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Academic and Student Affairs
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Chapter 11: Student Related Academic Policies and Procedures

11.1 Academic Integrity

The 成人AV视频 operates on the principle that all members of its community should be treated fairly in regard to their rights and responsibilities. In order to protect the integrity of the teaching and learning process, the 成人AV视频 expects all members of the academic community to respect the principle of academic freedom and to behave with academic integrity.

11.1 (1) Academic Integrity Code

Briefly stated, academic misconduct consists of any attempt to misrepresent one's performance on any exercise submitted for evaluation. The primary responsibility of ensuring adherence to the principle of academic integrity rests with students and faculty. Any infraction that comes to the attention of any person should be brought to the attention of the faculty member to whose course it pertains. A violation of the Academic Integrity Policy is also considered a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

Violations of the principle of academic integrity include, but are not limited to:

  1. CHEATING: Intentionally using, providing, obtaining, or attempting to use, provide, or obtain unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices in any academic exercise. This definition includes unauthorized communication of information during an academic exercise.
  2. FABRICATION & FALSIFICATION: Intentional and unauthorized alteration or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Falsification is a matter of altering information, while fabrication is a matter of inventing or counterfeiting information for use in an academic exercise.
  3. MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS: The submission of substantial portions of the same academic work, including oral reports, electronic files, or hard-copy form, for credit more than once without authorization.
  4. PLAGIARISM: Intentionally or knowingly presenting the work of another as one's own (i.e., without proper acknowledgment of the source). The sole exception to the requirement of acknowledging sources is when the ideas, information, etc. are common knowledge.
  5. ABUSE OF ACADEMIC MATERIALS: Intentionally or knowingly destroying, stealing, or making inaccessible library or other academic resource material.
  6. COMPLICITY IN ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Providing assistance in any form to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

11.1 (2) Violations of the Academic Integrity Code

All correspondence referred to herein shall be made through the students' official University email address and the faculty or administrators' official University email address.

When a faculty member determines that a violation of the Academic Integrity Code should result in a penalty, the faculty member will notify the student of the offense by sending an Academic Misconduct Reporting Form (Appendix C) to the student and a copy to the appropriate departmental Chairperson within twenty (20) calendar days after the date in which the faculty member identifies the violation. The Academic Misconduct Reporting Form documents the circumstances surrounding the accusation and any adjustment to a grade or other action taken or recommended by the faculty member. No proceedings or hearings may be held, except as outlined in the appeals process. If an unforgivable "F" is given or a grade is to be changed after the end of a semester, the finalized reporting form is to be sent to the registrar.

11.1 (3) Possible Faculty Actions in a Case of Alleged Academic Misconduct:

In the case of Academic Misconduct, faculty may assign or recommend one or more of the following:

  1. Referral to the appropriate support service
  2. Assignment of a grade reduction on an academic exercise
  3. Assignment of a final letter grade/reduction for the course
  4. Assignment of an unforgivable "F" for the course
  5. Referral of the charges to the Dean/Chairperson/Director of the academic unit in which the student is enrolled with a recommendation for one of the following: temporary or permanent loss of use of a University facility, suspension from a College, Department, or program, expulsion from the University, or referral to Student Affairs for a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

11.2 Appealing Academic Misconduct Decisions

Students may petition a change in final evaluative grade relating to individual courses through the procedure established by the Faculty Association. Said appeal, however, is limited to a period of 90 days from the date the grade was assigned.  Students may appeal grades, and/or grade-related penalties assigned for academic misconduct due to violations of the Academic Integrity Code. If a student wishes to appeal a grade beyond any time period specified in the Academic Misconduct Appeals Process, the student must FIRST petition to extend the appeals deadline (see Section 11.3 Petitioning University Academic Policies and Regulations). Unless there are extenuating circumstances that put others at risk, the student is allowed to remain in class until such time as the appeal is heard.

Refer to Policy 2.0340P: /regulations-policies/02-academicaffairs/2-0340P.html

See Appeal Process on the Enrollment Services page: /records/policy.html#Academic-Grade-Appeals.

11.2 (1) Procedures for the University Appeals Committee

Committee Charge: In accordance with the University procedures for appealing academic decisions, the University Appeals Committee shall hear all student appeals that have not been resolved at lower levels. After due consideration of each appeal, the Committee shall communicate a recommendation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will forward his/her decision to all involved parties. Any parties involved may appeal the decision to the President.

Representation: The Faculty Association shall be represented by six (6) members, one elected from each of the University's Colleges and one from those Faculty Association members not affiliated with one of the Colleges. An alternate shall be elected for each Faculty Association member. The Student Government shall be represented by four (4) members appointed by the SG President. Alternates shall be selected for each of the four student positions. Student Affairs shall be represented by the Vice President for Student and International Affairs or designee as an ex-officio, non-voting member, and Academic Affairs shall be represented by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee, as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Term Limits: Faculty representatives and alternates shall be elected for two year staggered terms. Members and alternates from the College of Computing, Engineering and Construction and Brooks College of Health, as well as the non-college affiliated member and alternate shall be elected in even numbered years. Members and alternates from the other Colleges shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The Faculty Association President shall fill vacated faculty seats by appointment. Student representatives shall be appointed to one year terms. The Student Government President shall fill vacated student seats by appointment.

Committee Chair: The Committee's Chair shall be one of the Faculty Association representatives elected each year by the voting committee members. The Chair's responsibility shall be: (a) to ensure that the Committee adheres to the University's written procedures for appeals, (b) to provide procedural counsel to the committee, (c) to ensure that hearings are scheduled to accommodate both faculty and student representatives and also the parties involved in the appeal, and (d) to vote in case the Committee's vote results in a tie. Should a quorum not be met, the Chair is charged with the responsibility of rescheduling meetings to achieve a quorum. The Office of Academic Affairs shall provide staff support to the Committee Chair to assist him/her in meeting these responsibilities.

Conflict of Interest: Any committee member whose impartiality may be compromised because of close association with any of the principals in the case or for any other reason is ethically bound to announce this potential bias to the Committee and excuse himself or herself from participation in committee actions. Committee members, by vote of a two-thirds majority, may replace any committee member with an alternate should a potentially compromised committee member fail to step aside voluntarily. Membership in a unit of the University community, such as a college or department, should never be construed automatically to create a conflict of interest.

Quorum: A quorum shall consist of six members which must include the Committee Chair and a minimum of three (3) faculty members and two (2) students. One alternate faculty member and one alternate student member must be available at the meeting in case a member needs to step aside due to a conflict of interest. Failure to meet quorum shall constitute grounds for mandatory postponement of a hearing. Under no circumstances shall proceedings continue without a quorum.

11.2 (2) Procedures for the Appeals Hearing

  1. Both the appealing party and the College Representative are entitled to inspect all documentary evidence which will be presented during the hearing.
  2. Each involved party may bring an advisor of her/his choice to be present at the hearing. The advisor only has the right to talk to the advisee and may not question or cross-examine witnesses or members of the panel. The Office of the Ombudsman is available to assist students with appeal procedures and act as an advisor if requested.
  3. Each involved party will be allowed equal time to present evidence (not to exceed 30 minutes each).
  4. Members of the committee may ask questions of the appealing student and may recall witnesses to ask questions.
  5. Each involved party may present physical evidence on her/his own behalf. The evidence must be in the Office of the Academic Affairs within 72 hours in advance of the scheduled hearing. All evidence will be available for review by either party at least 24 hours before the hearing.
  6. The burden of proof in these matters rests on the appealing party.
  7. The decision made by the Appeals Committee shall be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing.

11.3 Petitioning University Academic Policies and Regulations

Students seeking variances from University academic policies and regulations may petition select policies. Completing a petition does not guarantee that a particular policy will be waived, as petitions are considered exceptions and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Students may petition to extend three types of University deadlines:

  1. The deadline for the application of graduation,
  2. The deadline for course enrollment within two weeks after the drop/add deadline, and
  3. The deadline for course withdrawal.

Students may petition the following University policies:

  1. Petition to be reinstated into courses.

Students who have been administratively purged because of non-payment of fees may, through the third week of classes, petition to be reinstated into all courses for which they originally registered. A student cannot be reinstated into any closed course section without the approval of the chairperson of the department in which the course is taught. A student may not request to extend the three-week deadline.

  1. Petition to change from one course to another related course.

A student may petition to change from one course to another related course within two weeks after the drop/add deadline, if and only if, both faculty members recommend the change. Two types of changes are permitted:

  1. A change between sections of the same course, and
  2. A change to a related course that will provide the student with the necessary preparation for the currently enrolled course.

Committee Hearing: Hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the University procedures for Appealing an Academic Decision, as published in both the Student Handbook and the Faculty Handbook.


Authority of Committee Decisions: The University Appeals Committee recommendation is advisory to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs who will issue a written decision within twenty (20) school days of the hearing.


Committee Oversight: Both the Faculty Association and Student Government independently reserve the right to investigate alleged improprieties of the University Appeals Committee and may appeal to the University President to facilitate such investigation.

11.4 Grading System

Letter grades are assigned for all courses. The grading scale is interpreted as follows:

Grade GPA
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
D 1.0
F and WF 0.0 (calculated in GPA)
NR, X, I, P, W, WP 0.0 (not calculated in GPA)


There are no A+, C-, D+, or D- grades. If these grades are inadvertently used, the computer system will automatically make the following changes to the student's record;

A+ becomes A

C- becomes C

D+ or - becomes D

X - Audit: Students must indicate at the time of registration that they wish to audit a course rather than register for credit. Any change from credit to audit or vice-versa must be made before the close of drop/add. Fees for audit classes are the same as those for credit and are non-refundable.

I - Incomplete: At the instructor's discretion, students who have not completed required work in a course by the end of the term may be assigned a grade of "I". In order for an "I" to be assigned, the student must have completed a substantial portion (at least a majority) of the course with a passing grade. The "I" is not computed in the grade point average. The time limit for removing the "I" is set by the instructor of the course. This time limit may not exceed one calendar year or graduation, whichever comes first. The time limit applies whether the student is in residence or not. To extend an incomplete beyond one year, the student must petition with the Student Petition of Academic Policy.

An "I" will be changed to a final evaluative grade (one that is used in calculating GPAs) at the time the student completes the required work. Students may not register for courses in which incompletes have been received. Any "I" grade not removed by the end of the time limit will be changed to a final grade to be determined by the instructor. This grade will be used to calculate the student's cumulative GPA. If no final grade is issued, the "I" will change to an "F" and will be calculated in the grade point average.

Contact the Registrar's Office for additional information concerning the assignment of an incomplete grade. Veterans and other eligible persons should contact One-Stop Student Services concerning the effect of incomplete or failing grades upon certification.

NR - No Record: Assigned when grades for an entire class or portion thereof are not submitted by the processing deadline. Enrollment Services Processing will send a list of "NR" grades to the respective department chairpersons, who will be responsible for communicating with faculty members about removing the "NR" grade. The "NR" will remain on record for up to one year, but should not remain in the student's transcript beyond graduation.

P - Passing: Indicates passing grade for the employment experience of the Cooperative Education Program and, at the discretion of the colleges and departments, for thesis, dissertation, independent study, practicum and/or internship courses. Passing grades are not calculated in the grade point average.

W - Withdrawn: Indicates a student has withdrawn officially from a course before the established deadline.

WP - Withdrawn Passing: Indicates a student has successfully petitioned to withdraw from a course after the official deadline and was making satisfactory progress at the time.

WF - Withdrawn Failing: Indicates a student has successfully petitioned to withdraw from a course after the official deadline and was not making satisfactory progress at the time.

D Grades: Courses completed with grades of "D" may be applied toward upper-level graduation requirements, i.e., 60 semester hours. However, a course completed with a "D" grade normally will not be applicable toward major requirements.

11.5 Midterm Grades Report

All students are eligible to receive mid-term grades. Faculty will need to indicate either satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress by assigning a grade of "S" or "U" on the Faculty Mid-Term Grade Worksheet in Faculty Self Services. Students can access their midterm grades through Student Self Services in MyWings, which will display all their classes and whether they are progressing satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily. They will be advised to either see the instructor for advice on how to improve their progress, contact Academic Center for Excellence for tutoring and study skills, or to see their advisor. Any first year students assigned to an ACE advisor receiving one or more unsatisfactory grades will be contacted.

Faculty will need to establish the threshold for unsatisfactory and it is recommended that they include that threshold in the syllabus.

11.6 Withdrawals

A student may withdraw from a course or the University after the end of the drop/add period through the Last Day to Withdraw. The student must complete an official withdrawal request by this deadline and submit it to One-Stop Student Services or send a letter postmarked no later than the deadline. A grade of "W" will be assigned upon completion of the withdrawal request process, and no refund is generated. If a student stops attending classes without officially withdrawing, a final grade of "F" is assigned.

11.7 Late Withdrawals

A student may petition for late withdrawal if there are unusual circumstances clearly beyond the student's control. A student may petition for withdrawal from a course up until the end of the term, prior to the posting of grades. The dean or designee of the student's major college has final approval/disapproval authority.

11.8 Term Forgiveness

An undergraduate degree-seeking student may request term forgiveness, which involves a student's petition to retroactively withdraw from one academic term of work because of personal or financial problems. The following guidelines apply to a petition for Term Forgiveness:

  1. Petitions will be made through the normal channels to appeal an academic decision. Petitions are available at One-Stop Student Services.
  2. If approved, the transcript will note "Term Forgiveness" for the appropriate term. The original grades will remain on the transcript. For the purpose of graduation, the grades of all courses taken that term will be treated as though the student had received a "W" in every course. However, the originally recorded grades will be used in any "Latin Honors Distinction" calculations. None of the courses will count toward graduation.
  3. Petitions will never be approved for the present term or the immediately preceding term.
  4. Students who have been away from 成人AV视频 must be admitted and wait one full term before seeking term forgiveness.
  5. Petitions must be approved prior to graduation.
  6. No more than one petition of Term Forgiveness may be granted for any student at 成人AV视频.
  7. The petition can only be approved by the college that the student was enrolled in during the semester for which forgiveness is requested.
  8. A student may exercise only one forgiveness policy. Specifically, a student granted term forgiveness may not exercise grade forgiveness. Once term forgiveness has been granted, it may not be revoked or transferred to another term.

11.9 Dean's List

Candidates for a bachelor's degree who have completed 15 hours at 成人AV视频 and have a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher for at least nine hours are eligible for the dean's list. Notification is sent by individual colleges.

11.10 Latin Honors Distinction

Provided at least forty‑eight (48) semester hours (30 semester hours for RN-BSN students) of course work have been completed at 成人AV视频, undergraduate students who graduate with 成人AV视频 grade point averages of 3.5 or higher will qualify for degrees designated cum laude; those who graduate with 成人AV视频 grade point averages of 3.65 or higher will qualify for degrees designated magna cum laude; and those who graduate with 成人AV视频 grade point averages of 3.8 or higher will qualify for degrees designated summa cum laude. GPA calculations will be based on all credits earned at 成人AV视频. A minimum of thirty (30) hours are required for honors in a second baccalaureate degree.

11.11 Academic Advisement

All freshmen and sophomores are advised by the Academic Center for Excellence or the Honors Program. Responsibility for all other academic advisement rests with the individual colleges. The College of Arts and Sciences, College of Computing, Engineering and Construction, College of Education and Human Services, Coggin College of Business, and the Brooks College of Health have established centralized advisement offices which are staffed full-time by persons hired for that purpose. Graduate advisement in some colleges is assigned to designated faculty.

Campus-wide coordination of advisement and related activities is accomplished through monthly meetings of the Academic Advisement Coordinating Council. Council membership includes all academic advisors, the Registrar, the Director of Admissions, the Coordinator of Articulation and Community College Relations, and designated representatives from Information Technology Services.

11.12 Prerequisite Checking

Electronic pre-requisite checking occurs through the Banner system during registration. If students do not pass the prerequisites, or their equivalents, they may be dropped by the department. Should it be necessary to drop a student from a course, the academic chairs of the appropriate college must notify the Registrar's Office, by email, prior to the end of the add/drop period (first five days of the term). The academic advising center of each college has access to students' records.

11.13 Class Attendance

成人AV视频 has no policy regarding the number of classes a student must attend in order to receive full academic credit for a course. Class attendance and participation is a responsibility shared jointly by the faculty member and student. While it is the obligation of the faculty member to inform the student of the academic requirements in a course, it is the student's joint responsibility to fulfill these requirements. Certain courses may require the presence of students at class meetings, laboratory meetings, music sessions, etc.

11.14 Final Exam Policy

This policy statement articulates the official position of the 成人AV视频 regarding final examination requirements and the times at which such examinations will be given.

  1. Final examinations, other than "take-home" examinations, may be given only during the officially scheduled periods for such examinations.
  2. If a "take-home" final examination is given, students shall not be required to return the completed examination prior to the scheduled final examination period for the course.
  3. No comprehensive examinations may be given during the seven calendar days immediately preceding the first day of the scheduled final examination period. Tests or quizzes on components of the course, scheduled on the syllabus, may be given during this time period.
  4. Faculty members are not obligated to give final examinations in courses where they deem such examinations unnecessary. However, they must inform students by at least one week prior to the withdrawal date if a final exam will not be given. If a final exam is not required, the final exam meeting time should be used for other course-related activities.
  5. Student evaluations of instruction shall not be conducted during the final examination period.

11.15 Posting of Grades

成人AV视频 students and employees are covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (commonly known as the Buckley Amendment). These guidelines will be followed:

  • The public posting of grades either by the student's name, institutional student identification number, or social security number without the student's written permission is a violation of FERPA. Even with names obscured, numeric student identifier numbers are considered personally identifiable information. Therefore, the practice of posting grades by social security number or student identification number violates FERPA.
  • Faculty members and others who post grades should use a system that ensures FERPA requirements are met. This can be accomplished either by obtaining the students' uncoerced written permission to do so OR by using code words or randomly assigned numbers that only the instructor and the student know. The order of posting should not be alphabetic.

Another method suggested for notifying students prior to official grade processing: The faculty member may ask interested students for a stamped self-addressed envelope, which enables the individual instructor to mail grades to students.

11.16 Confidentiality of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), commonly known as the Buckley Amendment, is intended to protect the accuracy and privacy of student educational records. 成人AV视频 adheres to the policy that a student's academic record is confidential and cannot be released without her/his written consent. Exceptions to the written consent rule include, but are not limited to: other post-secondary educational institutions; certain federal, state, local and independent agencies; University officials who have a legitimate interest in the information, such as members of the University Appeals Committee, and academic advisors; and the dissemination of A Directory Information, the definition of which follows.

The University has designated the following as ADirectory Information, which may be released or published without the student's written consent unless a request for non-disclosure has been completed and filed by the student with the Registrar's Office by the end of the first scheduled week of classes: name, address, telephone number, place of birth, dates of attendance, admitted College, program of study, degree(s) and awards received, full-time or part-time status, classification (e.g., freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight of members of athletic teams, gender, previous institutions attended, and photographs. Faculty members having questions regarding this policy should contact the Registrar's Office, (904) 620-5555.

11.17 Award of Posthumous Baccalaureate Degree

Award of Posthumous Baccalaureate Degree & In Memorium Degree (revised 2014)


To state the minimum University requirements for awarding and procedures for receiving a Posthumous Baccalaureate Degree or an in Memoriam degree.


APosthumous Degree at the bachelor's level recognizes academic work completed by a student who has made progress toward completion of a degree. In order to receive a Posthumous Degree, the student must have achieved senior status, must have been in good standing at the 成人AV视频, and must have met 成人AV视频 residency requirement or have been enrolled in courses sufficient to meet the residency requirement.

An In Memoriam degree allows for recognition of a student's connection to the 成人AV视频 regardless of his/her progress toward completion of degree requirements. In order to receive an In Memoriam degree, the student must have been enrolled in a degree program at the time of their death. The University may choose to make this award to other deceased previously enrolled students.

At the master's and doctoral levels, the faculty of the respective programs will determine the policies and procedures for awarding Posthumous/In Memoriam Degrees.


The request for the degree can be initiated by a family member or friend or upon the recommendation of the faculty. The department chair then forwards the request and provides a rationale for awarding the degree to the Registrar's Office.

In the case of a Posthumous Degree, a family member, friend, or designee may elect to accept the diploma at the commencement ceremony as well as receive the student's official diploma.

If at all possible the student's name will appear in the commencement program indicating "degree awarded posthumously." This information will also appear on the official transcript. Course work in progress at the time of death will be listed on the transcript with a (WD) for withdrawal -deceased.

11.18 Student Computer Access Requirement

(Reference: Use of University Provided Student E-mail Accounts Policy, 5.0050P)

  1. E-mail is the method for faculty and University administration to communicate with students and vice versa.
  2. Beginning with the Fall 2001 term, all students have been required to have access to a personal computer with Internet service.
  3. Every currently enrolled student has been provided with an e-mail account at no cost to the student.
  4. Where practical and cost effective, University units may elect to use e-mail to provide information and notices to specific students or groups of students that they serve, either in lieu of or in addition to existing methods of communication.
  5. The University-provided e-mail address will be the only officially recognized e-mail address for all currently enrolled students.
  6. Students who have external (non-University-provided) e-mail addresses may elect to forward e-mail sent to their University-provided e-mail address to another e-mail address of their choice; however, the responsibility for establishing and maintaining the forwarding mechanism rests with the student and delivery to non-成人AV视频 e-mail addresses cannot be guaranteed.

11.19 Administrative Medical Withdrawal Policy

A student who poses a significant danger of imminent or serious physical harm to him/herself or others and/or presents with a medical condition that renders him or her incapable of functioning in the academic environment will be withdrawn from the University, upon a review by appropriate University personnel.


  1. To make a judicious decision that protects the health, safety, and welfare of the student and the University community;
  2. To allow the student to leave school to undergo treatment;
  3. To provide the University with an opportunity to evaluate the student's readiness to re‑enroll when he or she requests to do so.


  1. If a faculty or staff member encounters a student who appears to pose a danger of imminent harm to him/herself or others and/or presents with a medical condition that renders him/her incapable of functioning in the academic environment, that faculty or staff member should contact University Police Department at (904) 620‑2801. If the student is not in imminent danger, but appears to be in need of medical or psychiatric assistance, a referral should be made to Student Health Services (904)620‑2900 or the Counseling Center (904)620‑2602. Faculty or staff may also bring a student to either office for immediate attention.
  2. The student may be subject to an immediate temporary administrative withdrawal, pending a further determination. A student subject to such an administrative withdrawal shall be offered an opportunity to meet with the Vice President for Student and International Affairs or his/her designee.
  3. Upon a review of all available documentation and consultation with the Director of Student Health, the Director of the Counseling Center and the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or their respective designees, the Vice President for Student and International Affairs, the Dean of the appropriate college and the Provost will make a decision regarding administrative withdrawal from all classes and conditions for re‑enrollment.
  4. The Vice President for Student and International Affairs or his/her designee will complete the Administrative Medical Withdrawal Form and a Fee Petition Form and will furnish the student with the following: a) notice of intent to withdraw the student from all classes, issue trespass after warning, and/or remove him/her from University Housing, stating the reasons for these actions; b) information regarding his/her eligibility to be considered for a fee refund; c) an advisor designated by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs; d) and an opportunity to appeal the decision by presenting relevant information to the Office of the Vice President for consideration.
  5. A letter from the Provost and the Vice President for Student and International Affairs will stipulate the conditions for re‑enrollment (including length of academic leave) and that the student will be blocked from re‑enrollment until those conditions are met. The University reserves the right to require appropriate documentation, including, but not limited to, a report from a medical provider and other evidence of compliance with re‑enrollment conditions.
  6. The Office of Records and Registration will place a notation on the student's record indicating a registration hold for medical reasons. This hold will require that the student contact the Vice President for Student and International Affairs before re‑enrollment. A notation of "W" will be put on the student's transcript for all courses from which the student is administratively withdrawn.
  7. If appropriate, copies of the Medical Withdrawal Request Form will be hand‑delivered to the following offices: Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs, Athletics, International Student Affairs, University Housing, and Academic Advising. These offices will provide the student with information regarding the impact of the withdrawal on his/her current and future status, as well as avenues of appeal.
  8. The Office of Records and Registration will notify the student's instructors that he/she has been withdrawn. When appropriate, the student's Fee Petition Form and supportive documentation are submitted for consideration of fee reimbursement by the Fees Committee. Upon completion of this process, a letter is sent to the student by the Committee.
  9. Invoking this policy does not mean that the student will necessarily be exempt from regular disciplinary action according to the University Code of Conduct.
  10. The Office of the Vice President for Student and International Affairs will contact the Office of Records and Registration to lift the hold on the student's registration upon appropriate completion of re‑enrollment conditions.

11.20 University Holidays


Revised FA Item 18-82 (11/27/18)


Whenever possible, holidays are scheduled to accompany a weekend. No classes are scheduled on holidays. Classes not held because of a holiday shall not be rescheduled on a different day. For online courses, no online quizzes or exams shall be given, and no assignments shall be due on University Holidays as listed in the matriculation calendar. Online quizzes and exams may be given and assignments may be due on other non-instructional days as designated on the university matriculation calendar.

11.21 Religious Accommodations for Students and Employees

The University recognizes and values students’ and employees’ rights to observe and practice their religious beliefs. This Regulation sets forth the University’s commitment to considering major religious holy days when planning large-scale University activities. It also sets forth the University’s willingness to provide reasonable accommodations requested on the basis of religious observance, practice, and belief. Finally, it provides information on how a student or employee may notify the University if they believe that they have been denied a reasonable accommodation.

The University maintains a separate Regulation regarding discrimination on the basis of religion, which may be found here: /regulations-policies/01-general/1-0040R.html

  1. Scheduling University Activities

    When planning large-scale one-time University activities, the University will take into consideration major religious holy days. When possible, the University will refrain from scheduling such events on major religious holy days.

  2. Reasonable Accommodations on the Basis of Religion

    The University will provide reasonable religious accommodations upon request to students and employees.  A reasonable religious accommodation means an accommodation to enable a student or employee with sincerely held religious beliefs to participate in the University's programs, events, activities, or employment when that individual's religious beliefs would otherwise conflict, so long as the accommodation does not impose an undue hardship. In response to a request, the University may provide the requested accommodation, may offer another effective accommodation, or may deny the requested accommodation if it would impose an undue hardship on the University to provide it.

    For example, students may request accommodations related to admissions, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments.  Students who would like to request a religious accommodation  that requires an absence should first contact their instructor at least one week in advance of the anticipated absence, or as directed in the course syllabus.  The instructor may still hold the student responsible for all assignments and material covered in their absence, to be completed in accordance with a timetable provided by the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to require a student to complete coursework or take a test on an earlier date than the requested absence. Students should read course syllabi carefully and plan accordingly.

    Employees may also request a religious accommodation. For example, an employee might request an accommodation such as breaks, flexible scheduling, or a schedule swaps with a coworker. To make such a request, the employee should first contact their supervisor. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine whether undue hardship would result from the accommodation. The supervisor may provide the requested accommodation or may refer the individual to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion.   

  3. Seeking Redress for Failure to Provide a Religious Accommodation

    Any student or employee who believes that they have been unreasonably denied a requested religious accommodation may contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion. That office may further evaluate the request or provide information regarding the proper forum to request reconsideration.

11.22 Scholarships and Graduate Assistantships

University scholarships are coordinated through the Financial Aid Office and are available at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applications may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office during the academic year prior to the award year. Deadline dates for receipt of the completed application and supporting material are established by the Financial Aid Office. Students applying for academic scholarships must apply for need-based aid as well. Representative screening committees select the scholarship recipients, with the exception of those chosen for the graduate assistantship program. In that program, various colleges and divisions determine criteria and identify and select individual participants.

11.23 Student Conduct Code

The Student Conduct Code is designed to promote responsible behavior for all students consistent with the welfare of the 成人AV视频 community. In order to function effectively and to provide a climate in which all members can fulfill their personal, social, and academic obligations, the University has established this Code for defining behavioral rights and responsibilities within this community. The responsibility for this Code shall be administered through the Division of Student Affairs.

The University's of North Florida's jurisdiction regarding discipline is generally limited to conduct of any student or registered student organization that occurs on 成人AV视频 premises, including University Housing. However, the University reviews the right to impose discipline based on any student conduct, regardless of location, that may adversely affect the University community.

The right of all students to seek knowledge, debate ideas, form opinions and freely express their ideas is fully recognized by 成人AV视频. This Student Conduct Code applies to student conduct and will not be used to discipline the lawful expression of ideas.

The processes for adjudicating violations of State and Federal laws and of the Student Conduct Code are separate and may be pursued independently of one another. View the Student Conduct Code policy.

11.24 Grade Appeals Unrelated to Academic Misconduct

Students may appeal grades which the student believes have been assigned (a) arbitrarily or capriciously; (b) contrary to the criteria announced in the course; or (c) for constitutionally and/or legally impermissible reasons. A grade of Incomplete (I) may not be appealed. Such appeals shall be limited to a period of 90 calendar days from the date of awarding the grade(s) in question. Unless there are extenuating circumstances that may result in disruption of the class or put others at risk, the student is allowed to remain in class until such time as the appeal is heard.

Please consult with the procedures for this appeal process on the Dean of Students  website: /deanofstudents/resolution/academic-grade-appeals.html