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John A. Delaney Student Union

Operational Policies

  • Access and Use

    For your safety, security, and convenience, Student Union staff conduct periodic rounds throughout the facilities. Staff must be able to enter all common and reservable spaces at any given time. Therefore, doors to all spaces must remain unlocked and free of obstruction while reservations are in progress.

    The Student Union Administration Office and/or Event Services Office should be notified in the event of an emergency. All occupants should become familiar with fire codes and safety policies. 

    All persons using the Student Union facilities are to act responsibly. Individuals who display disruptive, dangerous, or inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave.

    Failure to comply with any policies or guidelines outlined in this policy manual and/or any requests by Student Union staff may result in action by the staff to deny privileges, refer to the proper authorities, and/or assess appropriate charges.

  • Exceptions
    Requests for exceptions to any Student Union policies should be referred to the Director of the Student Union Administration. Should any inconsistencies occur between these policies and state or federal law, rule, or regulation, this policy manual shall be subordinate to the provisions of such laws, rules, and regulations.
  • Definitions

    These definitions are used to determine which billing category, liability requirements, and Student Union services that will apply. For liability reasons, a member of the User Group must be present for the entirety of reservations and directly handle any publicity or service requests.

    成人AV视频 Student Organizations and University Departments may not serve as fronts in order to circumvent policies and charges for other User Groups. The Student Union does not recognize co-sponsorships for reservations. If a Student Organization and Department are collaborating, then Departmental rental rates and policies will apply; if a Student Organization or Department is collaborating with an External Group, then External Group rates and policies will apply. If fronting is discovered, University Department or External Group charges will apply and reservation privileges will be impacted.

  • Student Organizations

    This group includes Student Government (SG) branches, agencies, and commissions, as well as all student organizations registered through and in good standing with the Osprey Involvement Center (OIC) or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL). Reservations sponsored by Student Organizations in this category must be consistent with the mission of the student organization. A valid student Osprey 1Card is required in order to check in for all reservations.

    All Student Organizations, including those associated with a 成人AV视频 college, department, school, program, center, institute, and office, must be registered and in good standing with the OIC, OFSL, or SG in order to receive Student Organization rental rates. Student Organization reservations must be requested and planned by the student members. Faculty/staff/alumni advisors are not permitted to request and plan reservations on behalf of Student Organizations.

    Student groups operated by colleges, departments, schools, programs, etc. that are not currently in good standing with OIC will be subject to University Department rental rates.

    If the reservation is free and open to all students and the University community (e.g., a club meeting), the space will be provided at the student rate (typically no cost to the organization). If the reservation has a profit motive (e.g., charging admission, requiring a donation for admission, selling items, or inviting vendors to conduct sales during the reservation), then the ticketed rate will apply (see Rental Rates).

    If donations accepted during the reservation will be given to a philanthropic organization, then the ticketed rate will not be charged. Accepting donations that go to the operating budget of the organization or requiring donations in order to attend is considered a ticketed reservation.

  • Student Government Candidates & Political Parties

    This group includes students running for Student Government Legislative or Executive Branch positions.

    Student Government candidates and political parties may only reserve 3600 rooms for campaign meetings and tabling for campaign activities during active campaigning. Qualified individuals will be verified through the Student Government Supervisor of Elections.

    A valid student Osprey 1Card is required in order to check in for all reservations.

  • University Departments

    This group includes all colleges, departments, schools, programs, centers, institutes, offices, and Business Services auxiliary contractors at the 成人AV视频, including faculty and staff associations. It also includes individual 成人AV视频 students making reservations for academic purposes.

    Reservations at the Student Union sponsored by this user group must be linked to the mission of the University (see Rental Rates).

    A valid faculty/staff or student Osprey 1Card is required in order to check in for all reservations.

  • External Groups

    This group includes businesses, groups, or individuals with no official recognition by the University, including unregistered student clubs, and faculty, staff, and students reserving space for personal, commercial, or non-成人AV视频 purposes (e.g., a family birthday party or external organization event).

    External Groups will enter a contractual Facilities Use Agreement with the Student Union Administration Office for use of the space (see Rental Rates). External Groups must provide adequate liability insurance coverage.

    A valid government-issued ID is required in order to check in for all reservations.

  • Building Partners

    Building Partners are defined as all University Departments, Student Organizations, and auxiliary services that occupy physical space in the Student Union.

  • Banners

    Banners may be displayed by Student Organizations and University Departments to promote their organization, activities, and events. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Banners may only be displayed outdoors along the Osprey Plaza 2nd and 3rd floor walkways connecting the East and West buildings and along the 3rd floor East balcony. Student Government will receive priority to hang banners on the Student Union East 3rd floor balcony. Banners facing Lot 4 must be professionally made and related to University-wide programs or initiatives.  

    Banners must be submitted ready to be hung (i.e., with pre-made holes) to the Student Union Administration Office for approval. Banner size may not exceed 7’ high by 8’ wide. Water bottles or bricks may NOT be used to weigh banners down. Pole weights inserted inside banner seams must be secured so that the weight will not fall out. Banners must be politically neutral in content and may not advertise alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

    Banners will be hung contingent on availability of space and remain up until the activity or event date passes, not to exceed fourteen (14) calendar days. After 14 calendar days, organizations will be contacted to pick up banners from the Student Union Administration Office. Banners that are not claimed within seven (7) calendar days of notification will be disposed of. Student Government banners on the balcony have no limitation for length of time to be hung.

    Requests to hang banners on buildings other than the Student Union require approval from the dean of the college where the banner will be displayed. The Student Union Administration Office is not responsible for the display, removal, or maintenance of banners on other buildings.

  • Chalking

    Chalking is not permitted on any surface of the Student Union building, seating areas, or pavers. Chalking on sidewalks is limited to sidewalks which are uncovered and exposed to rain. The substance used for chalking must be water-soluble and easily washable by water or rain.

    Chalking must be done in fully exposed, uncovered areas that can be directly washed off by rain. Chalking is prohibited on any covered walkway, stairs, or steps. All messages written with chalk must be appropriate and cannot advertise alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Chalking must be legible and bear the name of the User Group responsible for the chalking.

    Students who do not follow these policies will be referred to Student Conduct; University Departments and External Groups who do not follow these policies will be responsible for any charges related to removal of the chalk.

  • Digital Signage

    The Student Union provides digital signage for campus information and advertising. This service is available to University Departments and Student Organizations only. All digital signage requests are subject to approval before being posted. No advertisements of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or fundraising sites are permitted. Student Union activities will receive priority viewing.

    Requests must be made at least three (3) business days prior to desired posting date by contacting sumarketing@unf.edu. Dated slides (short-term) can be posted for up to fourteen (14) calendar days, or until the day after an indicated activity or event date. All long-term slides (without a scheduled ending date) are permitted to be posted for a maximum duration of thirty (30) calendar days. Slides may be resubmitted at this time or new slides for the same organization may be posted. 

  • Greek Letters

    Greek Letters must be freestanding and placed well away from walkways to prevent injury if they fall due to gusts of wind. Letters may not be leaned against trees, buildings, railings, or other permanent objects. These letters must be removed in a timely manner to preserve the turf beneath the bottom edge.

    A map of acceptable locations for Greek letters is available at the Student Union Administration Office or by emailing su.reservations@unf.edu.

    For complete signage policy see 成人AV视频’s Signage regulation.

  • Printed Materials and Posting Boards

    Printed advertisements, such as posters and fliers, of general interest to the University community and that are sponsored by a 成人AV视频 Department or Student Organization may be brought to the Student Union Administration Office for posting.

    Approved advertisements will be posted in the locked bulletin boards on the first floors of the facilities (Building 58 East: next to the Game Room and Building 58 West: next to the Food Court). Posters advertising meetings and events will be posted no earlier than fourteen (14) calendar days prior. Printed advertisements may remain on the bulletin boards for fourteen (14) calendar days or until the day after an indicated activity or event date.

    No signage of any kind may be affixed to the facility, inside or out, including walls, without prior approval from the Student Union Administration Office.

    Table tents and other printed literature from External Groups may not be placed on tables in lounges, the Osprey Plaza, the Game Room, or other common areas of the Student Union.

    Limited literature from 成人AV视频 groups may be placed in certain areas with prior approval from the Student Union Administration Office. 成人AV视频 Dining Services must approve the placement of literature on tables in the Food Court and the Boathouse.

  • Temporary Signage

    For the complete signage policy, see 成人AV视频’s Signage regulation. This service is available to University Departments and Student Organizations only. For all University Departments, temporary signage needs should be requested through 成人AV视频 Marketing and Communications at 成人AV视频: Project Requests.

    Student Government; Student Government branches, agencies, and commissions; Spinnaker Media; Registered Student Organizations; registered Greek organizations; 成人AV视频 bargaining units; and employee affinity groups desiring to post a temporary sign on campus must complete an application for a Temporary Signage Permit a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the desired date of posting temporary signage on campus.

    Any temporary signage without a Temporary Signage Permit, will result in the signage being removed by the Physical Facilities department.

    Reservations which utilize approved signage must be posted to the 成人AV视频 . Postings for any planned reservation not listed on the Calendar of Events may be subject to removal.