Our Impact on the State of Florida through our Regional Partnerships

The Northeast Florida STEM2 Regional Hub: The vision of the STEM2 Hub is directly aligned with the JAX2025 vision targets. The STEM2 Hub's goals are to accelerate the impact of short-term and intermediate metrics toward reaching the JAX2025 vision. The STEM2 Hub will directly focus on two target areas (1) excellence in education and (2) a vibrant economy. The STEM2 Hub presented its State of the STEM2 in the Northeast Region Report at the initial spring STEM2 Forum and has recommended its area of focus for the following year. Annually, thereafter the STEM2 Hub will publish a report on the State of STEM2 in our region, outcomes, measurements and new (or continued) areas of focus. Their ultimate long-term goal is that Northeast Florida will be the STEM2 Capital of the Southeast by 2025. This goal is in alignment with the JAX2025 vision.
- Excellence in Education: in 2025, Jacksonville prioritizes excellence in education at every age.
- Vibrant Economy: in 2025, Jacksonville's vibrant economy is a global management for new business

Renaissance Jax Inc., is a non-profit, dedicated to invigorating technology culture in Jacksonville, FL. Renaissance Jax is also the leading Affiliate Partner for FIRST® and works with the Outreach and Recruitment office in hosting the NE Regional FIRST® LEGO League Tournament. This organization introduces competitive robotics to North Florida's K-12 students. Renaissance Jax aims to foster a FIRST® team in every school in the region.