Academic Coaching, Workshops and Resources
Academic Coaching
SASS offers one-on-one academic coaching appointments on a variety of topics that can help you be a better student. These appointments can be scheduled online or in person via Microsoft Bookings. We book appointments for 45 minutes at a time.
Popular coaching topics include:
- How to study in college
- Time management tools
- Mastering a routine
- Getting organized
- Preparing for exams
- Presentation skills
Academic Coaching is NOT tutoring. For content-specific questions/homework assistance, please consider taking advantage of our free Tutoring Program. For more information, please contact us at
Meet the Coaches

Abigail Remke
Civil Engineering with certificate in Coastal and Port
Minor in Leadership and Math
Graduation: Spring 2025
Zeta Tau Alpha, Hicks Honors College, Order of Omega, Surf Team, Lacrosse Team, American Society of Civil Engineering, Society of Women Engineers

Isabel Montesanti
Behavioral Neuroscience
Graduation: Spring 2026
I am a member of Alpha Chi Omega and Medlife. I like to read, go to the gym, and hang out with my friends.

Katherine Harlamor
Graduation: Fall 2025
American Chemical Society (ACS)
"I am a super passionate chemistry student who loves reading, cats, and discovering new coffee shops."
Academic Resources
Academic resources are designed to help students build and develop critical academic skills. If you have ever wanted to sharpen your study skills, or make a better plan to manage your time, these programs and documents would be a good investment! Each resource is designed to give you something to walk away with- a study plan, a self-diagnosis, a learning assessment, and more. All resources are created by staff and trained students who have shown the ability to preserve and be successful at 成人AV视频.
- If you are a faculty member and would like academic coaching content in your course, click to access PDF Resources to import to any of your Canvas courses, or to request an in-class workshop!
- Faculty and staff can reach out to to request a tailored resource, designed to meet specific needs and preferences
Short-form videos on all our scholarly topics are coming soon. These bite-sized videos will walk you through some quick tips and advice. Look out for announcements in the Osprey Update when those become available!
Workshop Topics
Academic success workshops are in-person, interactive, and engaging with opportunities for questions and feedback. To request a workshop for your students or a student group, please fill out this form:
SASS: Who We Are and What We Do!
In this workshop we introduce our SASS services, such as tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic coaching and academic resources on academic skills and strategies. The workshop explains how and where to access our services and how to benefit from them.
College life: Let’s Figure it out
This workshop will help students improve their organization and study skills, which are essential for academic success. They will learn how to manage their time, set goals, prioritize tasks, take notes, and use effective strategies for memorizing and reviewing information.
Why Procrastination Doesn’t Work
In this workshop we will show how procrastination affects students and what strategies they can use to overcome it. They will also practice some techniques to manage time, and to organize assignments and tasks.
Using Planning Tools for Academic Success
Academic planning tools are essential for students who want to achieve their academic goals and manage their time effectively. In this workshop, students will learn how to use various tools such as calendars, planners, trackers, and apps to organize tasks, and prioritize assignments.
Mastering a Routine
This workshop provides tools, and helps students develop skills and habits for academic success.
Getting Involved on Campus
This workshop is an opportunity for students to enrich their college experience by learning about the different types of opportunities available, such as clubs based on interest and major, organizations, events, and more.
Exam tips 101: Strategies for Success
In this workshop students will learn how to study and avoid procrastination before the test, how to manage their time and stress during exams, and learn practical tools and strategies to achieve success on the test.
Pursue Success- Advocates are Here for You!
In this presentation, students will learn about the Student Success Advocacy department, who they are, and what they do. Students will be encouraged to connect with campus resources, develop personal and academic skills, and complete an activity centered around how they swoop to success.