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Career Services

Internship Information

Academic vs. Non-Academic Internships

There are two types of internships: academic and non-academic. For either type, it is the student's responsibility to secure their own internship. Both types of internships provide students with direct "in the field" work opportunities to expand on the learning they have done in the classroom. Generally, they are part-time positions done along with a regular class load, or over the summer.

Academic internships are done alongside a credit bearing class and have certain additional requirements such as the number of hours worked. Each major will have different requirements to successfully complete your internship and class as well as some paperwork to fill out before starting. All of this information is provided below for each major. They are required to work alongside an internship coordinator or advisor.

Non-Academic Internships are any position, mostly paid ones, that are not taken alongside a credit bearing class. Students do not receive academic credit, nor are they required to work with an internship coordinator or academic advisor for approval. The internship timeline, pay and internship job requirements are all determined by the student and the employer. You do not need any approval or coordination with 成人AV视频 to participate in this form of internship.

 is a great place to start looking for internships. There, students can search for opportunities by location, major, job responsibilities, and more. If you need any assistance in your search for an internship, job, or other opportunities please schedule an appointment with career services through our bookings page linked below. We recommend meeting with your career services staff early so they can best prepare you to get on a path towards successful employment.


Academic Internship Basics For Students

Students may be able to receive academic credit for an internship that is directly related to their major. Each major has different required criteria in order for credit to be issued. Please read over the specific guidelines for your respective internship. Note: with rare exceptions, all academic internships must be paid.

Academic Internships are based on full-semester periods. As you would register for any class, you must register for the internship 'class' during regular registration periods.

An Academic Internship class is a locked class. This means you must apply for the internship class prior to being able to register for the class.


Academic Internship classes:


  • CIS 3949 Experiential Studies in Computing v. 0-3
    • Prerequisite: Accepted in Academic Internship Program and at least six credits of core courses completed.
    • Students will participate in supervised work experiences related to students computing Major.
    • Students may repeat this course for credit, up to a total of six credit ours.


  • EEL 4949 Internship Work Experience - Electrical Engineering
  • CGN 4949 Internship Work Experience - Civil Engineering
  • EML 4949 Internship Work Experience - Mechanical Engineering
    • Prerequisite: Six hours of applicable electrical, civil or mechanical engineering coursework and acceptance in the Academic Internship Program.
    • Students will participate in practical Academic Internship engineering work under approved industrial supervision.
    • Students may repeat this course for credit, up to a total of three credit hours
  • Academic Internship Application - Engineering

Construction Management

  • BCN 4944 Construction Management Internship
    • Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
  • Additional requirements:
    • A signed internship agreement form must be submitted to the applicable professor before the University's drop/add deadline for the given semester
    • For program details please reach out to the Construction Management Internship Program Instructor Jaime Oliver at, Jaime.Oliver@unf.edu.


Instructions for Completing an Academic Internship Application Form*

  1. Print the Document.
  2. Fill out your information (at the top), and sign it.
  3. Have your employer/supervisor at work fill out their part and sign it.
  4. Get the signature of your academic advisor.
  5. Get the signature of your department's chairperson or department's director (at 成人AV视频 - this is your advisor's boss).
  6. If you're an international student, get the signature of the International Center.
  7. Bring the form to Career Services, Building 2 Room 1011, unless otherwise instructed.


  1. You must get the signatures on the form in the order they appear.
  2. Only after your application has been approved will the class be available for you to register.
  3. Like any other class, the process will need to be completed for every additional semester you wish to receive academic internship credit.


Employers Seeking Students:

The 成人AV视频 College of Computing, Engineering, and Construction is an excellent place for employers to recruit new employees. Our students offer employers an excellent foundation of knowledge, understanding and insight gained from our outstanding academic programs along with a wide range of skills, abilities, and values that enhance and contribute to the continued success of the companies and roles they take on. Conversely you offer the value of real-world experience no classroom can truly emulate.

If you would like to offer an academic internship to students, in which the student gains experience and academic credit, please review the applicable academic internship information above. It is important enough to reiterate, all CCEC majors require their internships to be a paid position, as one of the qualifying criteria, unless the partner organization is government or non-profit.

While there are no formal requirements for non-academic internships, below are generally accepted characteristics of a typical paid internship.

  • Hours: 15-30 hours per week not to interfere with classes.
  • Length: Semesters run 16 weeks start to finish so the position is generally 12 - 14 weeks.
  • Pay: The current (as of Summer 2024) competitive pay is $16 - $23/hr.
  • Hiring Criteria: Along with your companies desired attributes, GPA, major, graduation date and completed coursework.

Unpaid Internships

Organizations offering unpaid internships are welcome to advertise their position(s) using Handshake and other recruitment tools. However, it is the responsibility of your organization to ensure you are in compliance with all relevant state and federal laws, including the Fair Labor Standards Act. This U.S. Department of Labor  may provide some useful information.

Finding Interns

The most effective way to market your available positions is to post for free in our online jobs database on Handshake. Our listings are accessible by 成人AV视频 students and alumni 24/7. For more information and instructions as to how to post, contact Career Services at careerservices@unf.edu.