submissions must be original materials, although appropriately cited excerpts may be used (a quote from a news source, for example).
Sample cases can be found in the NHSEB .
Cases can, but need not, include discussion questions.
Cases must be emailed to as a WORD or PDF attachment with the subject line “成人AV视频 Case Competition” by October 18th.
Participation can highlight different ethical issues of interest, generate good discussion, and be lots of fun. All submissions will be reviewed by a panel, and the author(s) of the best written case will receive a prize of $500.