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Unclaimed Property Reporting

Treasury is responsible for identifying, reporting, and remitting unclaimed property to the State of Florida Bureau of Unclaimed Property annually. This process requires coordination with several departments within the Controller's Office.

Checks are issued for various disbursement types (student refunds, financial aid, vendor remittances, payroll, and travel reimbursement). These checks become stale dated after 180 days; however, the bank may honor checks which have exceeded this timeframe.

Reports are created monthly and updated on the N Drive for each disbursement account, identifying prior months unpaid checks. Automated notification e-mails are sent monthly to payees for unpaid checks that have approached  90 days and for 3 consecutive months if remain unpaid.

During the month of January, final notification letters are mailed from Treasury to payees of outstanding checks approaching 365 days. On April 30 the Unclaimed Property Report is mailed to the State which includes the University's payment for the required amount.  

Visit   to search the State of Florida Bureau of Unclaimed Property.

For questions please contact Treasury at (904) 620-2932.