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John A. Delaney Student Union

Facility Policies

  • Accessibility

    If you are an individual with a disability requiring an accommodation to participate in an event, program, or service sponsored by the Student Union Administration, please contact the 904-620-2525 or su.reservations@unf.edu at least five (5) business days in advance of the activity date with the request. In accordance with University policy, the Student Union Administration Office will coordinate with the Student Accessibility Center or ADA Compliance Office, as appropriate, to provide reasonable accommodations to participants.

    For events, programs, and activities not sponsored by the Student Union Administration, individuals should contact the hosting organization to request an accommodation to participate. When made aware of a request, hosting organizations with space reservations made through the Student Union Administration should contact the Student Union event coordinator at least five (5) business days in advance. Requests for accommodations in spaces not managed by the Student Union Administration should be directed to the space owner.

    The University offers a variety of auxiliary aids and services for individuals with accessibility needs. In the Student Union, permanent building accommodations include multiple accessible restrooms on every floor, Braille on room signage, assistive listening devices in the Ballroom and Auditorium, visual aids on outdoor stairs, and automatic doors throughout both the exterior and interior of the buildings. Additionally, all Student Union reservable spaces with multi-tiered levels (including the Auditorium and Amphitheater) are accessible by ramps. 

    Visit 成人AV视频: ADA - Section 504 Coordination and Resources for more information.

  • Animals

    In accordance with 成人AV视频's Service, Assistance and Other Animals on Campus Regulation regulation, animals are not permitted on campus, with the exception of service animals trained to do work or perform tasks for persons with disabilities.

    Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or on another type of restraint while in the Student Union.

    Assistance animals, including emotional support animals, are only permitted in residence halls.

    Pets are never permitted on campus.

    User groups who wish to request an exception for a reservation hosted at the Student Union must receive prior approval from both the Student Union Administration and Environmental Health and Safety offices and follow the Animals on Campus Guidelines.

  • Appliances

    The possession or use of appliances including, but not limited to, electric griddles, electric skillets, toaster ovens, space heaters, fog machines, and Bunsen burners, is not permitted in Student Union reservable spaces. Chafing dish burners are only permitted to be used by 成人AV视频 Dining Services.

    Prior approval must be secured from both the Student Union Administration Office and Office of Environmental Health & Safety to use microwaves, grills, crock pots, or hot plates in reservable spaces, and User Groups must comply with Environmental Health & Safety guidelines. Multiple approved appliances may not be plugged in to a single outlet using a power strip.

  • Attire

    For health and safety reasons, all persons entering the Student Union must wear proper attire, which includes shirts and footwear. Individuals not wearing proper attire may be asked to leave the premises. All persons entering the Student Union must adhere to posted federal, state, local, and University requirements regarding attire.

  • Building Hours

    The Student Union Administration Office will establish building hours in consideration of the needs of the University community. Standard hours will be established for periods when classes are in session during Fall and Spring semesters. Hours may vary for holidays, intercessions, and the Summer semesters.

    Current building hours are published online.

    The Student Union Administration Office’s hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for certain holidays and closures.

  • Candles & Open Flames

    The burning of candles, incense, or any object involving an open flame is not permitted in any offices, reservable spaces, or common areas within the Student Union, unless prior approval has been received from the Student Union Administration Office and Office of Environmental Health & Safety.

  • Damage, Theft, Vandalism, and Removal of Property

    All individuals using the Student Union facilities are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure proper care of the buildings and equipment. Any costs related to repair and/or replacement of Student Union facilities and/or equipment due to damage, theft, misuse, or vandalism, whether accidental or intentional, shall be the responsibility of the User Group sponsoring the specific reservation during which the incident occurred. 

    Requests to move or remove any property purchased by and for use in the Student Union (e.g., furniture, paintings, sculptures, displays, flags, etc.) must be approved by the Student Union Administration Office in advance.

  • Emergencies

    The Student Union is committed to the safety and security of all persons in the building and has developed appropriate emergency procedures. In the event of an emergency (e.g., fire, inclement weather, or bomb threat), the Student Union follows all local, state, and federal emergency regulations.

    The Student Union facility has a state-of-the-art fire safety system. In the event of an emergency such as a fire, the fire safety system will be activated, and all occupants will be directed to exit the building until the “all-clear” is given by appropriate authorities. The elevators will not operate in the event the fire safety system is activated, and all individuals are to exit the building using the stairs. University Police Department (UPD) personnel will be responsible for evacuating any persons unable to exit using the stairs. Stryker chairs are installed at stairwells for guests who require assistance to exit via the stairs during emergencies. Occupants must follow evacuation directions provided by Student Union and UPD personnel.

    The Student Union is equipped with several automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in the case of a medical emergency, which are located in the Game Room (58E/1200) on the first floor, the Boathouse (58W/2600) on the second floor, and the Senate Chambers (58E/3200) on the third floor.

    The Student Union utilizes a lightning detection system that sends text messages to staff when lightning is detected within predetermined distances. For the safety of all attendees and staff, the Student Union will suspend or cancel outdoor reservations according to the below parameters.

    • “Advisory” = Lightning activity has been detected within a 30-mile radius. Severe weather may be coming soon. Student Union Administration staff will continue to monitor weather conditions and additional texts.
    • “Warning” = Lightning activity has been detected within a 10-mile radius. All outdoor reservations will be suspended. All attendees and staff must seek shelter indoors (or to vehicles if building shelter not available).
    • “ALL CLEAR” = A full 30 minutes has passed since the last lightning strike within the “warning” area. Normal outdoor activities and reservations may resume at the discretion of Student Union Administration staff.
  • Filming and Photography

    Any requests to film or photograph in Student Union spaces must be sent to the Student Union Administration Office in advance for approval and must be in accordance with University policies.

  • Gambling

    Gambling is not permitted in the Student Union in accordance with the 成人AV视频 Student Code of Conduct:

    “11. Gambling

    • Engaging in an unlawful game of chance for money or for anything of value on University premises (including the residence halls) or at any non-sanctioned affair sponsored by a student or student

    • Placing an unlawful wager on a University or non-University team or organization in a competition, with a direct influence in the success of the competition.”

  • Golf Carts

    In accordance with the University’s Gas and Electric Powered 成人AV视频 Service Vehicles policy, golf carts can only be operated by 成人AV视频 employees who have completed Golf Cart Training or authorized contractors/vendors.

    Drivers must abide by the Cart Policy Map, which restricts access to red-zone areas between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., with the exception of emergencies and special deliveries. Authorization to enter a red zone, including Osprey Plaza, must be obtained in writing from department heads.

    Golf carts can only be parked in the Student Union Loading Dock area and other established parking zones. Golf carts are not authorized to park outside of the Food Court patio. Golf carts are not authorized to drive through outdoor spaces, including Osprey Plaza, Coxwell Amphitheater, Union Lawn, Veterans Plaza, Peace Plaza, and the Green, during scheduled reservations except in emergencies.

    Any golf carts that are not in compliance will be reported to the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.

  • Guests

    Activities in the Game Room and those sponsored by 成人AV视频 Student Organizations are designed for, and oftentimes funded through sources restricted to, the benefit and enjoyment of the 成人AV视频 community. Although guests of 成人AV视频 students and personnel are typically welcome, usage of persons not affiliated with the University is limited so that 成人AV视频 students are not restricted in their use of the building or involvement in events.

    Individuals without a valid Osprey 1Card are restricted from using the facilities or services in the Student Union, unless using services of individual businesses, such as the 成人AV视频 Bookstore or Food Court, or attending an approved open reservation.

    Students who present their valid Osprey 1Card are permitted to bring one guest with them to the Game Room at a time. Student Union employees who are actively working may not sponsor a guest in the Game Room.

    All visitors must provide upon request a government-issued photo ID while in the Student Union facilities. Visitors under the age of 18 who do not have a photo ID must be accompanied by someone who can show a photo ID. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the Student Union without adult supervision.

    成人AV视频 students are responsible for all actions of their guests. Guests must abide by the lawful directions given to them by 成人AV视频 staff and the University Police Department.

  • Hallways and Stairwells

    In compliance with fire and safety codes, hallways and stairwells must be free and clear of unauthorized items. An unauthorized item is defined as anything that is not a permanent Student Union item, such as a trash receptacle. Easels, display boards, donation boxes, and other items are not to be placed in hallways and stairwells without prior approval from the Student Union Administration Office.

  • Internet Access

    The Student Union is equipped with wireless internet. are available online to register for network access.

  • Lights

    During normal operating hours, general lobby lights will be on. All offices and indoor reservable spaces are equipped with sensor lights. For the safety and security of all patrons, appropriate emergency lights are required to be on in all areas. The Green and Coxwell Amphitheater are equipped with flood and stage lights, which can be turned off if requested during the reservation process. The Osprey Plaza has minimal exterior lighting from the surrounding buildings. All other outdoor spaces are not equipped with exterior lighting.

  • Loading Dock

    The Student Union Loading Dock is located at the north side of the West building. The Loading Dock is intended for the use of persons or companies delivering and picking up items or servicing equipment or spaces in the Student Union only. Company vehicles making deliveries should be clearly marked; otherwise, drivers in non-marked vehicles must contact the Student Union Administration Office for parking instructions. Vehicles must not block either compactor or any golf cart parking.

    General parking is not permitted in the Loading Dock area. Vehicles should be moved to a designated University parking location away from the Loading Dock when the loading or unloading is complete. Visitors must purchase a valid permit from a Pay-by-Plate kiosk or a virtual permit from the flowbird app if necessary. The Student Union is not responsible for any parking citations vehicles receive while in the Loading Dock.

  • Lost and Found

    The Student Union Administration Office maintains a courtesy lost and found service for items found in and around the facility. Guests may bring found items to the Student Union Administration Office, Game Room , or Event Services Office to be entered into lost and found. The Student Union Administration Office is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of personal or organizational property, and compensation will not be provided for lost, stolen, or damaged property, including items turned into the lost and found service.

    All lost and found items are recorded and can be claimed at the Student Union Administration Office Monday through Friday during regular office hours. Any items not claimed within thirty (30) calendar days will be donated or disposed of. Perishable and certain personal items may be disposed of if not claimed within one (1) business day.

    Missing items such as Osprey 1Cards, wallets, keys, phones, computers, etc. are turned over to the University Police Department (UPD). Immediately call UPD’s Lost and Found at (904) 620-2367 if you have lost one of these items. Osprey 1Cards left in the Game Room will be held until one hour before closing, at which time staff will turn the card over to UPD.

  • Panhandling

    Panhandling and/or begging is prohibited in and around the Student Union and affiliated spaces.

  • Parking

    All visitors parking on the 成人AV视频 campus must have a daily virtual permit through Parking Services Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and sometimes on weekends if there is a special event on campus.To verify special events, users are responsible for consulting the 成人AV视频 

    General visitor parking with a daily virtual permit is available in the Blue and Gray Lots on campus, such as Garage 38 (floors 2-4 in white-lined spaces only) on the east side of the Student Union building, as well as in Lot 18. Additional Blue and Gray lots can be found using the . 

    Twenty-minute loading and vendor spaces are available in Lot 4 directly in front of the Student Union. Vendors must be in a company-marked car.

    Recurring reservations or those held between 5 p.m. Friday and 7 a.m. Monday (weekends) are subject to parking charges based on the number of vehicles associated with the reservation. User Groups may be eligible to purchase a lump sum buy-out of parking rights for a reservation. The Student Union Event Coordinator will relay parking buy-out information to the User Group; however, the User Group must confirm all parking requests through Parking Services. The purchase of parking permits and buy-outs is a requirement for reservations.

    The Student Union is not responsible for any parking tickets received. Visit the Parking Services website for more information on parking and permits.

  • Personal Sound Devices

    Personal devices such as cellphones, tablets, computers, video games, instruments, or other sound devices should be used with personal earphones in the public areas of the Student Union, including outdoor spaces. Use of sound must be approved in advance by the Student Union Administration Office. Sound in outdoor spaces requires a reservation and pre-approval through the Student Union Administration Office.

  • Property Responsibility

    The Student Union Administration Office is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of personal or organizational property. Visitors should take appropriate care of such items.

  • Smoking

    Per 成人AV视频’s Smoke-Free Campus Initiative regulation, the University is a designated smoke-free campus. Therefore, the act of smoking, including vaping, as well as the sale or distribution of smoking products, is prohibited on all University-controlled properties. This includes recreational facilities, residential buildings, parking lots and garages.

  • University Contracts

    All activities held within the Student Union’s jurisdiction must support existing University agreements and guidelines with regard to vendors, services, and products, including food service. Information on general University vendors can be found through Procurement Services

  • Vehicles

    Vehicles such as cars, trucks, or buses are not permitted in any area other than designated roadways and parking spaces.

    Pre-approval must be given by the Student Union Administration Office, in consultation with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, for vehicles to be driven or parked on grass or concrete (including the Osprey Plaza). Approved vehicles must only be parked in the specific area designated by the Student Union Administration Office. Vehicles are never permitted to drive over or park on the brick pavers in Osprey Plaza.

    Wheeled recreational vehicles (except for wheelchairs, motorized accessibility equipment, and University Police Department segways and bikes), including but not limited to skateboards, scooters, in-line skates and bicycles, are not permitted in the Student Union, Osprey Plaza, or on the Amphitheater stage.

    Electric scooters and bicycles may not be brought inside the Student Union buildings under any circumstances.

  • Weapons and Explosives

    The 成人AV视频 Student Code of Conduct prohibits the possession of firearms, weapons, or destructive devices on University property, which includes the Student Union facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, razor blades, box cutters, dirks, knives (other than a common pocketknife, plastic knife, or blunt-bladed table knife), metallic knuckles, slingshots, billies, tear gas guns, chemical weapons or devices, or other deadly weapons.

    All law enforcement officials are excluded from this policy.

    No fireworks or other incendiary devices are permitted unless approval has been secured through the Office of Environmental Health and Safety and Student Union Administration. All persons must adhere to posted federal, state, local, and University requirements.

  • Windows and Doors

    No items may be displayed in or affixed to exterior windows or fire-rated doors in the Student Union. This includes posters, signage, stickers, flyers, flags, and other items.

    Window painting is not permitted. Small trinket items on window ledges to decorate interior offices are permitted. Easels with signage facing exterior windows are permitted.

    Fire-rated doors may not be propped open or blocked by furniture or other objects.

  • Keys

    All doors in the Student Union use an Intellikey maintained by the University Lock Shop. Requests for keys must be made through the Physical Facilities website. Departments heads are responsible for determining who should receive keys for their areas.

    If keys are lost, replacement charges assessed by the Lock Shop will be the responsibility of the Building Partner, as indicated on the Key Request Form. Lost or misplaced keys must be immediately reported first to the University Police Department to obtain a case number. A new Key Request Form must be submitted to the Lock Shop with the approval of the Director of the Student Union.

    Keys should be returned to the Lock Shop upon an individual’s termination of employment from the University.

  • 24-Hour Access

    All department heads and appropriate professional staff, student staff, and student leaders, as determined by the Student Union Administration Office and the respective department, will be granted 24-hour access to the Student Union and their respective offices. For security protocols, the Director of the Student Union receives notification for all 24-hour access key requests. All requesters must review and sign the 24-hour access agreement form, if granted access.

    The Student Union Administration acknowledges that co-curricular activities housed in the Student Union may dictate a need to occupy individual offices or administrative space beyond routine operating hours. To provide a safe and secure environment, the following measures have been established to permit “after hours” occupation of identified space:

    1. All individuals granted “after hours” access must abide by the appropriate rules and regulations of this privilege. “After hours” privileges expire with the termination of the individual’s respective position that required such. “After hours” access will be provided through the individual’s Intellikey. Specific exterior access will be based on the location of the individual’s office.
    2. Individuals granted “after hours” access to space may only occupy the designated space affiliated with their Department, Student Organization, or auxiliary service. Designated space also includes the use of the restrooms, hallways, stairways, and elevators for the purpose of movement from the exterior of the building to the designated space. Loitering in common areas, such as hallways, lounges, etc., is not permitted.
    3. Individuals granted “after hours” access to space must always carry photo identification.
    4. “After hours” access to space is limited to the approved individual only.
    5. All Student Union policies apply to “after hours” occupation of the building. This includes, but is not limited to, policies regarding smoking, alcohol and other drugs, weapons, animals, and parking. All violations of the Rights and Responsibilities listed in the 成人AV视频 Student Handbook will be reported to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
    6. Approved individuals not in compliance with policies will lose “after hours” access privilege. Individuals granted “after hours” access must agree to be responsible for their personal safety, as well as the security of the approved designated space. Individuals must evacuate the building if the alarm system is activated and remain outside the facility until University Police Department personnel indicate that it is safe to return to the facility.
    7. The University Police Department has an identified presence in the Student Union and has access to a list of all approved individuals with “after hours” access via the Lock Shop. Individuals present in the building “after-hours” should anticipate requests to show identification to University Police and Student Union Administration staff. Those unable to provide identification will be asked to leave.
    8. The Director of the Student Union will interpret and enforce the tenets of “after hours” access rules and regulations. A decision to revoke an approved individual’s “after hours” access privilege may be appealed to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
  • Building Signage

    Building Partners are included on all Student Union directory signage. Additional directional signage is also located throughout the Student Union. All signage displayed in the Student Union must align with the policies outlined in this manual.

  • Changes to Space

    The Student Union Administration can assist departments in identifying the appropriate procedures for making changes to office spaces. Requests will be reviewed with appropriate campus partners to ensure that all changes meet building code requirements and comply with the warranty for building systems and equipment. The requesting department will be responsible for all costs associated with any modifications, changes, or alterations.

    For requests involving major modifications, contact the Student Union Administration Office at 904-620-2525 or su.reservations@unf.edu.

  • Facilities Protocol

    The Student Union Administration is responsible for coordinating with Physical Facilities regarding any facilities-related issues including, but not limited to, heating and cooling, plumbing, lighting, electrical, and minor maintenance problems.

    成人AV视频 Physical Facilities is responsible for the maintenance of the Student Union buildings and surrounding grounds.

    Business Services vendors are responsible for the cleanliness of their respective areas.

  • Hours of Operation

    The hours of operation for each Building Partner’s area should fall within the normal operating hours of the Student Union. If staff that have not been granted “after hours” access must remain in the building after normal operating hours, please notify the Student Union Administration Office staff prior to 5 p.m. that day so that building staff can be notified.

    The Student Union is only responsible for coordinating the lock/unlock schedule to the building’s main exterior entrances. Auxiliary services, such as Dining Services and Bookstore, and other Building Partners are responsible for their own schedules and access to their respective areas within the Student Union.

  • Recycling

    The University recycles all office cardboard and mixed white papers. Mixed paper should be placed in the recycling bins that will be provided in each office suite within the Student Union. Plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass should be deposited in the trash receptacles located in public areas.

  • Reporting Maintenance Issues

    Individual offices should submit work orders for routine or minor maintenance or custodial needs of their department. Please notify the Student Union Administration of any planned facility projects, or major facility or custodial concerns.

    Problems or concerns about common areas, event spaces, lounges, or programming spaces should be reported to the Student Union Administration by calling 904-620-2525 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or 904-620-5398 outside of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (during normal building hours).

    In the event of a maintenance emergency, during normal business hours call Physical Facilities at (904) 620-2483, or after hours call UPD at 911 (from a campus phone) or (904) 620-2800 (from a cell phone).

  • Routine Maintenance

    Physical Facilities staff will perform routine cleaning of all common areas and lounge spaces within the facilities daily. This includes sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning glass and tables, cleaning and sanitizing restrooms, stocking paper supplies, and emptying trash and recycling containers.

    Student Union staff will conduct regular inspections of all spaces to identify unusually soiled carpets, walls needing touch-up paint, missing or damaged ceiling tiles, and any other significant issues that need to be addressed.

    Building Partners are also encouraged to report problems to the Student Union Administration so that they can be resolved as quickly as possible.

    Physical Facilities and/or the Student Union Administration will charge for any labor and parts for work that are beyond normal wear and ordinary use or the result of vandalism or negligence. If a charge is necessary, this will be discussed in advance with the appropriate department head.

  • Wall Decorations

    Physical Facilities staff will provide assistance with hanging pictures, plaques, and artwork. Physical Facilities will identify the appropriate method for hanging these items and then perform the work or advise on an appropriate third-party vendor.

    Requests can be made through FAMIS on the MyWings portal or by emailing pfwork@unf.edu with the request details, including room number and any necessary attachments. Requests of this nature may take several days to be completed, based upon other priority issues of the Student Union. Tools and other maintenance equipment are unavailable for loan.