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Chapter 8: Faculty Award Programs

8.1 Distinguished Professor Award

(Reference: Faculty Association Items FA98-44 and FA00-21) (2012 amount increased)

The Distinguished Professor Award is presented annually to a 成人AV视频 faculty member who has a balanced record of distinction at 成人AV视频 in all three areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. The Award includes an honorarium of $5,000$6,000, a commemorative plaque, the listing of the recipient's name on a permanent University plaque, and an invitation to deliver the Fall Academic Convocation address. This award is made possible through unrestricted gifts to the 成人AV视频 Foundation, Inc.

NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association.


Ordinarily, this award has gone to a full professor. However, any regular, full‑time member of the 成人AV视频 faculty, who holds the rank of full or associate professor, is eligible for the award, except for past recipients of the award and persons serving on the Screening Committee.


Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administration) may nominate a faculty member for the award. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator or sent via Email to the facassn1@unf.edu, or posted through the 成人AV视频 Faculty Association website. Written nominations are to be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office. The deadline for receipt of all nominations is annually determined by the Faculty Association. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that his/her nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The nomination should consist simply of the statement, "I wish to nominate ________ for the Distinguished Professor Award," and should not consist of an argument on behalf of, or a rationale for, the candidacy of the nominee. The Faculty Association President shall confirm the eligibility of each nominee and send a letter of confirmation of the nomination to each eligible nominee and his/her chair, after the close of nominations.

Nominee Materials

Each nominee shall be invited to submit a vita of a maximum of 10-pages, which focuses on a representative listing of teaching, scholarship, and service activities. Each nominee shall also provide a 1-page summary of his/her vita, to be used in the event he/she is selected to be a finalist. In addition, each nominee shall be invited to submit a 6-page summary and discussion of what he/she feels is his/her most significant teaching and curriculum efforts, research and publication accomplishments, and professionally related service activities (a maximum of 2 pages for each of the three areas of teaching, research, and service). A signed statement by the faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the information included in the packet and a stipulation on the part of the Chair that the material is consistent with the chair's knowledge of the faculty member=s performance must also be included. There shall be no more than a total of 18 pages in the packet. Standard margins and a font size of no smaller than 11 points are to be used. Eleven (11) copies of these materials must be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office by the date determined by the Faculty Association.


The Screening Committee consists of one elected representative from each of the five colleges, the current President of the Faculty Association, plus five recipients of the Distinguished Professor Award with these recipients selected in reverse chronological order. The Faculty Association President shall replace by appointment any member of the Screening Committee who cannot participate fully in the selection of the two finalists; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. The Faculty Association President shall convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.

The Committee chooses two nominees as finalists. The Committee shall make this choice solely on the basis of the nominees' merits, and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation or professional rank of present nominees or past award winners. In unanticipated situations when a Screening Committee member has read all nominee's vitae but cannot attend the meeting when finalists are selected, that member may vote absentee only on a preliminary straw ballot.

After the Screening Committee selects two nominees as finalists, each member shall immediately vote by secret ballot for one person to actually receive the Award. The Committee Chairperson shall collect the ballots. The votes will remain sealed and uncounted until after the election by members of the Faculty Association. If no tie exists in the Faculty Association election, the Screening Committee votes shall be destroyed without being counted. If a tie exists, the Screening Committee votes shall be tallied to determine the Award recipient. In such an event, the actual count of the Screening Committee shall not be divulged unless so requested by the finalist who was selected for the Award.

The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend anyone for the award if, in the members' judgment, the nominee pool does not contain an individual whose accomplishments deserve the recognition of receiving the Distinguished Professor Award.


The Faculty Association Office shall send the one page summary of each final nominee's vita to all Faculty Association members. Final choice of the recipient of the Distinguished Professor Award, from the two nominees put forward by the Committee, will be by a vote of the members of the Faculty Association at the annual meeting in April. Voting shall take place over a two day period. The winner shall be notified and receive his/her award as soon as possible. A runner-up award consisting of $2,5000$3,000 will be given to the nominee receiving the fewer votes. Formal recognition of the winner and the runner-up shall occur at the Fall Convocation.

8.2 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards

(Reference: Faculty Association Item FA06-12, FA02-17, FA01-18, and FA99-27) (2012 increased award amount and number)

The 成人AV视频 is desirous of providing recognition for those faculty who perform meritoriously in undergraduate teaching. To that end, the Legislature has made appropriations for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards to be given in the Spring in recognition of excellence in teaching achieved during the previous two academic years. The 成人AV视频 has allocated the available funds in the following manner:

Ten Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards in the amount of $2,500 each, to be awarded at the University level.

NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association.


Period of time to be used in the determination of eligibility: the Fall and Spring semesters of the previous two academic years.

Any full-time member of the 成人AV视频 regular teaching faculty, who has held a regular faculty appointment at the rank of Laboratory Lecturer with "instructor-of-record" status, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor, for the previous two academic years, and who has taught at least four (4) undergraduate courses during that time is eligible to be nominated for these awards. Courses taught during the summer are not eligible for consideration under these guidelines. Visiting and adjunct faculty are not considered regular teaching faculty, and as such, are not eligible. No winner of an Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award until the fifth year following receipt of the last award.


Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for these awards. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator or sent via e-mail to facassn1@unf.edu, or posted through the 成人AV视频 Faculty Association website. Written nominations are to be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office. The nomination should consist of a simple factual statement ("I wish to nominate  ________ for the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award.") and should not consist of an argument on behalf of, or a rationale for, the candidacy of the nominee. The deadline for receipt of all nominations is no later than the third Wednesday of October at 5:00 p.m. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that his/her nomination is delivered prior to the deadline.

The President of the Faculty Association shall keep a list of all nominees and send a letter of confirmation of the nomination to each nominee and his/her chair; after the close of nominations.

The President of the Faculty Association shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee no later than the first Thursday of November.

The President of the Faculty Association shall also keep a list of all nominees declared to be eligible and send a letter of confirmation of eligibility to each eligible nominee and his/her chair. In addition, the President of the Faculty Association shall notify those nominees who were not declared to be eligible.

Nominee Materials

Period of time to be used in the preparation of nominee materials: the Fall and Spring semesters of the previous two academic years.

The nominees will be given two weeks from the date of notification to return nine (9) copies of their completed Nominee Materials to the President of the Faculty Association. The Nominee Materials must consist only of the following:

A vita (maximum of five (5) pages) consisting of the next two academic years of the nominee's teaching accomplishments and any scholarship and/or service directly related to teaching.

A list of courses taught during the past two academic years, not including courses taught during the Summer. The list shall contain course number, course name, number of credit hours, and enrollment.

A discussion (maximum of three (3) pages) of the nominee's teaching philosophy and his/her most significant teaching accomplishments, during the past two academic years. Significant teaching accomplishments may be documented by citing such things as: the development of new courses and degree programs; other efforts to improve and enhance the curriculum; summary results of evaluations of the nominee's teaching by students and academic colleagues through methods such as survey instruments, questionnaires, and in-class visitations and observations; awards or other formal recognition received for outstanding teaching; grants or financial aid obtained for innovation and experimentation in teaching; and so forth. The nominee may also include a discussion of scholarly accomplishments and/or service activities, during the past two academic years that directly relate to teaching.

A signed statement by the faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the information included in the packet and a stipulation on the part of the Chair that the material is consistent with the chair's knowledge of the faculty member's performance.

Nominees are to submit only the required materials listed above and are not to submit ISQ raw data, course syllabi or handouts, teaching evaluations, or other appendices. Standard margins and a font size of no smaller than 11 points are to be used. There shall be no more than a total of ten (10) pages in the packet; 5 page vita, 1 page list of courses, 3 page discussion, and 1 page Statement of Accuracy). Nominees who submit materials that are not in strict compliance with these guidelines or who fail to submit all materials to the Faculty Association Office, by 5:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday of December will not be considered further.

The President of the Faculty Association collects all copies of the completed Nominee Materials and forward the materials to each of the appropriate Colleges for screening. The President of the Faculty Association will also keep a list of all nominees whose materials have been forwarded to the Colleges.

Screening and Naming of Finalists by the Colleges

Each of the Colleges shall elect a College Screening Committee to screen nominees and name finalists for the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards. Only regular teaching faculty holding the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor who are not nominees for these awards will be eligible to serve on this Committee. If colleges do not conform to this guideline, their nominees will not be considered further. The College Committee shall screen the nominations of those who have been declared to be eligible. In the event a nominee is not affiliated with one of the Colleges, the faculty member should submit his or her materials to the College in which his or her discipline would normally reside. The College Committee shall name up to nine finalists for the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards. By the third Thursday of January, the names of the College Finalists, along with the Nominee Materials of all nominees, shall be returned to the President of the Faculty Association, who will deliver the materials of the College Finalists to the Chairperson of the University Selection Committee. In addition, the President of the Faculty Association shall notify those nominees who were not selected as finalists.

University Selection Committee

The University Selection Committee is composed of the President of the Faculty Association, the Chairperson of the Faculty Affairs Committee, the President of Student Government, and one representative from each College to be elected by the faculty of the College from the ranks of regular teaching faculty who have received awards in previous years. No person who is a nominee for the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award or who is related to any nominee, may serve on this committee; in such cases, the constituency such a person represents shall elect a substitute representative. The President of the Faculty Association shall convene the University Selection Committee prior to the end of January for the purposes of electing a chairperson and beginning the final selection process.

Selection by the University Selection Committee

The University Selection Committee makes the final choices from among the finalists forwarded from each of the Colleges. The Committee will make its final decisions based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee may request clarification regarding a finalist, either verbal or written, if desired. Such information may be provided by the appropriate College Committee representative. There will be no verbal presentations by the finalists nor campaigns on behalf of the finalists. The Committee shall make its decisions solely on the basis of the nominee's merits, and without consideration for other such factors as departmental or college affiliation of present nominees or past award winners. No proxy voting will be allowed.

It will be the responsibility of the University Selection Committee to notify the finalists of their selection status when the final decisions have been made. The Chairperson of the University Selection Committee will send a letter to the Office of Academic Affairs which will notify them of the nine winners of the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards. Winners of the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards shall be notified and receive their awards as soon as possible. Formal recognition of the winners shall occur at the Fall Convocation.

8.3 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award

(Reference: Faculty Association Item 06-24) (2012 amount and number increased)

The 成人AV视频 recognizes faculty who perform meritoriously in graduate teaching. To that end, the University has approved establishment of the 成人AV视频 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award. This award is to be given annually in recognition of excellence in graduate teaching during the previous two academic years (two awards). The winner will receive a stipend of $2,500.

NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association.


Period of time to be used in the determination of eligibility: the Summer, Fall and Spring of the previous two academic years.

Any full-time member of the 成人AV视频 teaching faculty, who has held an in-rank faculty appointment and has been designated as graduate faculty for the previous two academic years, and who has taught at least three (3) graduate courses during that time is eligible to be nominated for these awards. Courses taught during the summer are eligible for consideration under these guidelines. Visiting and adjunct faculty are not considered regular teaching faculty, and as such, are not eligible. No winner of an Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award until the fifth year following receipt of the last award.


Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for these awards. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator or sent via e-mail to facassn1@unf.edu, or posted through the 成人AV视频 Faculty Association website. Written nominations are to be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office. The nomination should consist of a simple factual statement ("I wish to nominate ________ for the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award.") and should not consist of an argument on behalf of, or a rationale for, the candidacy of the nominee. The deadline for receipt of all nominations is no later than the third Wednesday of October at 5:00 p.m. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that his/her nomination is delivered prior to the deadline.

The President of the Faculty Association shall keep a list of all nominees and send a letter of confirmation of the nomination to each nominee and his/her chair; after the close of nominations.

The President of the Faculty Association shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee no later than the first Thursday of November.

The President of the Faculty Association shall also keep a list of all nominees declared to be eligible and send a letter of confirmation of eligibility to each eligible nominee and his/her chair. In addition, the President of the Faculty Association shall notify those nominees who wee not declared to be eligible.

Nominee Materials

Period of time to be used in the preparation of nominee materials: the Summer, Fall and Spring semesters of the previous two academic years.

The nominees will be given two weeks from the date of notification to return nine (9) copies of their completed Nominee Materials to the President of the Faculty Association. The Nominee Materials must consist only of the following:

A vita (maximum of five (5) pages) consisting of the next two academic years of the nominee=s teaching accomplishments and any scholarship and/or service directly related to teaching.

A list of courses taught during the past two academic years, not including courses taught during the summer terms. The list shall contain course number, course name, number of credit hours, and enrollment.

A discussion (maximum of three (3) pages) of the nominee=s teaching philosophy and his/her most significant teaching accomplishments, during the past two academic years. Significant teaching accomplishments may be documented by citing such things as: the development of new courses and degree programs; other efforts to improve and enhance the curriculum; summary results of evaluations of the nominee's teaching by students and academic colleagues through methods such as survey instruments, questionnaires, and in-class visitations and observations; awards or other formal recognition received for outstanding teaching; grants or financial aid obtained for innovation and experimentation in teaching; graduate advising, graduate program directing; directing theses, projects, and dissertations, or serving on those committees; and so forth. The nominee may also include a discussion of scholarly accomplishments and/or service activities, during the past two academic years that directly relate to teaching.

A signed statement by the faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the information included in the packet and a stipulation on the part of the Chair that the material is consistent with the chair's knowledge of the faculty member's performance.

Nominees are to submit only the required materials listed above and are not to submit ISQ raw data, course syllabi or handouts, teaching evaluations, or other appendices. Standard margins and a font size of no smaller than 11 points are to be used. There shall be no more than a total of ten (10) pages in the packet; 5 page vita, 1 page list of courses, 3 page discussion, and 1 page Statement of Accuracy). Nominees who submit materials that are not in strict compliance with these guidelines or who fail to submit all materials to the Faculty Association Office, by 5:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday of December will not be considered further.

The President of the Faculty Association collects all copies of the completed Nominee Materials and forwards the materials to each of the appropriate Colleges for screening. The President of the Faculty Association will also keep a list of all nominees whose materials have been forwarded to the Colleges.

Screening and Naming of Finalists by the College

Each of the Colleges shall elect a College Screening Committee to screen nominees and name finalists for the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award. Only regular teaching faculty designated as Graduate Faculty who are not nominees for these awards will be eligible to serve on this Committee. If colleges do not conform to this guideline, their nominees will not be considered further. The College Committee shall screen the nominations of those who have been declared to be eligible. In the event a nominee is not affiliated with one of the Colleges, the faculty member should submit his or her materials to the College in which his or her discipline would normally reside. The College Committee shall name no more than three (3) finalists for the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award. By the third Thursday of January the name of the College Finalists, along with the Nominee Materials of all nominees, shall be returned to the President of the Faculty Association, who will deliver the materials of the College Finalists to the Chairperson of the University Selection Committee. In addition, the President of the Faculty Association shall notify those nominees who were not selected.

University Selection Committee

The University Selection Committee is composed of the President of the Faculty Association, the Chairperson of the Faculty Affairs Committee, the President of Graduate Student Organization, and one representative from each College to be elected by the faculty of the College from the ranks of graduate faculty who have received university Undergraduate or Graduate teaching awards in previous years. No person who is a nominee for the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award or who is related to any nominee, may serve on this committee; in such cases, the constituency such a person represents shall elect a substitute representative. The President of the Faculty Association shall convene the University Selection Committee prior to the end of February for the purposes of electing a chairperson and beginning the final selection process.

Selection by the University Selection Committee

The University Selection Committee makes the final choices from among the finalists forwarded from each of the Colleges. The Committee will make its final decisions based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee may request clarification regarding a finalist, either verbal or written, if desired. Such information may be provided by the appropriate College Committee representative. There will be no verbal presentations by the finalists nor campaigns on behalf of the finalists. The Committee shall make its decisions solely on the basis of the nominee's merits, and without consideration for other such factors as departmental or college affiliation of present nominees or past award winners. No proxy voting will be allowed.

It will be the responsibility of the University Selection Committee to notify the finalist of his/her selection status when the final decisions have been made. The Chairperson of the University Selection Committee will send a letter to the Office of Academic Affairs notifying them of the (one) winner of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award. The winner of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award shall be notified and receive his or her award as soon as possible. Formal recognition of the winner shall occur at the Fall Convocation. (Correction made to number of awardees 7/28/08.)

8.4 Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award

(Reference: Faculty Association Item FA98-46) (2012 award and number increased)

The 成人AV视频 recognizes faculty members who perform meritoriously in scholarship. Therefore, three Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Awards are made possible through unrestricted gifts to the 成人AV视频 Foundation. The award includes an honorarium of $2,500 and a commemorative plaque.

NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association.


Any full time member of the 成人AV视频 faculty who has seven years of full‑time regular employment at the University is eligible to be considered for an Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award. Time served in visiting and adjunct positions does not count toward eligibility. No winner of an Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award until the fifth year following receipt of the last award.


Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administration) may nominate a faculty member for the award. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator or sent via e-mail to facassn1@unf.edu, or posted through the 成人AV视频 Faculty Association website. Written nominations are to be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office. The deadline for receipt of all nominations is annually determined by the Faculty Association. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that his/her nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The nomination should consist simply of the statement, "I wish to nominate  ________  for the Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award." not an argument on behalf of, or a rationale for, the candidacy of the nominee. The Faculty Association President shall confirm the eligibility of each nominee and send a letter of confirmation of the nomination to each eligible nominee and his/her chair, after the close of nominations.

Nominee Materials

Each nominee shall be invited to submit a 5‑page curriculum vita, which includes educational background, current position at 成人AV视频, other awards received for scholarship and a succinct listing of scholarly accomplishments. In addition, each nominee shall be invited to submit a 3‑page summary and discussion of what he/she feels is his/her most significant scholarship activities. The materials submitted can include accomplishments occurring during the faculty member's entire career at the 成人AV视频; however, once a person has won the award, submitted materials can include only accomplishments occurring since the last award. A signed statement by the faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the information included in the packet and a stipulation on the part of the Chair that the material is consistent with the chair's knowledge of the faculty member's performance must also be included. There shall be no more than a total of 9 pages in the packet. Standard margins and a font size of not smaller that 11 point are to be used. Six (6) copies of these materials must be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office by 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association


The Selection Committee consists of one elected representative from each of the five colleges and the current President of the Faculty Association. Relatives of a nominee, and significant others, may not serve on the Selection Committee considering the nominee for an award. The Faculty Association President shall replace, by appointment, any member of the Selection Committee who cannot participate fully in the selection of the two winners; and any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by the member. The Faculty Association President shall convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.

The Selection Committee chooses the two award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Committee shall make this choice solely on the basis of the nominees' merits and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation, professional rank of present nominees, or past award winners.

The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend two winners for the award if, in the member's judgments, the nominee pool does not contain two individuals whose accomplishments deserve the Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award.

8.5 Outstanding Faculty Service Award

(Reference: Faculty Association Item FA98-47) (2012 award amount increased)

The 成人AV视频 recognizes faculty members who perform meritoriously in service to the University, the community, and their profession, with a special emphasis on service to the University. Therefore, three Outstanding Faculty Service Awards are made possible through unrestricted gifts to the 成人AV视频 Foundation. The award includes an honorarium of $2,500 and a commemorative plaque.

NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association.


Any full time member of the 成人AV视频 faculty who has seven years of full‑time regular employment at the University is eligible to be considered for an Outstanding Faculty Service Award. Time served in visiting and adjunct positions does not count toward eligibility. No winner of an Outstanding Faculty Service Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Faculty Service Award until the fifth year following receipt of the last award.


Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administration) may nominate a faculty member for the award. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator or sent via e-mail to facassn1@unf.edu, or posted through the 成人AV视频 Faculty Association website. Written nominations are to be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office. The deadline for receipt of all nominations is annually determined by the Faculty Association. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that his/her nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The nomination should consist simply of the statement, I wish to nominate  ________  for the Outstanding Faculty Service Award, not an argument on behalf of, or a rationale for, the candidacy of the nominee. The Faculty Association President shall confirm the eligibility of each nominee and send a letter of confirmation of the nomination to each eligible nominee and his/her chair, after the close on nominations.

Nominee Materials

Each nominee shall be invited to submit a 5‑page curriculum vita, which includes educational background, current position at 成人AV视频, other awards received for service and a succinct listing of service activities during the nominee's tenure at the 成人AV视频. In addition, each nominee shall be invited to submit a 3‑page summary and discussion of what he/she feels is his/her most significant service to the University, community and/or profession. The materials submitted can include accomplishments occurring during the faulty member's entire career at the 成人AV视频; however, once a person has won the award, submitted materials may include only those accomplishments occurring since the last award. A signed statement by the faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the information included in the packet and a stipulation on the part of the Chair that the material is consistent with the chair's knowledge of the faculty member's performance must also be included. There shall be no more than a total of 9 pages in the packet. Standard margins and a font size of not smaller than 11 point are to be used. Six (6) copies of these materials must be hand delivered to the Faculty Association Office by 5:00 p.m. on the date determined by the Faculty Association.


The Selection Committee consists of one elected representative from each of the five colleges and the current President of the Faculty Association. Relatives of the nominee, and significant others, may not serve on the Selection Committee considering the nominee for an award. The Faculty Association President shall replace by appointment any member of the Selection Committee who cannot participate fully in the selection of the two winners. Any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by the member. The Faculty Association President shall convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.

The Selection Committee chooses the two award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Committee shall make this choice solely on the basis of the nominees' merits and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation, professional rank of present nominees, or past award winners.

The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend two winners for the award if, in the members judgments, the nominee pool does not contain two individuals whose accomplishments deserve the Outstanding Faculty Service Award.

8.6 Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award

The 成人AV视频 wants to recognize faculty members who perform meritoriously in the area of Community Engaged Scholarship. The 成人AV视频 wants to recognize faculty members who perform meritoriously in the area of Community Engaged Scholarship.

The Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award is made possible through funds provided by the Center for Community-Based Learning and includes an honorarium of $2,500 and a commemorative plaque.


Any full-time tenured or tenure-track member of the faculty is eligible to be considered for the Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award. No Community Engaged Scholarship awardee shall be eligible for another Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award until the *__* FIFTH year following recognition of the receipt of the last award.


Any student, alumnus or alumna, member of the faculty, staff, or administration of the 成人AV视频 may nominate a faculty member for this award. Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator, sent via email to facassn1@unf.edu , or posted through the Faculty Association website at www.unf.edu/unffa/. Written nominations are to be delivered, preferably by hand, to the Faculty Association Office during posted business hours. The deadline for receipt of all nominations is (tentative), at 5:00 PM. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that his/her nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The nomination should consist simply of the statement,"I wish to nominate  ________  for the Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award." An argument on behalf of, or a rationale for, the candidacy of the nominee is not needed. The Faculty Association President shall confirm the eligibility of each nominee and send a letter of confirmation of the nomination to each eligible nominee and his/her chair, after the close of nominations.

Nominee Applications

Each nominee shall be invited to submit a five (5)-page curriculum vitae, which includes educational background, current position at 成人AV视频, other awards received for community engaged scholarship, and a succinct listing of scholarly accomplishments, especially those related to her or his community engaged scholarship. In addition, each nominee shall submit a three (3)-page summary and discussion of what he or she feels is his or her most significant community engaged scholarship activities. *The materials submitted can include accomplishments occurring during the faculty member's entire career at the 成人AV视频; however, once a person has won the award, submitted materials can include only accomplishments occurring since the last award.* Nominees shall also be invited to submit no more than three letters of support from community representatives briefly describing how the nominee's community engaged scholarship has contributed to the community. A signed statement by the faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the information (see attached form, "Statements of Accuracy") must also be included in the packet.

Nominees will be given two weeks from the date of notification of nomination to email all required materials, including a statement affirming the accuracy of the content, to the Faculty Association Email Address (facassn1@unf.edu) by 5 PM on date established by the Faculty Association. Nominees are to consolidate all of the application materials into ONE PDF file, which should be attached to the email.

The application materials should consist only of the following items, arranged in the order indicated below:

  1. The signed statement of accuracy
  2. The vita (not more than five pages)
  3. Summary and discussion of accomplishments in community engaged scholarship (not more than three pages)
  4. No more than three letters of support from community representatives

Nominees who submit materials that are not kept strictly within these guidelines or fail to submit all materials by email to the Faculty Association Email Address (facassn1@unf.edu) by 5:00 PM on (tentative) will not be considered further.


The Selection Committee will consist of one elected representative from each of the five colleges, a faculty member of the QEP Management Team selected by the President of the Faculty Association, and the current President of the Faculty Association. Relatives and significant others of the nominee may not serve on the Selection Committee considering the nominees for an award. The Faculty Association President shall replace, by appointment, any member of the Selection Committee who cannot participate fully in the selection of the awardee; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by the member. The Faculty Association President shall convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.

The Selection Committee will choose the award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Committee shall make this choice solely on the basis of the nominees' merits and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation, professional rank of present nominees, or past award winners.

The Committee has the prerogative not to recommend any nominee for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain individuals whose accomplishments deserve the Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award.


Community-engaged scholarship is an approach to the research process that brings together scientific inquiry and critical analysis with community-identified needs.


The timeline will match the timelines for the Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Awards, the Outstanding Faculty Service Awards, and the Distinguished Professor Award.

8.7 Retired and Emeritus Faculty


The title "emeritus" is an honor that may be conferred to faculty upon retirement, in recognition of a distinguished record at the 成人AV视频. It is expected emeritus faculty will have made significant contributions in the areas of teaching, research, or service (including administrative service); or any combination thereof.

This policy applies to faculty who have been a permanent employee at 成人AV视频 for a minimum of 10 years and hold one of the following titles: Associate Professor or Professor; Associate or University Librarian; Associate or University Lecturer; Associate or University Instructor; and Clinical Associate Professor or Clinical Professor. Faculty who held a title in addition to those listed above for at least five years at 成人AV视频 (e.g., Dean) shall be eligible to have that title included in their emeritus honor.

Faculty who have made exceptional contributions to the University in the areas of teaching, scholarship, or service who do not meet these criteria may be considered eligible for emeritus status.

Process for Nominating Emeritus Faculty

The following steps should be completed before the faculty member's retirement date.

  1. A nomination is sent to the department chair (or equivalent) including the requested title; self-nominations are allowed.
  2. The tenured faculty of the department will vote by secret ballot on the candidacy. Emeritus faculty nominations require the support of a majority of tenured faculty.
  3. The Director/Chair will send their recommendation, the candidate's CV, and the faculty vote results to their college's Dean.
  4. The Dean will send the above plus their recommendation to Academic and Student Affairs for final approval by the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.


Article 31.4 of the 成人AV视频BOT-UFF Collective Bargaining agreement provides that all faculty members retired from the University shall be eligible, upon request, and on the same basis as active faculty members, subject to university policies, to receive the following benefits: 

  1. Retired faculty member identification card. 
  2. Use of the University library (i.e., public rooms, lending and research service). 
  3. Listing in the University directory. 
  4. Placement on designated University mailing lists. 
  5. Parking at the University(Retired faculty members may obtain a daily parking pass at no cost by presenting his or her retired faculty ID card at the parking booth located on the University campus near the Kernan Blvd entrance, at the corner of 成人AV视频 Drive and Alumni Drive. 
  6. Use of University recreational facilities (retired faculty members may be charged fees different from those charged to other faculty members for the use of such facilities). 
  7. The right to enroll in courses without payment of fees, on a space available basis, in accordance with the provisions of Section 240.235(3), Florida Statutes. 
  8. A mailbox in the department/unit from which the faculty member retired, subject to space availability. 
  9. University e-mail address. 
  10. In accordance with University policy, and on a space available basis, the University is encouraged to grant a retired faculty member's request for office or laboratory space. 

In addition to the benefits provided all retired faculty, emeritus faculty shall enjoy additional campus courtesies available to active faculty, including but not limited to:

  1. Receipt of a daily blue parking permit, or annual blue permit if visiting campus frequently, at no cost. An option to upgrade to a faculty/staff permit is available at a cost equal to the difference between a blue and faculty/staff permit.
  2. Use of university computers and network.
  3. Maintenance of emeritus status in the university Banner system. This is similar to active faculty status.
  4. Use of recreation facilities (at the same fees as charged active faculty members), faculty commons, OFE, and CIRT.
  5. Admission to athletic and cultural events (at the same fees as charged active faculty).
  6. Right to participate in convocation, graduation ceremonies, and other academic events with emeritus designation.
  7. Listing in the 成人AV视频 catalog (and online directories) with emeritus designation.
  8. Use of university affiliation in all publications and other works.

Reference: Faculty Association Item 08-40; CBA Article 31.4; update FA 13-15 to include Librarians; update FA 20-31 to include instructors and lecturers.

8.8 Honorary Degrees (formerly 8.7)

Revised 4/2014 FA Item 14-19

Revised FA Item 15-43

8.8 Honorary Degrees (formerly 8.7)

Candidates for an honorary degree (LittD/Doctor of Letters; ScD/Doctor of Science; PedD/Doctor of Pedagogy) may be nominated by any dean of one of 成人AV视频's five colleges. Nominations will be accompanied by supportive data which should include (1) resume, (2) an explanation of why the award should be given, and (3) names and addresses of distinguished persons in a position to provide an objective evaluation of the recommendation. The Faculty Affairs Committee of the Faculty Association shall screen all nominees. The name of any nominee receiving approval of a two-thirds majority of the committee shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Association; upon a positive majority vote by the Executive Committee, the nomination shall be forwarded to the President of the University for consideration and disposition.

Criteria for Recognition:

  • Excellent character exemplifying ethical conduct and values consistent with the 成人AV视频; and
  • Extraordinary achievement or distinction in the arts and sciences, education, the professions, public service, philanthropy, or private enterprise; and
  • One of the following:
    • Distinction on a national or international level
    • A history of support of 成人AV视频
    • A record of distinguished contributions to the northeast Florida region

Candidates for an honorary bachelor's degree (BA or BS) may be nominated by any dean of one of 成人AV视频's five colleges. Nominations will be accompanied by supportive data which should include (1) resume, (2) an explanation of why the award should be given, and (3) names and addresses of distinguished persons in a position to provide an objective evaluation of the recommendation. The Faculty Affairs Committee of the Faculty Association shall screen all nominees. The name of any nominee receiving approval of a two-thirds majority of the committee shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Association; upon a positive majority vote by the Executive Committee, the nomination shall be forwarded to the President of the University for consideration and disposition. No member of the 成人AV视频 administration, faculty, or staff is eligible to receive an honorary bachelor from 成人AV视频. There should be a quota of no more than two honorary bachelor's degrees a year for the university.

Criteria for Recognition:

  • Character exemplifying ethical conduct and values consistent with the 成人AV视频; and
  • Achievement or distinction in the arts and sciences, education, the professions, public service, philanthropy, or private enterprise; and
  • One of the following:
    • Evidence of strong support of 成人AV视频
    • A record of contributions to the northeast Florida region