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CCI Current Projects

Magnolia Project

The Magnolia Project is a federal Healthy Start initiative intended to decrease the high rates of infant mortality in an area of Jacksonville most affected by this problem. The population served by Magnolia consists of women of child bearing age who reside in the target area and who have little or no regular access to health care. Magnolia provides services for this population in a store-front clinic located in the heart of the target area. The services include: 1) well-woman medical services, and 2) intensive case management consisting of counseling and referrals for services to local agencies. CCI's responsibilities include: 1) conducting interviews, focus groups and surveys with key stakeholders, 2) coordinating data collection by project staff, 3) performing data analysis, and 4) preparing progress reports for funding agency and community partners.

Brentwood Neighborhood Learning Network

The Florida Institute of Education (FIE) and the Northeast Florida Center for Community Initiatives (CCI) have agreed to collaborate in order to develop a conceptual framework for strengthening community connections in urban neighborhoods via urban learning gardens with a  dual focus: strengthening urban neighborhoods while also (b) expanding and strengthening early learning opportunities available to neighborhood families and their children.


JaxCareConnect is an innovative initiative of the Duval Safety Net Collaborative designed to connect uninsured neighbors more efficiently to available health care options. The Collaborative currently includes six free and charitable clinics (Agape Community Health Center, Community Health Outreach, Muslim American Social Services Clinic, Mission House, Sulzbacher, and Volunteers in Medicine).

JaxCareConnect has partnered with CCI to develop and implement a process evaluation to assess the extent to which the program has been implemented and engaged the appropriate number of participants by linking them to a medical home and improving their health outcomes over time.

The JAX Rental Housing Project

There is currently a national, state-wide, and local affordable housing crisis. It is an issue that impacts a majority of the population but receives insufficient attention from policymakers and political officials. Housing insecurity has a wide range of ramifications for individuals, families, and communities.

The JAX Rental Housing Project is a community-based research project aimed at collecting and analyzing data on the state of the rental housing market and the condition for renters in Jacksonville/Duval County as well as studying and advocating for housing policies that have been successfully implemented in other communities to address this issue. Students and faculty will be working together in preparing reports for public consumption.

For more information on the JAX Rental Housing Project contact Professor David Jaffee at: djaffee@unf.edu or visit the .