Workday FDM & Terminology FAQs
This listing of Workday Terminology will help you navigate our new system. Please utilize the Workday Support Resources if you have additional questions or need assistance.
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Foundation Data Model (FDM)
What is the Foundation Data Model?
The Foundation Data Model (FDM) is the financial structure used by Workday to capture budgets, financial transactions, and facilitate retrieval of information and financial reporting.
There is one FDM that encompasses values for all 成人AV视频 and Direct Support Organization (DSO) companies.The FDM is made up of the following elements also known as segments or Worktags:
- Company
- Key
- Division
- Fund
- Cost Center (CC)
- Program
- Designation
- Gift
- Grant
- Project
- Ledger Account
Now that 成人AV视频 and all 成人AV视频 Direct Support Organizations (DSOs) are using the same system, the Company Worktag will allow you to indicate what company you are looking at or transacting against in tasks and reports.
There are 5 Companies in our Workday tenant. You can search for them by Workday ID or by name.
Workday ID Common Name Full Company Name 成人AV视频 成人AV视频 The 成人AV视频 Board of Trustees FDN Foundation 成人AV视频 Foundation, Inc. TSI TSI The 成人AV视频 Training and Services Institute, Inc. MCA MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, Inc. FIN Financing Corp The 成人AV视频 Financing Corporation -
A Key is a shortcut in the Workday system to return a specific unique combination of FDM Worktags. Every key will reference a division, fund, cost center, and program. Some keys will also reference a designation, gift, grant, or project. Key is required on all transactions to ensure you have a valid combination of worktags. Workday will validate transactions to ensure the key and worktag values are accurate.
Key names will typically include the name of the cost center or other relevant worktags such as the designation, gift, grant, or project, and the name of the fund or type of funding.
Example Key: KEY000027 University Planning & Budget - E&G
See the in the Data Cookbook.
The Division worktag groups transactions and budgets into division categories within the University.
Division worktag elements include true University Divisions, Colleges, and some sub-units that have been called out for specific reporting needs.
Divisions are grouped into hierarchies that can be used for reporting.
Example: D100 President's Unit
Fund is an organizational worktag and is required for every financial
transaction. Fund defines what the money can be used for and how it is generated.
Fund is a “balancing” worktag that supports the production of a balanced set of
financial statements. Funds are grouped into fund hierarchies for classification and reporting. For example, a hierarchy group can be used to identify and group all Auxiliary funds.Example: FD100 Education & General (E&G)
Cost Center (CC)
Cost Center is an organizational worktag in Workday representing financial responsibility at a University-defined level of significance (similar to departments or units). Workday Financials often use Cost Center to help drive approvals and workflow in transactional business processes. Cost Center is part of the Foundational Data Model (FDM) Structure. The workday report containing a list of current Cost Centers is called Extract Cost Centers.
Cost Centers are central to capturing worker costs, budget, and transaction approvals. Each cost center will be assigned a cost center manager. The cost center is a representation of the departmental structure. Cost centers are organized into .
The cost center will have default values assigned for division, fund, and program code.
Example: CC10067 Controller
The program worktag establishes a method of classifying transactions by functionality. Each Key in Workday has one corresponding program code that identifies the primary intent of the activity.
Our local program codes correspond to the Florida Board of Governors PCS department ID codes for state reporting.
For additional information on how this is used in state reporting, please see the Florida Board of Governors .
Example: PG086 Student Financial Aid
The designation worktag adds another level of classification to budgets and transactions. Designations can be used to call out a sub-budget within a cost center. Common examples of designations are: faculty start-up funds, ORSP IPD and Development Accounts, faculty professional development funds, and internal AASA-funded research grants.
Example: DN001125 Downtown Classrooms Rent
The gift worktag signifies a foundation account. Individual foundation funds are gifts in Workday. Each gift is attached to a Cost Center to indicate what department owns or oversees the gift. Gifts will be used on the Foundation and MOCA companies.
The grant worktag indicates a funding source coming from a sponsor for a particular purpose. Most grants are managed by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). Each grant in Workday is tied to an award which contains the budget for the award. Each grant will have a Principal Investigator and a Grant Manager to monitor budget and expenses on each award. Grants are also tied to a cost center that indicates what department that grant is tied to.
Although IPDs and Development accounts were historically treated like grants, they appear in Workday as Designations instead of grants.
The project worktag indicates the individual construction project that is being referenced. Each project has its own budget. Projects are an inception-to-date worktag that may span multiple fiscal years. Projects in Workday are managed by the University Planning and Budget office in conjunction with Campus Planning and Physical Facilities.
Some DSO events may also be tagged as projects in Workday.
Ledger Account
Ledger account indicates what type of transaction is happening. Ledger accounts indicate whether a transaction is Revenue, Salary, Operating Expense, or Transfer. Ledger accounts are grouped into hierarchies called Ledger Account Summaries to help organize transactions for reporting purposes. Ledger Accounts are more summarized than in our legacy system, but the details can be further seen in revenue categories, spend categories, or expenditure treatments.
Will my index number stay the same as I had in Banner?
In Workday, we have an all-new numbering system that is completely different than what we were used to in Banner. Your ID number for your Key will not be the same as your index number you had in Banner.
Although it will take some getting used to for your new FDM values, we have a Banner Index to Workday Key Crosswalk that will help bridge the gap as we transition to Workday.
Another benefit of Workday, is that you will not have to know all your ID numbers like you did in Banner. Now FDM values will all be searchable by ID or by name, so you can type in the name or partial name of the thing you're looking for, and it should pull up that way.
How do I find a Workday key?
In Workday, run the report called 'Extract Keys.' From there you can narrow down your search by your division, cost center (similar to department), or fund. Once you run the report you can further sort and filter to find the Key(s) you need.
Is there a coding scheme for cost center ID numbers?
In Workday, Cost Centers are not smart-numbered. Each Cost Center will have a 'CC' followed by a five-digit ID number that can be used in searches within Workday. Cost Centers are also easily searched by name instead of number. The ID number itself will not indicate anything about the cost center or where it is located within the University structure.
Cost Centers are organized into groups called Cost Center Hierarchies. These hierarchies allow for dynamic routing and reporting, and allows for easy reorganization as changes happen within the University.
How do I view or change my budget in Workday?
To find out more information about viewing and amending budgets in Workday, please visit the University Planning & Budget FAQ page. -
How do I know if I need to submit a budget transfer or expense transfer?
To know whether you need to do an expense transfer or budget amendment, you should first look at your budget to actuals report. The easiest way to tell what change you need to make is by looking at where the number you want to change is located on the report. If the number you want to change is in the budget column, you should submit a budget amendment. If the number you want to change is in the Actuals column, that will need to be changed via a Manual Journal or Accounting Adjustment.
Example of a Budget Amendment:
You previously planned to allocate funding to hire a student assistant, but you did not find any suitable candidates, so you no longer want to hire a student and want to reallocate that funding to conference travel and office supplies.Example of a Manual Journal or Accounting Adjustment:
You purchased a bookshelf on your procurement card and coded the transaction to the wrong funding source. Now you want to move the transaction to a different funding source.
Positions & Position Costing
How do I submit a PAF or ePAF in Workday?
There are no more PAFs or ePAFs once we are in Workday! (Yay!) There are several other tasks directly in Workday that will perform the same functions that were previously accomplished via a PAF or ePAF. Some of those tasks are: Start Job Change, Request Compensation Change, End Job, Hire Student, Change Organization Assignments, Assign Costing Allocation, and more. All of these tasks are routed, approved, and applied all in the same system, so no more emailing forms around, or getting something approved in one system first before submitting the final step in another system. This will greatly increase the speed at which updates can be made effective in the system.
How do I request a new position number in Workday?
In Workday, position numbers are not smart-numbered like they are in Banner. So we no longer have the concept of requesting a new position number due to a different funding source type. If you need to request a brand new position in Workday, use the task called 'Create Position.' This task is only used for budgeted positions which in Workday are called Position Management type positions. For OPS lines, you will not use the 'Create Position' task. They will be assigned a position number upon hire.
From that task, you will be able to identify the details of the position and submit your request which will then route for approval. This process will be the same for staff and faculty positions. -
What is a Position Organization Assignment (POA)?
The Position Organization Assignment (POA) is the default funding source associated with a position. Every position will have only ONE default funding source key. This will be the default funding source for any travel and expense reports or purchasing transactions connected to the position. The Position Organization Assignment will also be the default funding source for payroll related to the position unless overridden by a costing allocation. (see Costing Allocations)
Some keys cannot be used as a Position Organization Assignment. Examples of keys that cannot be used for this purpose include:
- Keys attached to another company/DSO
- Gift Keys
- Grant Keys
- Designation Keys
How do I change the Position Organization Assignment for a position in Workday?
To change the Position Organization Assignment (POA) for a position, use the task called "Change Organization Assignments." -
What is a Costing Allocation?
Costing allocations are payroll funding source overrides. It is the equivalent of a labor distribution update.
Not all workers need a costing allocation. Only if they have a split funding source for their position, or their payroll needs to come from a key that is not their default funding source.
Every costing allocation must total a 100% distribution. Costing allocations can have end dates. When a costing allocation ends, payroll will revert back to the default funding source for that position. If a new costing allocation is in place, it will automatically charge payroll to the new source based on the effective date.
How do I change a Costing Allocation for a position in Workday?
To change a costing allocation for a position, use the task: Maintain Costing Allocation.
Are there any additional reporting tools outside of Workday?
More details coming soon - stay tuned!
Additional Assistance
If you need additional support, please visit the Workday Support Resources page.